Dj Creations Wedding Dj Entertainment Experience Greece

Dj Creations Wedding Dj Entertainment Experience Greece Wedding Dj Entertainment Experience in Greece Wedding Entertainment Experience in Greece

Todays office. The season just begun and we are Very glad for that

Todays office. The season just begun and we are Very glad for that

One day visit. New business development after C-19 era.

One day visit. New business development after C-19 era.

Holy Week, in the Christian church,the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, observed with special solemnity as a time of...

Holy Week, in the Christian church,the week between Palm Sunday and Easter, observed with special solemnity as a time of devotion to the Passion of
Jesus Christ. In the Greek and Roman liturgical books, it is called the Great Week because great deeds were done by God during this week. The name Holy Week was used in the 4th century by St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, and St. Epiphanius of Constantia.
Originally, only Good Friday and Holy Saturday were observed as holy days.Later, Wednesday was added as the day on which Judas plotted to betray Jesus,
and by the beginning of the 3rd century the other days of the week had been added.
The pre-Nicene church concentrated its attention on the celebration of one great
feast, the Christian Passover, on the night between Saturday and Easter Sunday morning. By the later 4th century the practice had begun of separating the
various events and commemorating them on the days of the week on which they occurred: Judas’s betrayal and the institution of the Eucharist on Maundy Thursday; the Passion and death of Christ on Good Friday; his burial on Saturday; and his Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Holy Week is celebrated from Monday,
April 18 to Saturday, April 23 in 2022.

Today being the start of Holy week, many expect good wishes from their friends, family members, and their loved ones, hence, a need for us to compile one for our lovely followers.

Spread the joy and warmth in your hearts to everyone this Easter. I hope this Easter brings promotion and success to your life.Wishing you a very happy and blessed Holy Week and a Happy Easter.

While brides usually take charge of wedding planning, it's important to remember: Grooms, it's your day, too! And whethe...

While brides usually take charge of wedding planning, it's important to remember: Grooms, it's your day, too! And whether a groom takes an active or backseat role in planning, the engagement period can be just as stressful and confusing for him as it is for his bride. Grooms are expected to support and assist their fiancees, even if she has taken charge of the details – leaving many grooms uncertain regarding how to stay involved (or wondering if they should remain in the background).

Alternatively, some grooms have strong opinions
about the details of their wedding, resulting
in conflict with their soon-to-be wives.

There's no better person to turn to for advice
than someone who has been in your shoes. So, we
gathered some of the best words of wisdom offered by men who have just wrapped up their own weddings.

These former grooms have been through the challenges that plague every groom, and they know exactly how to deal with them. Future grooms, listen up: Class is now in session!

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Futureweds Pastweds Grooms and Brides show us your love by Droping us a BIG LIKE and your thoughts in the comments.That is helping us to make this kind of content

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Grooms please pass this to your motherIt's finally happening. Your son is about to become a husband! That statement alon...

Grooms please pass this to your mother

It's finally happening. Your son is about
to become a husband! That statement alone
is jam packed with emotions, but add in
the stress of planning a wedding and you
have more than enough to push a newly
engaged couple's parents over the edge.
Though the bride's family definitely
needs to brace themselves for impact,
parents of the groom who want to play
a part can feel the pressure, too.

We'll be honest, as the mother of the groom,
you're stuck in an odd spot. On one hand,
you don't have a ton of traditional duties
compared to the bride and her mother.
On the other hand, you want to feel a part
of the process, and a lack of defined
responsibilities can leave you wondering
how much your help is needed. Though every
mother of the groom's duties will vary based
on the bride's planning process and how involved
you actually want to be (if you get the feeling
bridezilla's coming out of the closet, you may
rethink your role), it's important to set expectations
and understand where you fit into the puzzle.

If the bride and her mother are in the driver's seat,
there are a few non-overbearing ways to be along for the ride while following the appropriate wedding etiquette. Here are some ways to play your mother of the groom role perfectly.

(Psst: Grooms, discreetly pass this along to your Mothers!)

they will thank you later...

Futureweds Pastweds Grooms and Brides show us your love by Droping us a BIG heart and your thoughts in the comments.

That is helping us to make this kind of content

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I can remember in my early years my father, he was a cinematographer and he was only listening to good music in every ge...

I can remember in my early years my father, he was a cinematographer and he was only listening to good music in every genre that was searching either It was Greek or foreign. Because of his work lots of records with soundtracks were every day in my baby ears. I can remember listening to Maria Callas and I remembered that I didn’t like that kind of music because it was like hearing some one that hurts and she was screaming.

Later on 1987 I remember the Olympic Games I knew Queen and Freddie Mercury and I have learnt Montserrat Caballé, I had memories form Maria Callas and in that song I didn’t liked her either.

Years passed like water and I remembered high school years with my classmates at a local shop with electronic arcade games and American and French billiard and us trying to learn American Billiard and how to cue the white ball. There was a digital juke box with cd and it played hits from the decade best of etc. Suddenly I heard a song that after 10 years I’ve learnt that was HIjo de la luna (son of the moon) by Mecano and I don’t know I felt like a lighting hit me. Every day for years when I was playing American pool I putted a coin in the jukebox to hear it.

On day after years at the College I heard a cover of that Song by Montserrat Caballé and she was the reason with Callas that I have learnt about Opera and Lyric scene and I felt gratitude to my father that taught me that genre of music and changed my whole world.

Today is 89 years of the birth of Monserrat Caballé and 4 years after her death

"María de Montserrat Bibiana Concepción Caballé i Folch12 April 1933 – 6 October 2018) was a Spanish operatic soprano. She sang a wide variety of roles, but is best known as an exponent of the works of Verdi and of the bel canto repertoire, notably the works of Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti. She was noticed internationally when she stepped in for a performance of Donizetti's Lucrecia Borgia at Carnegie Hall in 1965, and then appeared at leading opera houses. Her voice was described as pure but powerful, with superb control of vocal shadings and exquisite pianissimo.
Caballé became popular to non-classical music audiences in 1987, when she recorded, at the request of the International Olympic Committee, "Barcelona", a duet with Freddie Mercury, which became an official theme song for the 1992 Olympic Games. She received several international awards and also Grammy Awards for a number of her recordings." Wikipedia

In order to build a solid foundation for your marriage, treat your engagement as a practice round for lifelong partnersh...

In order to build a solid foundation for your marriage, treat your engagement as a practice round for lifelong partnership, and make everything involving your wedding a joint effort. Although the process will ultimately be a collaboration, there are certain tasks that traditionally fall to the groom.

(Psst: Brides, discreetly pass this along to your fiancés!) they will thank you later...

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Futureweds Pastweds Grooms and Brides show us your love by Droping us a BIG heart and your thoughts in the comments.That is helping us to make this kind of content

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There are countless ways grooms can get involved in wedding planning. The big ones are no surprise: getting his suit fit...

There are countless ways grooms can get involved
in wedding planning. The big ones are no surprise:
getting his suit fitted, writing his vows, and
helping pick a first-dance song, to name a few.
Smaller gestures like leaving notes for his
bride or taking her out dancing, are less
established but make a big difference too!
We asked veteran Brides their advice and
we gathered the top pre-wedding "must do"
list for grooms.

(Psst: Brides, discreetly pass this along
to your fiancés!) they will thank you later...

Futureweds Pastweds Grooms and Brides show
us your love by Droping us a BIG LIKE and
your thoughts in the comments.
That is helping us to make this kind of content
that helps you!

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Please follow us and give as a ♥️

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To ensure that your wedding is perfect for you, you must sort out all of the details. Expenses are an important topic th...

To ensure that your wedding is perfect for you,
you must sort out all of the details. Expenses
are an important topic that must be addressed
before the wedding day. Doing so will make your
wedding planning much more manageable and comfortable.

Undoubtedly, setting a wedding budget is one of the most important aspects of wedding planning. But, before you can determine how much you can afford to pay for your wedding, you must first decide who will pay for it.

Things can be a little different these days because
not everyone follows wedding etiquette. A lot of couples prefer to pay for their wedding expenses, which is fine.
Some families divide things more equally, while others do not.

There is no hard and fast rule for who pays for what in a wedding these days. Whatever works best for you is the best option these days. You must do what is best for yourself and your family. On the other hand, the list that follows is the traditional way of what Brides pays for what in her weddings.

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We couldn't find photos from the morning setup but it's ok for us. When a couple comes to us the first thing we want to ...

We couldn't find photos from the morning
setup but it's ok for us. When a couple
comes to us the first thing we want to
know is when the wedding reception is
and where is the place of the wedding
reception. Those two facts help us to
see if we have availability and that
will go on the conversation. There
are factors that determine our services
and their value so we are asking for a
zoom skype etc meeting to find out how
you are dreaming your reception and if
you want to make the investment on us
for your wedding party because you have
a vision for that and you know that we
are the most crucial wedding service
after your venue and photographers-
videographers. On our zoom meeting that
will be 45-60 minutes long and there
we are going to find out the possibility
to work together with you and to make your
party a wow factor that your photographer
and videographer will capture full packed
dancefloor, everyone is dancing and enjoying
themselves and celebrating with you all
night your love. We will give enough time
but not much more time because our type of
services depend on demand on specific dates
so we have the first comes first served policy
for those couples that they are looking the
best entertainment services because all
entertainment services are not equal and
that's why some of them deserves more of
your budget than others. We will send you
our private agreement that says all the
things we've discussed. You have one week
to read it, understand it and agree with the
terms and then transfer your deposit. By that
moment magic starts and you have booked our
services for your date. In this photo you see
a couple that wanted the full bouquet of our
services, Music on ceremony by live performers,
on reception floor fireworks, live performers
at cocktail time and on dinner time, creations
mirror photo booth, truss support for lighting
on dancefloor, uplighting on the garden area,
strings and fairy lights and a fantastic DJ to
rock the dancefloor and the guests. From the
time that magic starts and till the moment from
the picture that you see we support our couples
and we are by their side in every need that
they have till the last leaves the wedding party.

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The year 2017 was a milestone year for Dj Creations, that year the management took some hard decisions that had to be ta...

The year 2017 was a milestone year for Dj Creations, that year the management took some hard decisions that had to be taken earlier but better late than never. We’ve started to make wise decisions on how we wanted our couples to remember us and we wanted to be chosen for what we were doing and not on what we’ve charged our services. So we looked at the future and we go again back to school, started our journey back on 1996 we have learned lot of things and on 2012 we were learning things only on technical area and not on business area and that was a time bomb that was ticking on our hands. It took us five years to find out where we were and where we wanted to go and that was real hard in the beginning to remove the old knowledge and to choose what new knowledge to take and how to manage it. So we started to take new lessons and develop new skills on every crucial area. It made clear to us that the key was not only our talented DJs or our Creative Lighting designers, or our charismatic technicians, or our clear sound, or our breathtaking lights on dance floor etc. If we wanted to lead again the entertainment Industry in Greece we had to go another mile further and to give all our energy to couples that needed our help. That time we knew that it was the best decision we took over the years and we promised ourselfs to give an awesome lifetime experience to every couple that trusted - choose us and invest on us to make for them the best party that they have attended – and that was their wedding party.
We want to show our gratitude to those couples that selected us to be one of their beloved vendors and to helped them in anyway with their reception. Kudos to all futurwed couples that are going to choose us and it would be a real pleasure to help them. Futurewed remember we are here by your side and ready to help you!

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The average destination wedding in Greece costs somewhere around 30000€-40000€ (and that number is much higher in major ...

The average destination wedding in Greece
costs somewhere around 30000€-40000€
(and that number is much higher in major islands across Greece). The old-school etiquette books would dictate that the parents of the bride should foot most of the bill for the wedding but the reality is that most couples end up working together with their families to cover the cost.

Of course it’s not always possible for families
to contribute much so many couples opt to cover expenses themselves. By the way, there’s an upside to covering it all yourself: Complete freedom to do whatever you want with your wedding and invite whomever you want!

All that said, it really comes down to you,
your partner, and your family's unique situations. Here, we’ll lay out what the traditional wedding etiquette books say and then offer up some suggestions as to how to think about each category.

So there are some things that Grooms has to pay...

In this guide you will find 7 things that groom and his family has to contribute financially

Find the whole guide

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There are no words to describe how do we feel as Dj Creations when a couple that we helped for their wedding reception i...

There are no words to describe how do we feel as Dj Creations when a couple that we helped for their wedding reception is leaving us so kind words for our company, for our people - our partners a review for our services.
Things are easy for us, about one year ago Manos and Silia planed their wedding reception on June but the corona virus era sanked their effort and they had to rescheduled the date, the venue and other vendors that were not so helpful to them.
From the first moment that they came to us they told us about their fears and how they wanted their party to be. We gave them ideas on how we could help them and what is the best for them.
We gained their trust from the beginning and they booked us, as we had more meeting we knew them every time better and better and when they gave as all informations that we need it our partner Nick desided what was the best Dj for their needs.
Everything was ok and everyone were excited for the party until the Greek Government desided the ridiculous measure for Covid for both vaccinated and not vaccinated for open or closed spaces that music is allowed but dancing is not allowed. So the couple rescheduled the time and things came up not good with lot of vendors. For us in Dj Creations when someone is booking us we are booked for the date and 10 days before the event we get paid for our services. On our private contract we manage that kind of contretemps with fair contract terms for both sides. So when Manos and Silia told us their wedding adventures we were there for them to help them, support them and advice them what are the best options for them. The rest is history and the Party was great and beyond their expectations. Thank you Manos and Silia for your kind words for us in Dj Creations always is business and pleasure all the time.

Hidden wedding costs can sneak up on even the most diligent of couples. It’s easy to forget to check whether a supplier’...

Hidden wedding costs can sneak up on
even the most diligent of couples.
It’s easy to forget to check whether
a supplier’s service charge is included,
for example… Only to find out a week
before your wedding that you need to
cough up an extra few hundred Euros!

So what should you look out for? Well,
luckily for you, we’ve asked our experts a
nd got the inside scoop. Read on to find
out the hidden wedding costs you’d never
think the budget for. We promise your
wallet will thank you!

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With the average cost of a wedding around 30,000€ marriage is one of the most expensive things most couples will ever pa...

With the average cost of a wedding around 30,000€ marriage is one of the most expensive things most couples will ever pay for after college and an apartment. That’s why it’s important to raise your first estimated budget up to 30% before you begin to look at venues or start dress shopping. You should know exactly how much cash you have to spend in each area, and establish a ‘buffer’ just in case.

The most expensive items on your budget will likely be the venue, wedding entertainment, Photographer, Videographer, Bar catering. However, there are many ‘hidden costs’ that most brides and grooms to be don’t know about. If you fail to account for these, your day might end up a lot more expensive than you’ve planned for.

We’ve made a list about the most commonly overlooked fees associated with a wedding. Factor these into your budget, and you won’t end up with any nasty surprises.

Find out the whole story on our Instagram account

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So, you’re planning a wedding. Congrats! You just got hired to manage one of the most significant days in you and your p...

So, you’re planning a wedding. Congrats! You just got hired to manage one of the most significant days in you and your partner’s life. Take a deep breath. Lucky for you, this is a group project, and you can still get an A (and by "A", I mean get married) without doing all of the work. This guide will help you visualize what you need to do,

These days the number one trend in weddings is to have a unique wedding party that personifies your taste and your style.

Plan smarter not harder by choosing your wow vendors dream team for your reception.

Nothing less than a wow wedding reception!

That top five vendors is the best investment of your life after your studies.

Find out how to make unique wedding reception and the team that is going to help you to make your vision alive.

More details on our Instagram account

You’re newly engaged and you’ve come to the biggest moment of your life your wedding day! As a couple, your wedding is b...

You’re newly engaged and you’ve come to the biggest moment of your life your wedding day! As a couple, your wedding is both a celebration and a way to tell a story to your guests. Every element, effect, and detail, points back to you and your other half and helps to share the beauty of who you are as a couple, and this is why it is important to know what wow factors to look for and incorporate into your wedding party.

Choosing the right wow factors will separate your wedding from the hundreds of others with the same old same old while also telling guests who YOU are and what you’re all about.

So here is a small guide with seven big ideas and examples to help you create the wedding party of your dreams and of the decade and leave your guests with memories they’ll never forget!

Find the whole story Here:

Drop me a BIG heart and your thoughts in the comments.

Which ones you are going to use at your wedding party?


Ελ Βενιζέλου 3

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00


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