Maybe these should be my new lucky charms? @crocs n socks 🔴🐊
For various reasons didnt get out much last year after my last post BUT this summer, im determined to get out on the Honda a bit more and get some juicy content going for the gram.
Thought I'd try out voiceover for a change 🤣 might be a more regular fixture?? Few things to sort on the #caferacer this season. Gave her a fluid change and little shakedown to the local drinking establishment afterwards. Big up @360degbrewing for the haze.
Tomorrow shes getting a well overdue clean, polish and probably another shakedown (excuse to go for another pint)
#caferacer #croig #hondacaferacer #cb750 #caferacersofinstagram #instabike #saintmotors #crocs #crocsnsocks #caferacerporn #caferacergram #caferacers #caferacerstyle #reels #voiceover #hondamotorcycles #honda
#caferacer #caferacer### #caferacerstyle #streetcaferacers #hondamotorcycles #hondacaferacers #bikereels #bikersofinstagram #caferaceraofinstagram #croig #cb750 #cbcaferacer #hondauk #bikernation #bikenation #kaferacer #reels #bikergram #motorcycle #custombikelife #custommotorcycle #epidemicmotors #ridersparadise #gentlebikers
Life begins at 7,000 RPM! 💨🏁
Heading into the weekend like 🦍🔥
#honda #cb750 #hondalife #bobberstyle #custombike #blacklist #bikersofinstagram #streetcaferacers #bossbikes #caferacersofinstagram #croig #epidemicmotors #kaferacers #caferacergram #motocruiser #bikeboundblog #hondacaferacers
#cb750caferacer #cb750 #biltwellgringo #hondamotorcycles #hondalife #blacklist #hondacaferacers #caferacerporn #motorcyclemafia #bikelife #caferacers #caferacer #beastmode
Clean up your bars with these amazing micro momentary buttons. Complete with wire ready to roll! Remove clunky switchgear from your custom build and dress your bike to impress! 📦 Free Delivery to mainland UK! 🔥🔥🔥
That noise never gets old. 😂👌🏁😝
#cb750 #cbcaferacer #hondacaferacers #caferacerstyle #caferacersofinstagram #caferacerporn #caferacergram #saint_motors #dropmoto #instabike #bikelife #bikesofinstagram #instamoto #honda #customotorcycle #builtnotbought
Time to make some #caferacer parts. Keep posted!!
#caferacer### #caferacers #caferacersofinstagram #caferacersociety #croig #swarf #cnc #machining #billet ##billetaluminum #bratstyle #brat #honda #hondacb750 #cb750 #soch #doch #builtnotbought #customparts #custombike#motorcycles #custommotorcycle
Loved this 1971 500 #seeley #matchless G50 Mk4 from #bexhill100 on the weekend...👌
#matchlessmotorcycles #matchless #caferacer #vintage #bexhill #bikesofinstagram #croig #vintagemotorcycle #vintagebike #classicracer #ClassicBikesDaily #saint_motors #motorcycle #gentleman #vintagegent #classicmotorcycle
Belt driven workshop #lathe #drill #fabrication #vintage #workshop #metalwork #blacksmith #automobilia #oldschool #engineering #engineer #hacksaw #doverautoworld
First run. Little bit of tinkering and all will be sweet #caferacerporn #caferacer### #hondacustomcycles #hondacb #croig #cb750 #cb750kz #bikesofinstagram #instabike #motorcycle #bratstyle #flattrack #hondacb #honda
Well done elison brooks and shakey. Banging day at brands bsb #superbikes #motorbike #brandshatch #mcebsb #shakey #joshbrooks #jameselison #bikesofinstagram #instabike