Συντονιστειτε στις 22.00 ραδιοφωνικό ραντεβού με την Hellena Mihailidou ! metalradio.gr/radio
🎙️2024 TOP20 απόψε αργά στο Hallways Of Melancholy
με τον 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲.𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫
📡Συντονιστείτε απόψε τις 22:30
στο www.metalradio.gr/radio/
ENTHEOS VIDEO INTERVIEW NOW ON-LINE! 👇An end to everything EP out today on Metal Blade Records
Impeccable performance by @uada_official last night in Athens ! If they are passing by a venue near you, do yourselves a favor and be there! Thank us later! #uada #liveinathens #blackmetal
Απόψε ζωντανά από το Esqueleto Cafe-bar
@wolfheartofficial 's @tuomassaukkonen talks to @hellenamihailidou about Draconian Darkness, the band's new album coming on September 6th 2024 through @reigningphoenixmusicofficial #Wolfheart #draconiandarkness #deathmetal #interview #videointerview #tuomassaukkonen
Video interview @nightrageofficial now on line
Festival review on @brutal.assault now online #brutalassault2024 #livereport
Nathan's Saloon 8 b'day! Many more to come #morethanabar #rockbar #rockandroll
@vageliss.k on being creative in @full.house.bc & @wolfheartofficial. Watch the entire interview on Metalradio.gr (English subtitles available)
Watch the entire video interview of Vageliss Karzis of FULL HOUSE B.C. on Metalradiogr