“I am on holiday or away pretty much every month for the next 7 months. That’s going to be hard, and I have a lot of meals booked out… This is why I have always struggled”
These were R’s exact words before joining the program.
She had been stuck for so many years with an “all or nothing mindset”
Thinking that there was no way she could lose weight if she was eating out and going on holiday so much.
She had tried many fad diets and diet clubs like slimming world without much success.
She would lose weight but then she would frustratingly regain it all again 😩
Well all that is in the past.
R took action and jumped on board sono could show her the way to enjoy her life and lose weight too.
We used simple nutrition fundamentals to ensure she could lose weight no matter what she had going on.
When we first started she told me:
“my ideal dress size would be a 12 but I’ve never managed to reach that so I’d be happy with a small 14”
Just last week she bought two dresses in a size 10 which fit perfectly! 🤩
How did we do it?
We worked on changing her “all or nothing mindset”
She adopted my mantra of RESET, REFRAME and REFOCUS
Each and every time she felt she had fallen “off plan” she now knows 1 “BAD” meal won’t ruin her progress!
We focused on training smart with a STRENGTH FIRST APPROACH with only 3 hours or less in the gym each week.
We introduced the FLEXIBLE NUTRITION APPROACH so strict diet plans were no more!
This is now her NEW NORMAL, she’s even said herself that “it doesn’t even feel like a diet!”
See we focus on nourishing not punishing your body
When you do this your hunger hormones regulate and fat loss becomes easy!
R is now 42lbs down as of today that’s 1lb away from 3 stone! 🤪
✅ She’s eliminated the all or nothing mindset
✅ Developed a healthy lifestyle routine without sacrificing social events and holidays
Best of all - she’s now in the best shape in her life both PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY!
If you’re fed up of yo-you dieting and confusing fitness advice and not seeing the results you deserve
DM me “NEXT” to become this year’s success story 💪🏼