Ep 24 Samantha Hiew Main Audiogram.mp4
"If we harbour too much stress in our body, it shows in our physical body as well as our mental health. You can impact your immune system, your adrenals, your stress response and that can show as persistent tummy issues, or, you know, anxiety that can be felt in the chest and being quite prone to illness, it could be eczema, or asthma as well."
In this episode of All Aboard ADHD, I am joined by Dr Samantha Hiew, a Neurodiversity speaker and trainer, to discuss what causes ADHD burnout in children and teenagers, the long-term effects of stress on our kids - and crucially, what we as parents can do to better support and prevent burnout.
Sam and I unpack some of the warning signs of burnout, which include irritability, anxiety, fatigue, avoiding schoolwork, and social withdrawal. Offering some insight into what can happen if burnout is not addressed, for example health issues, depression, low mood and issues in relationships.
Sam also shares some fantastic practical strategies we can all employ to better support our kids to avoid burnout, such as creating supportive routines, ensuring the right kind of nutrition, and supporting our children's self-esteem.
This episode is a must-listen for parents of children and teenagers with ADHD who want to get ahead of burnout and learn practical strategies to support their kids.
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riverside_copy_of pace clip audiogram_all_aboard adhd stu (2).mp4
"So PACE stands for playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy, and this is in terms of behaviour. So when you're kind of confronted with a behaviour, you would use these elements, depending on the situation.
So say, a child came out of a classroom was kicking doors, frustrated. You might go in straight away with the curiosity element. 'What's made you feel like this?' I'd be curious about it, rather than in the past, where you're kind of trained in an authoritarian (approach). Just deal with what you see - surface behaviour. Whereas the PACE approach allows you to go a little bit deeper and offer strategies for regulation."
In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD podcast, Claire is joined by Jamie Gilbert - @mrgteacher - Assistant Head Teacher of a school for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.
He shares his experience with ADHD students and some great examples of how he uses the PACE approach (Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity, and Empathy) to manage behaviour and build positive relationships with ADHD children.
Jamie has been teaching SEMH children for over 10 years and has a huge social media following across Instagram and TikTok where he shares content to raise awareness of teaching neurodivergent children.
In this episode Claire and Jamie discuss importance of taking a holistic approach to support children with ADHD, including emotional regulation, parents and teachers working together, and helping children to better understand their own ADHD.
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All Aboard ADHD - Hester Grainger
"It's almost a bit like having a safety net, isn't it? Like, keep going, keep going. You know, I can go to Go Ape or something like that, but look, I'm here to catch you if you fall, but then you can get up again and give it another try. Or if you go, do you know what? I've had enough, that's also fine...There's a book by Temple Grandin called The Loving Push. And I really love that. And it's just like, that constant 'Okay, we can do this. We can do it' Just the loving push, you know, not a shove."
In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD podcast, Claire is joined by Hester Grainger, mum to two autistic/ADHD teens (a son with ARFID and a daughter with dyspraxia). Diagnosed with ADHD herself at 43 @hesteradhd is a former TV and BBC radio presenter, public speaker, certified ADHD coach and co-founder of neurodiversity consultancy @perfectly.autistic alongside her husband Kelly.
In this episode Claire and Hester discuss:
🎙️ the early signs of ADHD in Hester's children and what led to their diagnoses - and her own
🎙️ how her children's true selves emerged during their assessments and how different that was to how they'd been showing up at school
🎙️ the challenges she faced getting the right school support in place for her children and her experience of home-schooling
🎙️ Hester's approach of giving her children a safety net, with a ‘loving push’ to try new things and learn from their experiences
🎙️ the importance of taking the time to understand our children’s individual needs
🎙️ the importance for parents of neurodivergent kids of connecting with people who "get you"
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All Aboard ADHD - Fay Smith
"You do you! If you are all co sleeping in a bed, and it works for your family, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. If you find that you're experiencing issues and things are no longer sustainable, then there are things you can do to help. It doesn't necessarily mean you need to make huge changes, but just going through the tips that I've just mentioned might be enough to tweak things."
Is there a 'right way' to get a good night's sleep?
In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD Podcast, Claire is joined by Fay Smith - a Children’s Sleep Consultant and Co-owner of Little Dreams Consulting. Together with her business partner Jenna, Fay has supported over 1000 families across their growing UK franchise to sleep, and feel, better.
Fay explains why falling asleep, and staying asleep, can be challenging for neurodivergent children; describing what actually happens in their bodies, and what can prevent, or encourage them to feel tired at the right time.
She suggests some practical strategies parents can adopt to support their children to get a better night’s sleep, such as minimising screen time before bed, engaging in calming activities to decompress, and maintaining a consistent bedtime routine.
They also delve into the use of weighted blankets.
Throughout, Fay emphasises the importance of figuring out what works best for you as a family.
Looking to help your ADHD child sleep better? This episode is a must-listen!
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All Aboard ADHD - Caroline Hanson
"ADHD children are brilliant. They're spirited, they're fiery, they're full of ideas. They see the world in a completely different way, and they show the world to us in a completely different way. We have a little mini guru in front of us going, open your eyes, look around, see this. And we're able to step into their lives and to be alongside them as they do that. It's just, it's wonderful."
Are you a parent of an ADHD child looking for a calmer, kinder and more supportive way to do parenting? This episode is a wonderful introduction to conscious parenting - an approach that can allow you to tune into the magnificence and wonder of your ADHD child and celebrate their unique qualities.
In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD Podcast, Claire is joined by Caroline Hanson - Conscious Parenting Therapist and mum to 4 delightfully neurodivergent children aged 12 to 22. Caroline shares her story of shifting from a 'strict' parenting style inherited from her own emotionally challenged childhood into something much more open, approachable and compassionate, that better served not only her children but also herself.
Claire and Caroline discuss the need to support children as they are and, as parents, to focus on the emotional responses behind a child's behaviour rather than the behaviour itself. Caroline describes how her conscious parenting approach focuses on fostering strong relationships with her children, practising self-compassion, and the importance of play and relaxation in her children's development.
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All Aboard ADHD - Kirsti Nicole Hadley
"So when you're going into an assessment situation with your child, you need to be happy, confident... excited. Do that work on yourself first, so that you don't pass on your hang ups to your child. It's going to be probably a formative memory, so you want it to be a good memory, if at all possible."
After a lifetime of feeling misunderstood Kirsti Nicole Hadley - a Brand Consultant, Neurodiversity Advocate and mum to a child with ADHD - finally received a life-changing diagnosis of ADHD with autistic traits and dyscalculia, following her son's diagnoses of ADHD, autism, and OCD in 2021. In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD podcast, Claire and Kirsti discuss:
💡 the early signs of ADHD and autism Kirsti saw in her son and what held her back from the initial identification of her son's conditions.
💡 the journey she and her son have been on since - both learning and unlearning
💡 emotional-based school avoidance and how to support your child through it
💡 how to take care of yourself as parent of a neurodivergent child
💡 the importance of framing assessment experiences positively for your child
This is a must-listen for parents of children with ADHD, particularly if they are considering an assessment. Kirsti shares many messages of hope and positivity, showing the power we can tap into when we acknowledge and celebrate neurodiversity, rather than just viewing it as a disability.
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All Aboard ADHD - Lauren Lambert
How can we best support children with additional needs to thrive in schools?
In this epsiode of the All Aboard ADHD podcast, all your SEN questions will be answered - and more! Claire is joined by Lauren Lambert - a current serving school SENCO and mother to two neurodivergent children. Lauren has a wealth of first hand experience in how schools can support children with ADHD, and the challenges faced by reduction in education budgets, providing a clear, easy-to-understand summary of:
- what a SENCO does and how they work with children within a school
- the SEND code of practice and how it governs what provisions are available to children with special educational needs
- the benefits of getting a diagnosis for your child with regards to their support at school
- the importance of the ‘assess plan do review’ cycle to monitor your child’s progress once provisions are in place
- how EHCPs work, when they are needed and the process to get one set up
Lauren also emphasises the need for a ‘needs-led’ approach that is more individual to the child and the importance of staying ambitious for our children. As Lauren says:
"We have to have that passionate belief that they can achieve as well as anybody else. And it is only when adults change that everything changes, that we are the ones that can make the difference to them."
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All Aboard ADHD - Stephen Scott
"So you have to be super quick. "Well done for keeping your peas on your folk. Well done for sitting down and not hitting your brother or sister" Getting in with those praise... it has an effect on kids. They start feeling better about themselves. "Oh, wait, I did do that rather well. "It sticks inside".
In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD Podcast, Claire is joined by expert guest Professor Stephen Scott to discuss ADHD treatments and why parenting matters.
Claire and Stephen discuss the recent increase rise in ADHD diagnoses, the value of proper assessment, as well as the benefits of taking a holistic approach to treatment that includes both medication and positive parenting approaches.
Stephen shares some fantastic tips for parents of ADHD children, including clear communication of expectations and immediate positive reinforcement when we spot our children doing something well. He also introduces his @parentingmattersuk online course, which helps more parents support their children with behaviour and emotional issues.
Professor Stephen also shares a message of hope for parents of ADHD children, reassuring us that with proper support, ADHD children can thrive and lead happy, fulfilling lives.
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