Darcy - what a wonderful testimonial 🙌🏻👇
“ Game changer! We weren’t enjoying walking our English pointer any more. It was just nail-biting and a bit hairy each time. And so we’d started to just use secure fields because we knew she couldn’t just run off and entertain herself. But that was getting boring for her and us too.
Working with Karen has completely turned it around.
We’ve gone from a having a dog that just buggers off to entertain herself and feeling we weren’t meeting her needs, to really understanding what lights her up and we now have a dog that wants to engage with us when out! And checks in!!! And comes home satiated even though we’ve not really walked far.
We can see how much she likes to work too. It’s lovely to witness the changes in her and it’s strengthened our bond with her outside.
I love watching her fly through the air when we’ve pipped the whistle to then send her off to search for her new favourite toy.
I’ve also realised that it’s less about the distance, and more about what we’re doing together outside.
This is the best thing we’ve done with Darcy and it has given us such a great foundation on which to build.
Karen has a wealth of knowledge, lots of empathy and really gets to know YOUR dog and what will work for them and you. It felt truly effortless working with Karen and no doubt we will be back to do more bits very soon.
Thank-you Karen. Loved every minute and Darcy is thriving now thanks to your help “
Thank you 🫶🙌🏻