Valentine's Day has its origins in ancient Rome, where mid-February marked the celebration of Lupercalia, a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture. The holiday later became associated with Saint Valentine, a Christian martyr who, according to legend, defied Emperor Claudius II’s ban on soldier marriages by secretly performing weddings. Another story suggests Valentine was imprisoned for helping persecuted Christians and sent a love note signed "from your Valentine" before his ex*****on on February 14. By the Middle Ages, the date became linked with romance, thanks in part to the belief that birds began their mating season in mid-February. The tradition of exchanging love notes and gifts grew over time, and by the 19th century, mass-produced Valentine's cards became popular. Today, Valentine’s Day is celebrated worldwide as a day of love and affection, marked by gifts, romantic gestures, and heartfelt messages.