Many years ago we made national news as the first Greek game studio to win an international award (shameless flex). That award took years to arrive and now finally rests on our shelf.
I like to imagine the journey this little guy made to get here. Did he go to the North pole on a sled? Did he wait in a container off the coast of Shanghai? Maybe he sailed down the Amazon in a voadeira (yes, I had to google that).
Deep down in my heart I know, he wasn't just misplaced in a warehouse by our customs. He lived an adventure.
And he arrived as we, Monsters take our next step in OUR adventure. We're still up and running, but Apocalypse Cow will not be our first game.
We took our knowledge, expertise and lessons learned and made something new. Something wonderful. People who play it love it. And we're very happy.
See you 2025.