I have an even better update, now you have probably seen the first link I posted is real, tangible, free money making opportunity, I want to spread the love even more. If you join this website, there seems to be an even wider selection of video's we can play and get paid for watching.
Think about it, who is the biggest user base of YouTube. It's not the creators. It's us the viewers, the lurkers, the backbone of the whole thing. Ask yourself, how many years have you been watching YouTube and NOT earn 1 penny doing so, while creators get rich off of your TIME
NOW is the chance to turn things in your favour. Become a paid viewer of YouTube. Get in Early on this, share far and wide, for too long creators have stolen our time for free and got filthy rich off of US. why aren't you mad yet? Get mad, get even
Join the revolution here. I'm sharing this for the good of the people, those of us struggling with confidence, the disabled, the unemployed, the undesirables of society, the misfits. People struggling to make ends meet or just want a booster income on the side, regardless of who you are. I want us to be successful. On my team, I bring people up, not talking down to you. A friend in me is a friend indeed.
I'm not like other people, selfish and hoarding away information. I'm tired of seeing financial suffering of the many for the benefit of the few. The pain of losing 80% of my gallbladder gave me a renewed sense of self and perspective. Life is short life is unfair and for some, incredibly tough, tougher than mine by a long shot. All that matters is spreading joy and happiness to those fortunate enough to know me, which is not enough people
Remember that light shines in the darkness. The bigger I can grow my team, the better we are. By the people, to the people for the people 🤗
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