Suncord Audiolab 2.0 LOADING
After 6 months of struggling with chaos and despair, it's finally happening. I am excited to announce that Suncord Audiolab will be moving to a new place near the center of Ioannina in a few months and will finally become a complete recording studio. Three rooms for now and a 4th multifunction room is in my plans. To all those who have been supporting and helping me during the last months, much love and respect. Hopefuly this will become a creative home for all of us.
14 years after their crucial debut "An Existence Regain" and after a couple of months in my mixing desk their new album is almost ready to be delivered. No Hand Path are back.
Crimson Moon "To Embrace the Vampyric Blood", 30 years anniversary, DLP release by Oneiric Terror Records!
Just finished working on the new magnificent, misanthropic creation of Isolert. News conserning the release of their 3rd long awaited album are coming soon.
Here's a new video of me presenting the latest releases I received and I was involved one way or another: mastering, mastering for vinyl pressing, mixing or producing.
Floga Records The Circle Music OBLIVEON Iced Earth Diabolos Rising @MELANSELAS Θλίψις/Thlipsis MELAN SELAS John Ven Ushala
Producing two beautiful singles for a new very talented band called Lucenthia from Ioannina! Jenny performing!