On the 26th September 2020, I was online browsing for news, what came up on my screen was Daily Times headline which says, “Harry and Megan urge Americans to vote out President Trump”. On the believe that President Trump was presumed to be a racist.
I do not think that these privileged people understand what racism is about. They were accusing the most liberal conservative who has stood against racism, repression, torture, and terrorism, just like Churchill did after 1945 when he saw debilitations of black population.
If they were implying that American society is racist, I think they should look back home where racism against Black people is shrined in the legal system. I think black people in America have more chances of progression and opportunities to life, than their black counterpart in UK. I do not contemplate for one moment that they are in the position to speak for Black community. They are the elitists who do not understand the economic impact of racism on Black Community in UK. I have no doubt that sensible black people will vote for Donald Trump, “the Political Messiah” we all have been waiting for.
Below the headline, on the right-hand corner of the first page, was a tiny column dedicated to a little-known singer, John Legend who said he will flee America if President Trump wins 2020 election. A similar comment made by copycat Professor, (Wole Soyinka) in 2016, insisted that he would leave America and tear up his Green Card. He was afraid that Trump would find him out, on the role he played in bringing in a radical Islamist Buhari into power in 2015. When Trump officially became president of USA. Professor Wole Soyinka shamelessly, kept his green card remained in United states and refused to go back to Nigeria where Obama used him to install a radical Islamist pa******le in power.
So, corrupt individuals will always panic when they anticipate that an honourable person like President Trump is coming to power. Have you asked yourself, “Why are the guilty afraid?” Because they are worried that their source of corruption could be closed.
Likewise, some corrupt British diplomats, they operate in the same vain and panic when they see any honest person in position of power, they immediately concluded that their source of corruption is under attack.
For example, Lord Darroch, who was a former British ambassador to US, Corruption and infidelity made him Islamic state spy against the world Political messiah Donald Trump whom God sent to save mankind from the cruel hands of corrupt diplomats and Islamic Political hegemony. Out of personal greed, Lord Darroch was prepared to destroy the special relationship between our greatest ally in the filament of the earth and give foreign criminals and their state agents the upper hand to overrun our democratic system.
Another example is the former UK ambassador to Nigeria and a British law maker, “James Duddridge” MP, secretly supporting and arming of Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, by installing Pa******le and a radical Islamist Buhari into power. Knowing well that the sole purpose of this Islamic fanatic is to kill and maim Christians.
Sadly, the killing of mostly Christian Igbos has gone on the increase since the pa******le came into power in Nigeria. In recent years, it has taken frightening dimensions propelled against by Democrats, in exchange of party funding, working for global extermination of the Jews, in the interest of their pay master Saudi Arabia. rather than an all-out civil war, the recent persecution of the Jews (Igbos) of Nigeria comes in the form of organized terrorist groups and ethnic militia backed by sleeping Joe and Obama administration.
My Jewish homeland (Igbo) is again under siege as I type by deadly and determined radicals who are heavily armed to the tooth by sleeping Joe and Obama administration to decimate the Jews wherever they are found.
The Igbos are again living in severe apprehension of continuous genocide.
John Kerry sent by sleeping Joe was unpretentious and openly contemptuous of Jews (Igbos).
He would enter the country, conduct his criminal business with radical Sunni Muslims Noth and Western Nigeria governors, and fly out without minding the consequences of his actions on the enclosed Jews (Igbos).
On an intelligence report, James Duddridge MP made it clear that he would continue to support the radical Islamist president Buhari in his mission to wipe out Christians in Nigeria, especially the Jews (Igbos). You can see why they jitter when they hear the name of the political Messiah.
You can sense the anarchic in our horizon in any administration these ne'er-do-well diplomats and career politicians claim are succeeding.
Take for example, the administration of Gordon Brown in UK, our streets were turned into a river of blood by the terrorists. Look at Obama and Joe Biden administration, they armed terrorists and these extremists used the same military hardware supplied to them by Obama and Joe Bidden, to behead American citizens, and let their blood cover the mountains of Syria and Afghanistan.
How can we forget so soon the danger we faced that made God to send his begotten son, incorruptible political Messiah, Donald Trump to come and save the world?
Let me remind you, in case you do not know what the world would look like if sleeping Joe slips into the White House, you should speak to survivors of Gordon Brown administration in London. Do you know that this current Mayor of London wrote an article in one of the UK dailies supporting the terrorists?
Today, we have installed him into power to appease the terrorists. Don’t forget, these crook politicians, dishes out propaganda trying to make us believe that rogue administrations like sleeping Joe and Obama are the best with human face, to make you feel better, with the hope that they will sort out your sufferings.
They, get agitated when they feel their source of corruption is about to be exposed, they would collude with some media houses such corrupt CNN and BBC that is the mouthpiece of Islamic propaganda, to make you believe that the political Messiah to abolish corruption somehow, radiate insecurity just like Lord Darroch did when he saw he was about to be caught in his web of corruption.
These scallywags would position themselves as if they are doing what they are doing in our collective interest while in fact, they are doing it for personal gain without minding the consequences on the rest of us.
Some might be wondering why I said BBC World Service is a mouthpiece of extremists, you can do your own research, going back to the last 50 years, and tell me when BBC world service has highlighted the suffering of none Muslims and get the world to do something about it.
Do you know why because their Journalist got caught in the web of financial inducement. They fall into the political landmine of Saudi Arabia, to turn the world into Islamic state. Ask yourself, where was BBC when Jordan was over-run by Muslims and a Christian nation turned into a Muslim country? Where was CNN and BBC world service when Christian Jordanians were slaughtered by Arafat’s boys? Where was BBC World Service, when a pa******le was forcefully brought to power by Obama and Joe Bidden, and secretly supported and armed by British law maker James Duddridge in Nigeria. As a result, Nigeria has been turned into an Islamic state officially but still secular on paper.
If you recall in 2019 Election in the zoo called Nigeria, BBC African chief correspondent, told us that Buhari has decimated BOKO Haram and they showed us the picture of the electorate, Bornu state the hot bed of the extremists , how peaceful the Election was and how the pa******le President Buhari got 100 per cent vote. He did not show us the Biafra Land (Eastern Region) where police and the Army were killing those who come out to vote for opposition.
He did not also highlight how the Alahaji Tunibu was appointing governors in the Biafra States rather than the people electing their own governors. The world believed the election was free and fare while election did not take place in a democratic sense. BBC Africa, World Service Chief Correspondent after his corrupt journalism was appointed a political adviser to the president while still working for BBC.
Today, radical Obama has gone in hiding with his head hanged in shame with David Axelrod his campaign manager who receives the blood money for the Democrats. Because the blood of young people flooding the street of Nigeria like tsunami, has touched the harts and mind of ordinary British people, who took to the social media to highlight the none ending genocide by Islamic state of Nigeria, brought into existence by sleeping Joe and “Imam Obama”.
If you vote Democrats, you have voted to be replaced by Syrians, Talibans, Pakistan and India, Tunisia Iranians, Iraqis, and Palestinians. The political strategy of Saudi Arabia is to overruns America with Muslim populations before destroying the hard-earned freedom and Democracy of United states of America. Before you bury your head in the sand and wish it will not happen.
You should first turn a page of history and ask yourself why Jordan a Christian country, is now a Muslim nation? This is a history lesson for you before you cast your vote on the 3rd November 2020. So, my brothers and sisters wake up and smell the coffee, your destiny is in your own hands. If you vote for sleeping Joe and he mistakenly slips into the White House, radical Islamist will be making your policies. Just as Saudi Arabia was doing during Obama’s administration. You will not even mention the fact that you are a Christian without breaking the law.
Cast your mind back to Obama and Sleeping Joe administration 8-12 years ago. Sleeping Joe brought forward policies making it a crime to mention the word “Christmas” so as not to offend the Muslims. The question you should be asking is where was sleeping Joe when radical Obama was dishing and adopting those controversial policies?
If he was sleeping, what make you think he will not be in slumber when Islamic laws will replace USA laws?
Have you asked yourself what happened to black people in United Kingdom? In 1807 when slavery was abolished, the remaining slaves became free citizens. In 1972, black community in UK was decimated, their population replaced with Asian community.
Have you asked yourself where are the black people who have been in UK before and after the abolition of slavery in 1807? Look at the composition of British communities today, From London to Luton, you hardly see black people. 1 in every 2 houses in London is occupied by Asian, 75 percent of Londoners are Asians. 99 percent of households in Luton are Asians. 99 percent of people living in Bradford are Asians, 95 percent of the households in Birmingham are Asians etc.
In June 2020, the chancellor gave bounty to every Asian family in UK through the eat out scheme which gave every Indian family from a quarter of a million up to 1million pounds. This scheme was cynically designed and implemented as that part of the plan. The treasury is now empty. The question is who will pay to replenish the treasury? The disabled black people whose benefits and cleaning jobs will be removed to pay for the cynical scheme. You can see clearly how the black community has been gradually, replaced with Asian community.
That is what will happen to you in America if sleeping Joe mistakenly slipped into the White House. While Biden is sleeping, Harrison, will be implementing similar measures designed to replace black community in UK.
Let us not forget her records as a prosecutor, millions of innocent black people were sent to prison for crimes they do not know anything about. It is part of the plan, Saudi Arabia global political agenda.
There is a missing link in the brutal killing of George Floyd last year which they do not want you to know about. Do you know who called the police that killed George Floyd? Let me tell you in case you do not know. It was an Asian shopkeeper that works for the police as spy, to identify progressive black people and take them out.
Any black person voting for sleeping Joe is digging his/her own grave which would be sad.
Think about the future of your children, and their children children yet unborn. Do not wipe yourself out with your vote, think before you cast that single vote. Do not think it will not make a difference, because it will.
Remember! They called him (President Trump) racist because he refused to walk on the platform of career politicians like sleeping Joe, Obama, and crooked Hillary. They called him racist because he refused to arm radical Islamists to kill Christians and turn Africa into Islamic continent, the same way corrupt CNN and BBC helped them to turn a Christian nation Jordan into Islamic state.
Many people did not know that Jordan was a Christian nation before they were decimated and overwhelmed by Muslim prolific birth rates in 1979. You will not hear it anywhere that Jordan was once a Christian nation, certainly not from CNN or from BBC. BBC that was once a source of accurate information has metamorphosed into political instruments of propaganda (fake news).
Let me ask you again, have you done your research to find out how many black and white Americans were beheaded during Joe Biden time in the White House 8-12 years ago? Have you asked Joe Biden to give you an account of his stewardship with Radical Islamist, “President Obama” during those years?
Sleeping Joe does not know because he was sleeping while Radical Obama was destroying America. Sleeping Joe did not wake up and say to “Iman Obama” hey! Please stop! “this is my country” “stop killing my people”.
Have you done your research to find out how many Americans were killed by terrorists globally during Joe Biden and Radical Obama’s administration compared with Trump?
Have you done your research to find out how many Islamic policies were adopted during Joe Biden and radical Obama’s administration compared with Trump? These are fundamental things you should find out before casting your vote on the 3rd of November 2020.
If you sleepwalk into voting for sleeping Joe, there will be no “safe haven” for you because Africa will be turned into an extension of India and Arabs. Britain will not welcome you because their black community is in verge of extinction. Remember when the Messiah was born, the establishment hated him and that was the reason he was crucified.
The messiah has reincarnated as a “political messiah” in form of Donald Trump, the establishment hated him too because he is ‘incorruptible’. Remember! Messiahs came to save the innocent people being persecuted.
First, he came to save us from sin. In his “second missionary journey”, as a “political Messiah”, he has come to save the innocent people being persecuted by corrupt media such as CNN and BBC for their own selfish interests.
Do you know that this Chinese virus called Covid19, is part of the plan to kill the “Political Messiah” Donald Trump? However, the one who sent him refused to take him. Do you know why? Because God said, “I will not take my son “Donald Trump” until he accomplishes the mission which I sent him”.
Help him and yourself to accomplish that mission he was sent by God, by casting your vote for him. Remember! This election is between good and evil. Choose wisely, stop sleeping Joe repeating the destruction he did during his first administration with radical Islamist, “President Obama”. God is calling you by name, saying, “vote for my son Donald Trump, so that you and your children, children, will live”. “I have given you the freedom to choose between good and evil, if you choose good, good things will come your way “. “If you choose evil, evil things will come your way”. “it’s now up to you to choose the path you want to follow” says the lord.