Alex Di Pasquale Fitness

Alex Di Pasquale Fitness Personal Trainer and Sleep Expert - Message “Results” for details on my Online Coaching

I was that typical skinny kid growing up…At age 14 I shot up real quick and developed very little muscle.It was incredib...

I was that typical skinny kid growing up…

At age 14 I shot up real quick and developed very little muscle.

It was incredibly embarrassing for me.

I didn’t have much confidence and I was painfully shy.

The lanky frame served me well whilst I played football as a goalkeeper, but I had different aspirations.

I watched all the action films with Sylvester Stallone, Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger and I wanted to be like them!

I was fascinated by muscle and how to grow it.

I told my dad about my desire to put on muscle and he told me I needed to eat more.

But I didn’t know what I needed to eat just that I needed to eat more.

So I did eat more but I still struggled to put on size.

I would do pushups in my bedroom and save up all my money from my paper round so I could buy weights from the Argos catalog.

Every summer I wanted to look bigger and better.

I would read all the books and magazines on body building.

I even bought Joe Weider’s ultimate bodybuilding book from Amazon back in the day. What a book!

Little did I know that all those guys and ladies were on steroids.

Anyway I kept training hard and kept learning.

I signed up to the gym at 16 with my friend. We would push each other to lift more and more every year.

There was progress, but it was slow.

I trained in nutrition and became a PT but still progress was slow.

It wasn’t until I hired a coach that I started seeing huge differences in my ability to grow lean muscle mass!

It was brilliant, I finally knew exactly what to eat and how to train to get abs and grow my arms, legs and chest 💪

If it wasn’t for that first coach and my courage to ask for help and admit that I couldn’t t do it by myself then I wouldn’t have ever achieved the physique I wanted, especially naturally.

All it took was discipline, good food and consistent workouts.

Simple but not easy.

I needed that coach in my corner otherwise I would have failed.

Are you ready to have a coach in your corner to be there for you every step of the way to reach your fitness goals?

DM me “Ready” if you are 💪

Gym time 💪 Friday leg day for me.🦵Are you working out today???

Gym time 💪

Friday leg day for me.🦵

Are you working out today???

Another quick and easy lunch with no cooking required!When I was 14 I really started to understand how what I put into m...

Another quick and easy lunch with no cooking required!

When I was 14 I really started to understand how what I put into my mouth would change my body.

At the time I was a seriously skinny and lanky kid desperate to put on muscle and stop looking like a w**d.

My dad used to call me an asparagus, as I was growing tall and very skinny.

Probably gave me a complex, grazie Papà!

But it wasn’t until my mid 20’s that I also realised how the food I would eat would affect my mood, emotions, mental clarity and focus.

I used to consume a lot of sugar!

I wanted to bulk up and add muscle and the fitness gurus told me all I need was to be in a calorie surplus.

Complete crap because I wasn’t putting on muscle, I was putting on fat and getting a spotty face! And I couldn’t focus on anything and procrastinated like hell.

So I changed things.

I started eating correctly.

High amounts of protein 3 -4 times a day.

Lots of colourful vegetables.

And good complex carbohydrates.

The results physically were amazing but mentally too.

I had so much more motivation and drive to succeed as a Personal trainer.

I went from 0 paying clients to 20 paying clients in just 3 months, allowing me to stop doing shifts for the gym and go full time with my clients.

Fully self employed, managing my own diary and enjoying training my clients.

I was fully energised throughout the day which meant I could give the best to my clients.

And do you know what else happened?

I attracted more clients just through word of mouth and my presence on the gym floor.

Huge win!

Nutrition, training and mindset got me there and has helped me progress even further today.

If you feeling like your nutrition, training or sleep is holding you back from progressing in your business, work or family life.

DM me “health” and I can book you in for a free health MOT.

When your fancy coffee machine breaks…You can always rely on going back to basics!I’m very fortunate that due to my Ital...

When your fancy coffee machine breaks…

You can always rely on going back to basics!

I’m very fortunate that due to my Italian heritage I’ve grown up with this thing being a constant in my life.

I’m not sure what it’s even called 🤣

And I’d never truly figured out how to use the thing until my late 20’s

But now I know how to use it, I can continue to make great coffee even if my coffee machine breaks.

It reminded me of coaching.

Once you get taught the basics you’ll always have that knowledge to refer back to when you need it.

Yes there will always be advancements, new research, new tech to track or make things easier but…

It always comes back to the basics.

The only difference in coaching is accountability and discipline.

When you’re accountable to a coach for a certain amount of time you will be disciplined to follow their suggestions and put things into action.

And once you do that for a while… the basics stick and are ingrained into your mind for the better 🧠

Anyway enough of the coaching crap, drop a ❤️ in the comments and give me a follow if you love coffee ☕️

This is as simple as it gets…What you do on a consistent basis is what will determine your outcomes.1 Personal Training ...

This is as simple as it gets…

What you do on a consistent basis is what will determine your outcomes.

1 Personal Training session a week and not exercising or following any plan by yourself won’t have much of an impact on your fitness or fat loss.

1 good night of sleep won’t make much difference to your energy levels.

1 or 2 healthy home cooked meals a week is good, but isn’t enough to make you healthy.

If you really want to achieve something you have to go all in.

Well at least 80% in 🤣

You have to make the effort.

You cannot sit around and just hope things to happen on their own.

It’s your daily habits on a consistent basis that will ultimately get you to where you want to be and what you want to achieve.

Put in half the effort, you get half the results or less.

This is actually really annoying 🤣…This client has been a stellar student on my Restorative Sleep Blueprint.Adhering to ...

This is actually really annoying 🤣…

This client has been a stellar student on my Restorative Sleep Blueprint.

Adhering to all the advice and suggestions given;

- High protein meals
- High Fibre
- Colourful veggies
- Seeds & pulses
- Fermented foods

But here’s the annoying thing…

They send me food pics on WhatsApp and…

It looks better than mine 😂

They have completely outdone me on their presentation!

Time to step up my game!

My Restorative Sleep Blueprint is guaranteed to get you better sleep so you can sleep through the night and wake up feeling more energised, focused and productive.

For details send me the word “SLEEP”

When we fix our sleep everything else can fall into place much easier.

Meals do not need to be complicated… 🥗The key is to eat REAL minimally processed foods which nourish your body and incre...

Meals do not need to be complicated… 🥗

The key is to eat REAL minimally processed foods which nourish your body and increases your gut health.

Here is a standard lunch for me:

- Left over Christmas Turkey made into a homemade curry - (no vegetable oils used fyi)

- and sauerkraut


Animal protein is a complete protein which has all 9 essential amino acids - these are amino acids which can only be obtained from diet.

They are essential for building, repairing and maintains muscle, chemical reactions in the body, transporting nutrients, preventing illness and other functions too.

So pretty vital!

Then there sauerkraut which is a probiotic which is also rich in fibre.

This helps to ensure our gut has some of the healthy bacteria it needs.

*interesting fact - 90% of our bodies serotonin (mood regulator hormone) is produced in the gut and 10% in the brain. So this is one of the many reasons we need to feed our gut.

Simple and easy lunches or dinners 😊

If you need help with food choices for optimum health or want to know more about nutrition make sure you follow me and send me a DM 📱

“Come on Alex spill the tea, what’s the secret to great sleep?”Well there is NO “secret” really not in my eyes.What I do...

“Come on Alex spill the tea, what’s the secret to great sleep?”

Well there is NO “secret” really not in my eyes.

What I do is coach people back to being their natural selves.

What nature intended them to do not what the modern world makes them do.

Stress, screens, processed foods, alcohol, social media , sugar all create problems for us if we have too much of it.

So what do we do?

👍We implement the correct daily and nighttime habits

👌We formulate the right supplement stack for you and your body.

🥦 And eat the correct food that nourish our bodies with amino acids, minerals, vitamins and fibre

All to increase our natural serotonin, melatonin and GABA levels for the best and deepest sleep.

If you want to know more about the coaching program DM “SLEEP”

Your happy hormones can be stimulated very easily and naturally 😁I guarantee that if you do these on a regular basis you...

Your happy hormones can be stimulated very easily and naturally 😁

I guarantee that if you do these on a regular basis you will feel great.

We got our orange belts! 🥋Thursday evening my boy and I had our grading for our orange belt in karate…And we both passed...

We got our orange belts! 🥋

Thursday evening my boy and I had our grading for our orange belt in karate…

And we both passed!

I wanted to get him into karate to learn discipline and respect.

After a few months of watching him he inspired me to give it a go myself!

I’ve always wanted to learn a martial art but I have put it off all these years.

I did box for a little while though.

I took this opportunity as a way for us to bond even more over learning karate.

It’s pretty cool to be able to do this together and someday I hope I inspire him too ☺️

Another night of football training in the freezing cold 🥶Tonight we have glacial side blowing rain ☔️ But I’m very impre...

Another night of football training in the freezing cold 🥶

Tonight we have glacial side blowing rain ☔️

But I’m very impressed with my boys resilience, he keeps showing up even when it’s cold, wet and miserable and appears to love it!

It has taken us a few sessions to get over the complaining and whinging but I think he’s finally got it.

I believe that raising resilient and emotionally intelligent boys is everything.

Very proud of his progress.

It’s my philosophy in life… keep pushing through unfavourable conditions to reap the rewards. Nothing worth having comes easy.

A day of Christmas shopping whilst the kids are in school, big win! I have forgotten how enjoyable shopping can be when ...

A day of Christmas shopping whilst the kids are in school, big win!

I have forgotten how enjoyable shopping can be when you haven’t got the children and it’s a great way to catch up and check back in with each other.

All made better by a great nights sleep and no wake ups from the children during the night too! 💪

“Sorry Alex, I just don’t have the money to fix my sleep!” This mindset is keeping you exhausted!  Anyway, that’s just t...

“Sorry Alex, I just don’t have the money to fix my sleep!”
This mindset is keeping you exhausted!
Anyway, that’s just to set the scene for today’s “lesson”
In numerous conversations I’m seeing the same mindset issue come up again and again…
Let me tell you straight
This is affecting your health and wellbeing!
They’re telling me…

“I’d *love* to improve my sleep as I know it’s a huge issue for me
It’s just…
I haven’t got the money right now and I’m too busy to commit.

No money… Too busy…
Are you seeing what I’m seeing?

Why the hell are you too busy living an unhealthy life?

Here’s how I see it…
With every action, or inaction in this case, there’s a cost.
In this case your health.
If you need to service your car, you’ll find the money to, or risk it breaking down.

So, if you’re tired and exhausted.
Why are you not investing in your sleep?
Probably because you believe you can do it on your own, if you actually try.
If so, wouldn’t you have done it by now?
Or maybe you don’t think your worth investing in?
Thing is…
If you won’t start today, you won’t start tomorrow either.
There will always be an excuse, and there will never be a right time!
Let’s change that mindset
You are worth the investment.
And you are worthy of your own love too!
And if you’re not sleeping properly, the ultimate self-love starts there.
In my Restorative Sleep Blueprint I’m teaching you the ultimate form of self-love… prioritising yourself for better sleep, nutrition and healthy daily habits.
So you can be at your best!
You’ll have full access to me every step of the way.
You give me your time, attention and dedication and I’ll teach you what you need to do on a daily basis to perfect your sleep for the rest of your life.
So take back your power, make a decision to commit to your health and finally prioritise your sleep.
In 6 weeks your body and mind will repay you for it.
P.S please remember just like the car, if you don’t service your needs, eventually you could breakdown.
Let’s not let it get to that stage.

Take care! ☺️

Don’t just settle for what is. Live a life full of fun, activity and opportunities. Keep learningKeep activeKeep growing...

Don’t just settle for what is.

Live a life full of fun, activity and opportunities.

Keep learning

Keep active

Keep growing

‼️ OPPORTUNTY ‼️Only 3 spaces remaining on this intake of The Restorative Sleep BlueprintThere were 6 but 3 have already...


Only 3 spaces remaining on this intake of The Restorative Sleep Blueprint

There were 6 but 3 have already been taken.

Scroll through the carousel more information, and I’ll drop some below…


Alex! I want your support to help guide and educate me on how to improve the quality of my sleep so I can be the best version of myself, be more productive and enjoy my days to the fullest with your holistic approach over the next 6 weeks.

Our goal is to rewire your brain to get the restorative sleep you need to be your best. To truly understand why you haven’t been sleeping well, and implement the optimum scientifically backed habits and behaviours to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed and restored.

A solution that has the potential to change the way you feel about sleep and how to harness this vital tool to dramatically improve your health, wellbeing and mindset for greater productivity, tolerance to stress and enjoyment.

Even if you feel like you don’t have the time to implement these strategies into your life, don’t worry as we’ll work together to seamlessly fit it into your busy life so that eventually it becomes effortless!

Over the next 6 weeks we will focus on inducing your perfect sleep using our 3 phase Restorative Sleep Blueprint™…

🧠 Phase 1 - Nourish Your Body & Mind

😴 Phase 2 - Your Ultimate Sleep Habits™

🚀 Phase 3 - Sleep Mastery


Message me “INFO” and I’ll send you over all the information and you can grab one of the final 3 spaces!

P.S I’m serious when I say only 3 spaces remaining and I’m not sure when I’ll be doing another intake… What I am sure about is the price will most likely increase.

Drop a 💜if you like this quote below.And remember, prioritise your sleep to feel 10x more productive everyday.

Drop a 💜if you like this quote below.

And remember, prioritise your sleep to feel 10x more productive everyday.

7 Reasons why you sleep is important 😴Who can relate to this? Let me know what you’ve been struggling with due to crap s...

7 Reasons why you sleep is important 😴

Who can relate to this?

Let me know what you’ve been struggling with due to crap sleep in the comments below 👇

This is a subject very close to my heart and I have turned it into my mission to help people get more restorative sleep....

This is a subject very close to my heart and I have turned it into my mission to help people get more restorative sleep.

I have been researching this topic for many years now and after a lot of experimentation and research, I am finally in a position to start taking action and help people achieve a better nights sleep for there health and well-being and performance.

Many tips coming your way so please keep your eyes peeled.

When you buy your son’s first pair of Jordans 🥺I’ve been waiting for a while for his feet to be big enough to buy him so...

When you buy your son’s first pair of Jordans 🥺

I’ve been waiting for a while for his feet to be big enough to buy him some!

Feeling stressed? I came across ashwagandha a couple of years ago to help manage my stress levels and support my overall...

Feeling stressed?

I came across ashwagandha a couple of years ago to help manage my stress levels and support my overall wellbeing and it really helped! 🌿🌟

Ashwagandha is a herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to help manage stress and promote overall health and wellbeing.

Here are just a few of the potential benefits of ashwagandha:

💥 Stress relief:

Ashwagandha is perhaps best known for its ability to help manage stress levels. It works by reducing cortisol levels, which is a hormone that is produced in response to stress.

😎 Anxiety reduction:

In addition to helping manage stress, ashwagandha has also been shown to help reduce symptoms of anxiety.

😷 Immune support:

Ashwagandha has been shown to have immune-boosting properties, which can help support overall health and wellbeing.

❌ Anti-inflammatory properties:

Ashwagandha has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation in the body and may help prevent certain chronic diseases.

🧠Potential for improving brain function:

Some studies have suggested that ashwagandha may have benefits for brain function, including improving memory and cognitive performance.

Ashwagandha can be found in a variety of forms, including capsules, powders, and teas. As with any supplement, it's important to talk to your doctor before adding ashwagandha to your routine, especially if you're taking any medications or have any underlying health conditions.

So, if you're feeling stressed or anxious, ashwagandha may be a natural way to help manage your symptoms and support your overall health and wellbeing. 🌿🌟

😍 my new Air Max 👟I still remember my first ever pair when I was 8 years old. I begged my mum to buy me the red and whit...

😍 my new Air Max 👟

I still remember my first ever pair when I was 8 years old. I begged my mum to buy me the red and white air max from the catalog.

🐟 Boost Your Health with Omega-3 Fish Oils 🌊Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in:🧠 br...

🐟 Boost Your Health with Omega-3 Fish Oils 🌊

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in:

🧠 brain health
🫀 heart health
🌿 and overall well-being

One of the best sources of omega-3s is fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines.

But if you're not a fan of fish, or you simply don't get enough omega-3s in your diet, taking a high-quality fish oil supplement may be a good option.

Studies suggest that omega-3 fish oils can help reduce inflammation, improve heart health, and support brain function.

They may even have benefits for skin health, joint health, and eye health.

When shopping for a fish oil supplement, look for one that contains both EPA and DHA, the two main types of omega-3s found in fish.

And be sure to choose a reputable brand that sources its fish from clean, sustainable waters.

So, if you're looking for a simple way to boost your overall health and well-being, consider adding omega-3 fish oils to your daily routine.

Your body (and brain) will thank you!

Have you tried omega-3 fish oils before? Let me know in the comments! 👇

Boost your immune system and support healthy skin with Vitamin C! 🍊🌟Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-s...

Boost your immune system and support healthy skin with Vitamin C! 🍊🌟

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays many important roles in our bodies.

Perhaps most well-known for its immune-boosting properties, Vitamin C is also essential for the production of collagen, which is a protein that gives our skin its strength and elasticity.

Here's a closer look at some of the benefits of Vitamin C:

🤧 Immune support:

Vitamin C helps support our immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and disease.

🧴 Skin health:

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which helps keep our skin looking firm and youthful. It also has antioxidant properties, which can help protect our skin from damage caused by UV rays and other environmental factors.

🩸 Wound healing:

Vitamin C plays an important role in wound healing, as it helps the body produce new tissue and blood vessels.

🔨 Iron absorption:

Vitamin C helps our bodies absorb iron from plant-based sources, which is especially important for vegetarians and vegans who may be at risk of iron deficiency.

Good sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons, as well as other fruits and vegetables like strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, and bell peppers.

While it's best to get your nutrients from food whenever possible, supplements can also be a good option for those who may not be getting enough Vitamin C from their diets.

Remember, Vitamin C is an important nutrient that can help support your immune system and keep your skin looking its best. 🍊🌟

Don't forget about the small but mighty micronutrients that keep your body healthy! 🌿🌟 While macronutrients like protein...

Don't forget about the small but mighty micronutrients that keep your body healthy! 🌿🌟

While macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat get a lot of attention, micronutrients are just as important for our health and wellbeing.

Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need in smaller amounts, but that are still essential for many important functions.

Here's a closer look at some of the key micronutrients and what they do:

🍊 Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is important for supporting our immune system, promoting healthy skin and wound healing, and helping our bodies absorb iron.

Good sources of Vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, and dark leafy greens.

🔨 Iron:

Iron is essential for producing red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout our bodies.

Good sources of iron include red meat, poultry, fish, beans, and fortified cereals.

🦴 Calcium:

Calcium is important for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, as well as supporting nerve and muscle function.

Good sources of calcium include dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods.

☀️ Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption and bone health, as well as supporting immune function and mood regulation.

Good sources of Vitamin D include sunshine, fatty fish and egg yolks.

🥜 Zinc:

Zinc is important for immune function, wound healing, and supporting healthy growth and development. Good sources of zinc include meat, seafood, nuts, and seeds.

These are just a few examples of the many micronutrients that our bodies need to function properly. While it's important to focus on eating a balanced diet that provides all of the essential vitamins and minerals, it can sometimes be difficult to get enough micronutrients from food alone.

That's where supplements can come in, but it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting any new supplements.

Remember, even though micronutrients are small, they play a big role in keeping your body healthy and functioning at its best. 🌿🌟

Fuel your body with the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat! 🍎🥑🍗 Macronutrients are the three main typ...

Fuel your body with the three macronutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat! 🍎🥑🍗

Macronutrients are the three main types of nutrients that our bodies need in large amounts to function properly: protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Each macronutrient plays a unique role in our bodies and provides us with energy and other essential nutrients. Here's a closer look at what each macronutrient does:

🥩 Protein:

Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues, making enzymes and hormones, and supporting a healthy immune system. Good sources of protein include meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts.

🍚 Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are our body's main source of energy and the brains preferred fuel source. They're especially important for fueling high-intensity activities and supporting brain function. Good sources of carbohydrates include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and starchy vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes.

🥑 Fat:

Fat is important for providing our bodies with energy, insulating our organs, and helping our bodies absorb certain vitamins. Good sources of healthy fats include avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, and olive oil.

While it's important to get all three macronutrients in our diets, the amount and balance of each macronutrient we need can vary depending on our individual needs and goals.

For example, athletes or people who are trying to build muscle may need more protein, while people trying to lose weight may need to focus on reducing their carbohydrate intake.

The key is to focus on eating a variety of healthy foods that provide all three macronutrients in the right balance for your needs.

This can help ensure that you're getting all the nutrients your body needs to function at its best. 🍎🥑🍗


Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I have posted on here.

Just wanted to let you know that I am slowly transitioning BACK to the fitness world.

I am working on something exciting so if its something you want to see please show me some love and like this post!

I will keep you all up to date 😁

All the best guys!



Stanborough Road
Welwyn Garden City





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