Some couples dream of being able to choose the s*x of their children. While some methods have been scientifically validated, keep in mind that no technique is truly 100% reliable.
Did you know ? A baby's s*x is determined at conception, when the egg and a s***m unite. At this time, the mother's X chromosome is associated with either an X chromosome or a Y chromosome, brought by the father's s***m:
β’ An alliance of XX chromosomes gives birth to a girl,
β’ An XY chromosome alliance to a boy.
Carriers of the X chromosome, which will lead to the formation of a daughter embryo, are slower and more resistant. So to have a baby girl, you have to have s*x a few days before (often between 3 to 5 days) before your ovulation date.
Carriers of the Y chromosome, on the other hand, are faster but less resistant. So to conceive a baby boy, it is better to have s*x on the day of ovulation or 1 day before or after the day of ovulation
To have a girl, the mother must have a diet rich in calcium and low in salt. Conversely, to have a boy, a salty diet devoid of potassium is recommended.
A specific diet of the mother could slightly modify this pH and promote the passage of this or that type of s***m:
β’ The daughter diet, low in salt and rich in calcium, would acidify the mucus, thus only guaranteeing the passage of gametes carrying the X chromosome, which are more resistant. So eat dairy products, green vegetables, fish to give birth to a baby girl.
β’ The male diet, rich in sodium and potassium, changes the pH less. With the latter, all the s***matozoa support the alkalinity of the vaginal environment and the fastest will therefore be favored for fertilization. On the menu: delicatessen, meat and fish would therefore be the guarantors of a male filiation.