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Caution to the executives.

Caution to the executives.


Top 100 Nana Addo Achievements in Ashanti Region.

Some of the projects are ongoing n others. completed. Remember NDC did not complete any project in Ashanti Region in their 1st term, not even a toilet, they did not complete any hospital in 8 years not even what Kuffour euroget hospital.

1. Kumasi Airport Phase 2 and 3
2. Ongoing construction of Kumasi Central market( Kejetia Market Phase 2)
3. 5000 capacity stadium for the youth at Nhyinahin
4. Kwadaso model Creative Arts Senior High School
5. John Agyekum Kuffour model Senior High School, Dabaa
6. Jachie Bosomtwi Girls Snr High School
7. Construction of KNUST, Obuasi Campus
8. Construction of Kumasi to Obuasi Railway line has commence.
9. Construction of $330m Boankra Inland Port, the biggest Inland Port in West Africa just commenced with funds fully secured.
10. The ongoing completion of the 48 years old 750bed Komfo Anokye Maternity Block.
11. Construction of 15 Warehouses.
12. Construction of 6 Business and Resource Centres at Obuasi, Konongo, Nkawie, Effiduasi, Mankranso.
13. The biggest Intergrated Waste and Recycling Plant.
14. John Agyekum Kuffour Estate at Oyoko Akrofuom
15. Completion of Otumfo) Osei Tutu Estate at Asokore Mampong started by Kuffour.
16. Revival of AGROGOLD ASHANTI which collapsed.

Projects Contructed from Scratch
16. Multi Fruit Processing Factory, (Otumfo) Juice) Sabin Akrofuom.
17. Drobonso Wood Processing factory
18. New Kasapreko Fruit Juice factory, Tanoso
19. Rice Processing factory, Brekete
20. Baby Diaper factory, Asonomaso Nkwanta
21 Rice Processing factory, Deedew, Agona Sekyere
22. Kumawu Machine Resource factory
23. Tissue factory, kwabre East
24. Kwaso Grain factory, Ejisu Municipality
25. Steel factory,(Rider Steel) Konongo
26. Bicks and Charcoal factory, Mampongteng
27. Palm Oil Processing Factory,(kanzini) Bekwai.
28. Juaben Oil Mill factory.

Factories which have been revived
28. Fruit and Juice factory, Ababio Express, Asokore Mampong.
29. Beacon Hill limited, Production of fish feed.
30. Cassava Processing factory, Premier food limited, Offinso.
31. Poultry factory, Darko Farms, Akropong.
32. Fertilizer Processing factory, Best Fertilizer, Asante Akyem.
33. i. Renovation of Kumasi Sports Stadium
ii. Construction of 5000 capacity Stadium
for the youth at Nhyinahin
III. Construction of New Edubiase Sports
1V. 5 Astroturf Sports Complexes at Aboabo, Asawasi, Tafo, Ahwiaa, Ash Town etc.

34. Construction of Kumasi Inner city Roads.
* Tech - Anloga Junction
* Anloga Junction to Airport Roundabout
* Dualization of sofoline -
Santasi Roundabout - Ahodwo road
* Bantama Town Roads
* Bantama Road to Manhyia Road
* Dualization of Ahinsan to Lake Road
* Ahodwo to Daban road
* Asphalting of Amakom to Asokwa road
* Tafo town Roads
* Pankrono to Breman road
* Krofuom town roads
* Moshie Zongo road
* Daban to Sokoban road
35. Mampong Inner roads
36. Mampong to Kofiase road
37. Nsuta to Beposo road
38. Effiduasi, Agona n neibouring roads
39. Anwiakwanta to Obuasi road
40. Konongo Inner roads
41. Aboaso to Ejuratia through to Ankaase
42. Bekwai Inner City Roads

42. Ongoing Completion of the biggest maternity block in West Africa, the 48 year old 750 bed Komfo Anokye Maternity Block.
43. Construction of the Komfo Anokye Children and maternity ward( Rebecca Foundation)
44. Ongoing Construction of hospitals at the ff
* Sabronum 40 bed hospital
* Manso Nkwanta 40 bed hospital
* Twedie 40 bed hospital
* Drobonso 40 bed hospital
* Suame 40 bed hospital.
45. Completion of Euroget Tepa hospital initiated by Kuffour.
46. Euroget Kumasi Afari Military hospital initiated by Kuffour 90% complete.
47. Completion of the 40 year old Bekwai hospital.
48. Zipline Drone Centre at Mampong
49. 48 Ambulances

SHS Blocks to Eliminate Double Track
50. Dormitory, St Monicas
51. 12 Unit, Konongo Odumasi SHS
52. 12 Unit, Kumasi Academy
53. Administration block Kumasi Academy
54. 12 Unit, Kumasi High
55. 12 Unit, Osei Tutu Boys
56. 12 Unit, Opoku Ware
57. 18 Unit, Opoku Ware
58. 12 Unit, TI Amass Kumasi
59. 18 Unit TI Amass, kumasi
60. 18 Unit KSTS
61. 12 Unit St Louis
62. 18 Unit St Louis
63. 18 Unit Kumasi Anglican SHS
64. 18 Unit Ejisum SHS
65. 12 Unit Adanwomase SHS
66. Dormitory, Asare Bediako SHS
67. Administration Block, Beposo SHS
68. Dormitory, Jachie Pramso SHS
69. 18 Unit St Joseph SHS
70. Dormitory, Abuakwa State College
71. 12 Unit, Barekese SHS
72. 6 Unit Juaben SHS
73. 12 Unit Armed Forces
74. 6 Unit, TI Amass Fomena
75. 12 Unit, OKESS
76. 12 Unit Osei Adutwum
77. Dormitory Kwabre SHS
78. 12 Unit Kwabre SHS
79. 12 Unit Yaa Asantewaa SHS
80. 12 Unit, Adventist SHS Bekwai
81. Dormitory Adventist SHS Bekwai
82. 12 Unit, Bosome SHS
83. 12 Unit, Kumasi Girls SHS
84. 12 Unit, Odumase SHS
85. Dormitory, TI Amass, Fomena
86. Dormitory, Afia Kobi Girls SHS
87. 6 Unit, Kumasi Academy
88. 12 Unit Bakoman SHS
89. Dormitory, Jachie Pramso SHS
90. 12 Unit, St Monicas SHS
91. 12 Unit, Kwamang SHS
92. 12 Unit Effiduasi SHS
93. Dormitory Effiduasi SHS
94. Dormitory, Nkenkaasu SHS
95. 12 Unit, Aduman SHS
96. 12 Unit, Juaso SHS
Some Markets
97. Asamankese Market
98. Ejura Market Market
99. Asampanaye market at Ejisu Municipal
100. Over 100 Primary/JHS Block

This clearly shows Nana Addo 1st 4 years is far better than ndc 1st 4 years in Ashanti Region and given another 4 years like NDC 8 years, he will do far better than any government in the 4th Republic.

Above All
1. Ashanti Region is benefitting from the almighty Free SHS
2. They are benefitting from the restoration of Teachers and Nurses Allawa
3. They are benefitting from NABCO which they will be made permanent soon
4. They are enjoying the free water, Free Electricity.
5. Ghana Card, Mobile Interopability, online registration of National health, passport etc have all benefitted the people of Ashanti region.


The opposition leader and flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Mahama has said that his next government will make tertiary education free for the disabled should he be voted into power come December 7. According to Mahama, the NDC is a party known for addressing the challenges o...


Failed aspirants for the victory of Akufo Addo and NPP.


Parliament Approves Facility Agreement For Construction Of Trauma Hospitals

Parliament on Tuesday approved a facility agreement amounting to fifty six million, one hundred and fifty-three thousand, five hundred euros (€56,153,500.000 from Deutsche Bank AG and Global Services (UK) Limited for the construction of health facilities in parts of the country.

These include the construction of Trauma Hospitals in Obuasi in the Ashanti Region and Anyinam in the Eastern, an Accident and Emergency Centre at Enyiresi Hospital and the rehabilitation of Obuasi Health Centre in accordance with Article 181 of the 1992 Constitution.

The project which forms part of the approved list of priority projects for implementation captured in the 2020 Budget and Financial Policy Statement of the country is expected to be completed within three years after commencement with additional three hundred and fifty six (356) days Defect Notification Period (DNP).

The facility agreement between the Ghana and the lending Bank Deutsche Bank AG with TMF Global Services of the United Kingdom as the facility arranger to finance the projects was presented to the House on Wednesday July 1, 2020 by Charles Adu Boahen, a Deputy Minister of Finance on behalf of the substantive Minister Ken Ofori and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration and report.

Chairman of the Committee Mark Assibey-Yeboah submitting the Committee’s Report in Parliament on Tuesday said the country is committed to ensuring the provision of health infrastructure to ensure quality health services delivery and also to promote universal access to health care services nationwide.

He said the introduction of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has enhanced financial access to healthcare services with increasing utilization of Out-Patient-Department services nationwide, yet the development of health infrastructure has not kept pace with the continuous increase in demand for OPD services in all regions of the country.

According to the Committee Chairman, the demand and government spending on healthcare and other infrastructure are growing at a pace which are likely to be unsustainable unless new funding sources are found and managerial strategies for improving quality assurance are marched with corresponding expansion and improvement in health infrastructure

He said the object of the loan is to finance the construction of the required infrastructure and the provision of medical equipment and ancillary services to ensure that the beneficiary hospitals are fully operational and befitting their status to provide the enabling condition for attracting the needed healthcare professionals.

Mark Assibey-Yeboah added the Committee observed that Obuasi in Ashanti Region and Anyinam in the Eastern Region presently do not have any major government hospitals while the existing Obuasi Health Centre is presently ill-equipped and inadequate to meet the health needs of the burgeoning population of the catchment area.

The Committee, he said, was also informed that the Enyiresi Hospital though strategically located along the Accra-Kumasi highway does not have a modern Accident or Emergency Centre, hence the project is intended to provide the required infrastructure, medical equipment, ancillary facilities and services to ensure that the beneficiary hospitals are fully operational and befitting the status of modern hospitals with emphasis on trauma.

The Chairman on recommendations of the Committee respectfully moved the motion for the House to adopt the report and approve the resolution in recognition of the immense healthcare and other socio-economic benefits to be derived from the project and was seconded by a Deputy Finance Minister Abena Osei.


Voter ID and Birth Certificate cannot be used to register – Supreme Court dismisses NDC’s case

The Supreme Court of Ghana has decided that the existing voter ID card and birth certificates cannot be used as proof of identity to register in the upcoming voter registration exercise.

This judgement effectively throws out the challenge by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and a private citizen, Mark Takyi-Banson, who were before the Court questioning the Electoral Commission’s (EC) decision to compile an entirely new register and exclude the existing voter ID.

The Court, however, agrees with the NDC that the right to vote, once conferred on a person, cannot be diminished.

By its decision, the Supreme Court has also halted all actions pending against the EC on the voter registration in any Court.

House Adopts Report on Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, Constitutional Instrument...

House Adopts Report on Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, Constitutional Instrument (C. I.) 126

Parliament by a majority of 106 to 92 votes adopted the report of the Committee on Subsidiary Legislation on the controversial Public Elections (Registration of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations 2020, Constitutional Instrument (C. I.) 126 submitted by the Electoral Commission (EC) after a heated debate on Tuesday June 09, 2020.

The Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu citing the Standing Orders of the House challenged the Speakers ruling on the voice vote and called for a vote by ballot to be cast to determine those in favour of adoption of the report enabling individual MPs to be called one after the other to cast their votes under the supervision of Leadership from both sides of the House and Parliamentary Staff.

As anticipated, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MPs present in the House during the debate voted en bloc against the approval of the C.I. in line with their party’s aspiration while their counterparts from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) voted for it.

The new C.I. which matures at the close of day effectively amended the existing electoral regulation C.I. 91 thus making Ghana card and passports the only forms of identification one can use to get onto the new voters’ register.

The approval by the House invariably means all other forms of national identification including the existing voter’s identity card, birth certificate and other national documents cannot be used in registering for the new voter identification card.

According to the new legal authority, people who do not have any of the two documents, namely the Ghana card and passports would have to get two newly registered voters to guarantee for them before they can register, however no individual can guarantee for more than ten people.

The Instrument was laid in the House by the Majority Leader Hon. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu on Tuesday March 31, 2020 in accordance with Article 1 (17) of the 1992 Constitution and referred to the Committee on Subsidiary Legislation for consideration and report pursuant to the Standing Orders of the House by the Speaker Rt. Hon. Prof. Michael Oquaye.

It is worthy to note that unlike regular bills it was impossible for Parliament to amend any part of the C.I. since Constitutional Instruments laid on the floor of the House automatically mature after twenty one sitting days and the House could only reject it or allow for it to mature.

Twenty-one out of the twenty five-member Subsidiary Legislation Committee members who were present at the Committee meeting on Wednesday June 3, 2020 had earlier voted 12-9 in favour of the Instrument to give legal backing to the EC to compile the new voter’s register.

Chairman of the Committee and MP for Bolgatanga East, Dr. Dominic Akuritunga Ayine moving the motion for the adoption of the Report of the Committee at the plenary seconded by the Ranking Member Hon. Yaw Buabeng Asamoah recommending that the House approves the C.I., explained that the Committee examined the C.I. within the ambit of the general objects of the Constitution.

He said the Committee was of the view that the rationale for the Instrument was in accordance with the powers of the Electoral Commission under Article 51 with respect to the compilation of a credible and widely accepted voter register for the conduct of public elections and referenda in the country.

According to the Committee Chairman, it was however regrettable that the Committee could not arrive at a consensus as to whether or not the exclusion of a driver’s licence, birth certificate and existing voter identification card from the C.I. 126 was constitutional.

He therefore lamented that the Committee could only recommend to the House by a majority decision to adapt its report and allow the C.I. to mature after the expiration of the twenty-one sitting days in accordance with Article 11 (7) of the Constitution and become law to enable the EC go ahead with the voter registration exercise based on provisions of the C.I.

If you lie about corruption, GII will expose you. NDC SHM.

If you lie about corruption, GII will expose you. NDC SHM.

According to the GII, corruption has gone down . We have actually done something's right let see what the NDC will say a...

According to the GII, corruption has gone down . We have actually done something's right let see what the NDC will say about this one. They are the only people who see corruption is on the rise in this country.


Mean while, after their useless hardship and insecurity demo, they freely sat to enjoy white wine and fufu.

I ended my 3-day tour of the Eastern Region, on Saturday, 24th November, 2018. I visited the Afram Plains Cattle Ranch, ...

I ended my 3-day tour of the Eastern Region, on Saturday, 24th November, 2018.

I visited the Afram Plains Cattle Ranch, established by my Government to help end the clashes between our local farmers and nomadic herdsmen. Government is establishing three more ranches in Forifori, Chemfeh and Amankwakrom, all in Afram Plains.

I also visited Donkorkrom and Mpraeso, where I reiterated the commitment of Government to creating a society of opportunities for all Ghanaians. #


Thanks giving service

The president's meets the media

The president's meets the media


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The Octagon





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