A session on me... My gift to you.
Looking for an opportunity to experience my style of working and how I approach marketing and business?
It's first come first served, ask me anything and I will do my best to answer ALL the questions asked within the 75 minutes we have together.
1. REPLAY: You need to be in the zRoom to ask your question and to receive personalised advice. The recording will be posted publically and live into my Facebook Group.
2. DONATIONS WELCOMED: The Experience is free and the option to "Buy me a Coffee" will be available. 100% of the proceeds go towards planting trees.
3. INVITATION: During the call, I will invite you to work with me by sharing information about my Academy. It will last 5 minutes.
I am excited to meet you!
P.S. Remember to add the Meeting to your calendar so you know where and when to be... See you there!
MARKETING ORACLE : Happening today at 12pm in my Fb Group called....
Magnetic Marketing for Spiritual Entrepreneurs...
We start at 12pm UK and I look forward to seeing you in there, later today.
NICHING IS ABOUT... Stepping into your power and saying who you stand for!
It is NOT about restriction.
Yesterday I had a conversation in a networking event (zoom room) with a lady who wanted to get people to her new event.
When I asked what type of people her response was vague, making her event unappealing.
Full story (in video format in my Facebook Group - Marketing Mastery for Spiritual Entrepreneurs).
When most think about niching, they think restriction.
Missing out.
Not getting their message to the wider audience.
I say this with love.
These feelings and emotions are coming from a place of lack.
When you are in lack, your putting out to the world that there is not enough, you will go without, there is an absence of..., deficiency or that there is a shortage.
This is not true.
There are thousands of people who need you.
The reason why I am here is because I want to redefine what marketing means to most.
The reason why you are seeing this message is because you need to see something that tells you that you are on the right track and to keep going.
What you've been seeing with marketing is something that feels bad, wrong or not right.
Well you're right.
Marketing is getting a bad reputation because of how it makes you feel.
You really need to look at HOW some are using it to make you feel that way.
Know this... You are on the right track AND marketing can be fun, exciting and get you the things you have desired for years, easily!
So step out of lack and into abundance and tell the world who you stand for, what impact you want to make and show them why your different.
Life is too short to do the things you don't want to do, with the people you don't want to do them with!
Stop sitting on the fence.
Who do you stand for?
Ever wondered what it's like working with me?
Ever wonder what its like to work with me?
Amanda interviews Abbey Skinner from JumpFitUK
I had the pleasure to work with Abbey Skinner from @jumpfituk (Instagram).
We worked One-to-One for 3 months and afterwards we decided to do an interview, so you can see what it's like to work with me.
Marketing is hard, especially when you don't know where to start, where your people are or what to say.
Abbey situation was hesitant about marketing but knew she needed to do more and have access to more instructors, so she tasked me with getting more reach, make more money and help achieve her lifetime goals.
There is so much you can do with marketing it can become overwhelming.
Abbey achieved so much but the 2 biggest things were a significant monthly income jump (an increase of 267%) AND bringing a dream forward by about 4 years...
The studio she is talking about in this video is now launched and is jumping in Bristol!
Congratulations Abbey and I look forward to watching you and your business blossom!
If you want to market authentically, know your exact next steps and grow personally and professionally, get in touch.
I'd love to help you get to your next level!
#marketingmentor #marketingcoach #integratedmarketing #forgetmarketingthinkalignment
How often do you journal?
How do you find the process?
For me it is cathartic.
It let's me express myself without ever holding back by truly being me.
It holds my feelings in the rawest form.
It allows me to formulate my thoughts, ideas and opinions about the world and myself within it.
My hand just flows and sometimes my spirit takes over and speaks from its core.
Inside this book is everything.
Self judgement, criticism, gratitude, observations, elements of looking back, questioning why, pouring out my soul.
The journey I have gone through and am still yet to walk.
It allows me to meet me where I am, empty my head and ground myself.
I don't do it every day, but when I do, I feel better for it.
How often do you journal and what do you get from the process?
#journal #journaling #writing #handwriting #selfreflection #selfrealisation #truth #vulnerability #observation #individuation #sage #authentic #authenticity #raw #unapologetic #beyou #beyourself
The story behind the Marketing Oracle Card Deck has now been released....
This deck has been created and balanced especially for you, so you’re able to align your thoughts, dreams, aspirations, offerings, business and marketing into the ideal vision you carry in your heart.
These pearls are designed for the spiritual entrepreneur who has passion, drive, and determination to be their authentic self, to walk their talk and to become the ethical marketer of their business.
You have a purpose bigger than yourself, not only in what you do but for who you help.
Now is your time…you are ready! Ready to be seen and step into the light you so rightly deserve.
Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction – EO Wilson
On the days you require external guidance or need some strategic (yet ethereal advice), look to the Marketing Oracle.
Shuffle your deck, close your eyes, take a deep breath and choose the card(s) that speaks to you.
Then, take the next step – trust yourself.
Watch this video to find out where my idea came from and how these cards came to be.
What are you willing to do to succeed?
What ever it takes, or is there a limit?
Here is what I'm noticing of late...
This post is a little sensitive for me, but I know that others may be feeling like this too...
What does the word visibility bring up for you?
Let's Shuffle the Deck...
What marketing activities are you up to today? Have you planned your week or month?
Do you know exactly what you are doing to get that awareness and new clients you are after.
Let's shuffle the Marketing Oracle Card Deck and see what lands for you today...
What are these Marketing Oracle Cards?
What are these Marketing Oracle Cards?
I've realised that some of you may have been hearing me speak about the Marketing Oracle Cards but still don't really know what they are.
So... I thought I would come on and tell you a little about them and why you would use them.
If you feel they are something you should have on your desk for that time where you are stuck, unsure, overwhelmed or in need of inspiration or motivation, you can find them here -
#53pearlsofwisdom #marketingoracle #marketingtips #marketingstrategy
The day you plant the seed, is not the day you eat the fruit...
The day you plant the seed, is not the day you eat the fruit...
A weird quote but so true...
This quote is one that keeps me going when you cannot physically see things changing.
Do you ever feel at times when you put something out there, like posting on Social Media, going live or sending an email that you should get something back, like engagement or even business?
That by "doing marketing" it should be putting more money in the bank, but it's just not happening?
You're doing everything you've been told to do, following the steps yet are still not getting the business you want or have the healthy bank account you crave?
What are you planting?
My question to you is.... Are you planting every day? and if so, WHAT are you planting?
Become unstuck and hit the ground running in 2021...
You know when you sit down at your computer, ready to start the day knowing you need to be marketing, but have no clue as to where to start, what to say or what to do?
It becomes frustrating and you get annoyed with yourself.
Feelings start spiraling out of control, feeling like an imposter or worse, comparing yourself to people in the same industry as you, and you end up putting things off until a time where you are feeling more confident, have an idea what you're going to do, which could be weeks.
Let me show you how the Marketing Oracle Card Deck can help you in this situation.
This is the exact reason why the cards have been designed!