Carlisle Castle, Carlisle, Cumbria
🏰The castle is over 900 years old and has been the scene of many historical episodes in British history. Given the proximity of Carlisle to the border between England and Scotland, it has been the centre of many wars and invasions. During the Jacobite Rising of 1745–6, Carlisle became the last English fortress to undergo a siege. Though the castle we see today has its roots in the early medieval period, the history of Carlisle Castle goes back long before then. In AD 72 the Romans built a large fort defended by earthwork walls and a timber palisade. That fort acted as a staging post for Roman incursions into Scotland and later acted to support garrisons serving on Hadrian's Wall. By the mid-2nd century it was one of the largest and most important military forts in Roman Britain.
Prints/Canvasses/Jigsaws 👍
Carlisle Castle
Cumbria and The Borders History