I was that typical skinny kid growing up…
At age 14 I shot up real quick and developed very little muscle.
It was incredibly embarrassing for me.
I didn’t have much confidence and I was painfully shy.
The lanky frame served me well whilst I played football as a goalkeeper, but I had different aspirations.
I watched all the action films with Sylvester Stallone, Van Damme and Arnold Schwarzenegger and I wanted to be like them!
I was fascinated by muscle and how to grow it.
I told my dad about my desire to put on muscle and he told me I needed to eat more.
But I didn’t know what I needed to eat just that I needed to eat more.
So I did eat more but I still struggled to put on size.
I would do pushups in my bedroom and save up all my money from my paper round so I could buy weights from the Argos catalog.
Every summer I wanted to look bigger and better.
I would read all the books and magazines on body building.
I even bought Joe Weider’s ultimate bodybuilding book from Amazon back in the day. What a book!
Little did I know that all those guys and ladies were on steroids.
Anyway I kept training hard and kept learning.
I signed up to the gym at 16 with my friend. We would push each other to lift more and more every year.
There was progress, but it was slow.
I trained in nutrition and became a PT but still progress was slow.
It wasn’t until I hired a coach that I started seeing huge differences in my ability to grow lean muscle mass!
It was brilliant, I finally knew exactly what to eat and how to train to get abs and grow my arms, legs and chest 💪
If it wasn’t for that first coach and my courage to ask for help and admit that I couldn’t t do it by myself then I wouldn’t have ever achieved the physique I wanted, especially naturally.
All it took was discipline, good food and consistent workouts.
Simple but not easy.
I needed that coach in my corner otherwise I would have failed.
Are you ready to have a coach in your corner to be there for you every step of the way to reach your fitness goals?
DM me “Ready” if you are 💪