🎉 Αυτές ήταν οι καλύτερες στιγμές μας το 2024! 🎉
Μια χρονιά όπου:
📌 Εξυπηρετήσαμε 1.400 πελάτες σε Αυστρία, Ελλάδα, Κύπρο και Αλβανία
📧 Απαντήσαμε σε 6.500 emails
🤝 Πραγματοποιήσαμε 1.100 1:1 συναντήσεις
🎯 Οργανώσαμε 24 εκδηλώσεις με 400 συμμετέχοντες
Το πιο σημαντικό όμως: καλωσορίσαμε δύο νέα μέλη, τη Rediana Kashari και τη Manuela Sandler, στην αφοσιωμένη μας ομάδα! 🌟
Μια ομάδα που απέδειξε ότι μπορεί να κάνει θαύματα, υποστηρίζοντας τις αυστριακές επιχειρήσεις και τους συνεργάτες τους σε Ελλάδα, Κύπρο και Αλβανία, σε καλές αλλά και δύσκολες στιγμές.
Οι αριθμοί λένε μόνο τη μισή ιστορία — οι άνθρωποί μας κάνουν τη διαφορά! ❤️
🎄 Καλά Χριστούγεννα και Ευτυχισμένο Νέο Έτος! 🌟
Τα καλύτερα έρχονται!
#YearInReview #AdvantageAustria #SurprisinglyIngenious
Στιγμιότυπα από την επιχειρηματική μας αποστολή EU Recover Mission “Repower Cyprus” και του επιχειρηματικού φόρουμ Κύπρου-Αυστρίας που διοργανώσαμε σε συνεργασία με το ΚΕΒΕ , το Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus, την Πρεσβεία της Αυστρίας στην Κύπρο και τον Επιχειρηματικό Σύνδεσμο Κύπρου–Αυστρίας, στις 20 και 21 Νοεμβρίου 2024.
Κάνοντας μια ανασκόπηση σε ένα έτος που μας τα έφερε πραγματικά όλα, από τραγωδίες μέχρι θριάμβους, διακρίνουμε μια σταθερά - την εξαιρετική μας ομάδα, που με πάθος προωθεί το 🇦🇹 Εμπόριο και την Καινοτομία σε 🇬🇷 🇨🇾🇦🇱 🌍και ξέρει να το χαίρεται καθημερινά. #MerryChristmas #YearInReview #HappyNewYear #AdvantageAustria #SurprisinglyIngenious 🎅
Καλές γιορτές με υγεία! #merrychristmas, #yearinreview2022, #happynewyear2023
Insects and worms can recycle waste and serve as climate-friendly meat substitutes. The Austrian startup @LIVIN farms specializes in industrial systems for breeding insect larvae to convert waste into insect protein.
The fact that insects can not only process almost every element of biological waste but can also be considered the environmentally friendly foodstuff of the future is nothing new. LIVIN farms has combined both insights and developed a system that applies the principles of the circular economy to the foodstuff and feed industry.
Find out more about how worms can serve both as super snacks and climate savers at: Making use of every part of organic waste with Livin Farms (advantageaustria.org)
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #LIVINfarms #insectprotein #advantageaustria
A power plant that relives the environment instead of polluting it? The unique wood gas power plant of @SYNCRAFT makes it possible. It produces electricity and heat from waste wood and binds carbon dioxide in the form of charcoal.
45% of Austrian energy consumption from renewable energy sources is based on wood as a raw material. The Tyrolese company SYNCRAFT is employing one of the most ground-breaking technologies in this field and making a major contribution to the circular economy in a unique manner.
Green energy from wood power – read more in our FRESH VIEW MAGAZINE #greentechaustria: https://www.advantageaustria.org/cy/zentral/fresh-view-magazin/Fresh_View_Magazin.en.html#!/en/YiA76RpV/green-energy-from-wood-power/?in=54MWT8R2
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #syncraft #renewableenergy #advantageaustria
Hunting microplastics with ultrasound: The Austrian start-up @usePAT GmbH - soniccatch & sonicwipe has developed a new, fast and simple method to detect particles in water.
usePAT uses ultrasound to measure and analyze particles in liquids without having to take samples. Measurement can be carried out while machinery is running and the data are delivered in real time, so use of this technology lowers costs and improves industrial processes. usePAT’s devices not only help to reduce wear and tear on industrial plant, their use can also improve the quality of waste and processing water.
Read more about usePAT’s innovative approach: https://www.advantageaustria.org/cy/zentral/news/20221027-usepat.en.html
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #usePAT #microplastics #advantageaustria
Pursuing the vision “24 hours of sun”, the Austrian family-run global quality leader @Fronius shows how solar energy can be used all year long for a sustainable energy supply.
With a storage system, the self-produced electricity by Fronius products is always available when needed. The resulting advantages: electricity costs are reduced, independence is increased, and power supply is guaranteed – even in case of a power outage.
How to reduce the use of fossil fuels and thus CO2 emissions with the power of the sun – read more in our FRESH VIEW MAGAZINE #greentechaustria: https://www.advantageaustria.org/cy/zentral/fresh-view-magazin/Fresh_View_Magazin.en.html#!/en/T43Q4zPW/use-solar-energy-24-hours-a-day/?in=54MWT8R2
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #fronius #solarenergy #advantageaustria
Electromobility is becoming more sustainable thanks to the battery tester of @AVILOO Battery Diagnostic: The Austrian start-up has developed a diagnostic tool for electric vehicle batteries.
Testing and monitoring this data can extend the life cycle of batteries, making it a sustainable proposition, and will have a positive effect on the CO2 footprint of the battery, and thus the entire electric vehicle 🔋🚗
Read more about AVILOO’s globally unique tool:
Electromobility is becoming more sustainable thanks to AVILOO’s battery tester (advantageaustria.org)
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #aviloo #electromobility #advantageaustria
Electromobility is becoming more sustainable thanks to the battery tester of @AVILOO Battery Diagnostic: The Austrian start-up has developed a diagnostic tool for electric vehicle batteries.
Testing and monitoring this data can extend the life cycle of batteries, making it a sustainable proposition, and will have a positive effect on the CO2 footprint of the battery, and thus the entire electric vehicle 🔋🚗
Read more about AVILOO’s globally unique tool:
Electromobility is becoming more sustainable thanks to AVILOO’s battery tester (advantageaustria.org)
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #aviloo #electromobility #advantageaustria
Climate is one of the most important success factors for agriculture. The products of Styrian company @Pessl Instruments assist farmers in achieving the best yield without compromising the environment.
Their range of wireless solar powered monitoring systems has also proven extremely successful in other industries. The Swiss cities Basel and Zurich, for example, have already invested in modernizing the monitoring equipment for their urban climate, using Pessl products. Air temperature, precipitation, wind speed and wind direction are assessed for selected locations in the city and provide weather information right up peoples’ doorstep.
Learn about how smart Austrian GreenTech is preparing for climate change – in our FRESH VIEW MAGAZINE #greentechaustria:
#greentechaustria #COP27 #climateaction #pesslinstruments #agriculture #advantageaustria