That feeling at the end of a big boss fight eating the mic
ELDEN RING - Dying multiple times to this boss FULL GROWN FALLINGSTAR BEAST until we got that killer strike to end him, it was a great feeling and i think the mic at the end enjoyed being eaten also
Even when the bosses kill you over and over you still want to keep playing, remember don't get mad, get stronger!!!!
Don't make mistake like I do 🤣😂
Not many people have killed a boss like this, I just did @eldenring #rpg #eldenring #awesome #funny
Rainbow six siege montage highlights...
Rainbow six siege montage, I love my side, is so tactical and Unforgiven #R6 #rainbowsixsiege #Gaming
Call of duty Warzone montage- highlights #fps
Warzone highlights, how many people play first person shooter #gaming
Highlight Video: The Walking Dead Series- Telltale Episode 1
Tom Clancy's The DIVISION... When we just aren't prepared😂
#r #tomclancy #rainbow #siege ##fortnite #clutch #games #ghostrecon #rainbowsixsiegeclips #tomclancyrainbowsixsiege #pcgaming #rainbowsixclips #ghostreconbreakpoint #ubisoftgames #tomclancys #battlefield #tomclancysthedivision #gta #fps #steelwave #rainbowsixmeme #rainbowsixseige #dankmemes #siegeclips #cod #seige #gameplay #tomclancyrainbowsix #division #rainbowsixsiegegame #smemes #modernwarfare #console #rainbowsiege
Bringing the ACE to the table, love the fun in Rainbow six siege. #r6 #rainbowsixsiege #rainbow #siege #memes #ps #xbox #gaming #rainbowsix #gamer #ubisoft #rainbowsixsiegememes #clips #fortnite #siegememes #pc #twitch #meme #game #tomclancysrainbowsixsiege #rainbowsixmemes #playstation #xboxone #rainbowsixclips #rainbowsixsiegeclips #callofduty #gta #rainbowsixgame #bhfyp
Winning with the worst lag in my history of WARZONE solo v trio
Love the old guns 🥰😍 #warzone #cod
The only sniper to use in the new warzone map!!!
Only weapon worth using are the tried and trusted in the new warzone map, my beautiful Swiss and xm-4 some crazy shots.
Ok who wins ?
A little montage of done pubg mobile kills and play, need to make more content like this 🥰