Okey Ezea

Okey Ezea Digital Creator, Investor, Entrepreneur, Author, Crypto/financial Evangelist, goalgetter and life Coach.


Three sources of income you should pursue in your life!!!
1. Daily regular urgent 2k!!!
2. High sales/contract that comes huge but not regular!!!
3. Long term growth assets!!!

Here are 5 lessons from How Money Works: Stop being a SUCKER by Tom Mathews (Author), Steve Siebold (Author)"How Money W...

Here are 5 lessons from How Money Works: Stop being a SUCKER by Tom Mathews (Author), Steve Siebold (Author)

"How Money Works: Stop Being a Sucker" by Tom Mathews and Steve Siebold is a financial guide aimed at empowering readers to take control of their finances and build wealth.

Here are five key lessons from the book:

1. Understand the Basics of Money Management: Mathews and Siebold emphasize the importance of understanding fundamental concepts related to money management, such as budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. By mastering these basics, individuals can make informed financial decisions and build a solid foundation for wealth accumulation.

2. Break Free from Financial Myths and Misconceptions: The book aims to debunk common myths and misconceptions about money and wealth. Mathews and Siebold challenge readers to question conventional wisdom and think critically about their financial beliefs and behaviors. By challenging false assumptions and embracing new perspectives, individuals can adopt healthier attitudes and behaviors towards money.

3. Take Responsibility for Your Financial Future: One of the central themes of the book is personal responsibility. Mathews and Siebold encourage readers to take ownership of their financial futures and stop blaming external factors for their financial woes. By taking proactive steps to improve their financial literacy, skills, and habits, individuals can take control of their financial destinies and create the life they desire.

4. Invest Wisely and Build Wealth: Investing is a key component of wealth building, but it requires knowledge, discipline, and patience. Mathews and Siebold provide insights into different investment strategies and vehicles, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and entrepreneurship. They stress the importance of conducting thorough research, diversifying investments, and seeking professional advice to maximize returns and minimize risk.

5. Live Below Your Means and Avoid Financial Pitfalls: Living below your means is essential for achieving financial stability and security. Mathews and Siebold caution against overspending, debt accumulation, and lifestyle inflation, which can sabotage financial success. They advocate for frugality, budgeting, and prioritizing savings and investments to build wealth over time.

By applying these lessons from "How Money Works: Stop Being a Sucker," readers can gain a better understanding of personal finance, overcome financial challenges, and take proactive steps to build wealth and achieve financial freedom.

This is how I’m just looking at those following my page and learning without commenting, liking or even sharing my post!...

This is how I’m just looking at those following my page and learning without commenting, liking or even sharing my post!!!


This is how it should be

This is how it has always been in the old until the new generation of Ndi Ifenemesi took over social media and started their social media awareness on gender equality and 50 50 in marriage

No respect

No loyalty

Even these once dancing and saluting their husband, I still pray they don't send their husbands out of the house someday in the UK

So many single mothers everywhere as a result of lack of loyalty and pride

Go through the comments you will see a whole of them saying that only husband that took care of them like this will be treated well and respected. It means no loyalty to a Poorman, you are on your own

Their love has always been conditional

A man makes money, he doesn't mind to pickup a lady from gutter and package her to greatness but a lady will make money and you will hear that he doesn't need a man in her life

If you are already married you don't know what God has done for you because what is remaining out there nah only God can save the single guys😀

Okey Ezea


Your situation right now is a result of the decisions and plans you made 5 years ago!!!!

The results of the next 5 years will be the decisions you are making now

Pay attention to what you do now, it could impact on your future heavily!!!

Lay down plans for your next 5 years and work towards it!!!

"According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence: 1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)2) Emotional Quotient (E...

"According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence:

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve maths, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.

When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider su***de.

Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.

Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

(Copied status) but one that resonates with me.

"The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz is a self-help classic that offers practical advice and techniques for ...

"The Magic of Thinking Big" by David J. Schwartz is a self-help classic that offers practical advice and techniques for achieving personal and professional success.

Here are 10 key lessons and insights from the book:

1. Believe You Can Succeed and You Will: Schwartz emphasizes the power of belief in achieving success. He argues that the size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. To achieve big things, you must first believe that you can.

2. Cure Yourself of Excusitis: Excusitis, or making excuses, is a major barrier to success. Schwartz identifies common excuses related to health, intelligence, age, and luck, and provides strategies to overcome them. He encourages readers to focus on their strengths and take responsibility for their actions.

3. Build Confidence and Destroy Fear: Fear is a major obstacle to success. Schwartz provides practical steps to build confidence, such as acting confidently, thinking positively, and practicing public speaking. He suggests that taking action is the best way to overcome fear.

4. Think Big: Thinking big means setting high goals and believing that you can achieve them. Schwartz argues that people often limit themselves with small thinking. He encourages readers to stretch their imagination and aim higher in their personal and professional lives.

5. Make Your Attitudes Your Allies: Positive attitudes are crucial for success. Schwartz emphasizes the importance of having a positive outlook, practicing gratitude, and surrounding yourself with positive people. He also highlights the impact of enthusiasm and how it can inspire others.

6. Learn How to Think Like a Leader: Leadership is about influencing others positively. Schwartz outlines key leadership qualities such as vision, integrity, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. He also stresses the importance of decision-making and taking responsibility for those decisions.

7. Get the Action Habit: Successful people are action-oriented. Schwartz advises readers to develop the habit of taking action rather than procrastinating. He suggests breaking tasks into smaller steps and starting immediately, even if you don’t feel completely ready.

8. Turn Defeat into Victory: Failure is a part of the journey to success. Schwartz teaches readers how to learn from their mistakes and use setbacks as stepping stones to future success. He encourages resilience and persistence in the face of challenges.

9. Use Goals to Help You Grow: Setting goals is essential for personal and professional growth. Schwartz emphasizes the importance of setting clear, specific, and achievable goals. He advises readers to write down their goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and review progress regularly.

10. Think Right Toward People: Relationships are key to success. Schwartz highlights the importance of treating people with respect and kindness. He suggests practicing empathy, being a good listener, and focusing on what you can give to others rather than what you can get.

Each of these lessons provides actionable advice that readers can implement in their daily lives to achieve greater success and fulfillment. Schwartz’s emphasis on positive thinking, proactive behavior, and continuous self-improvement resonates throughout the book.


Ok let me explain this furtherLook at this picture in this post carefully, even if this guy continues to work here till ...

Ok let me explain this further

Look at this picture in this post carefully, even if this guy continues to work here till the next 20yrs, he won't still get any results from his work!!!

Check comment section for more details and share this post!!!

10 Lessons from the "SEVEN STRATEGIES FOR WEALTH AND HAPPINESS"Goal Setting and Personal Development:    1. The Power of...


Goal Setting and Personal Development:

1. The Power of Goals: Rohn likely emphasizes the importance of setting clear, specific, and measurable goals to achieve success and fulfillment in life.

2. Personal Development is Key: The book might encourage continuous learning, self-improvement, and acquiring knowledge to reach your full potential.

3. Changing Your Mindset for Success: Rohn might advocate for changing limiting beliefs and developing a positive mindset to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

Financial Literacy and Management:

4. Taking Control of Your Finances: The book might encourage taking responsibility for your financial situation, learning how to manage money effectively, and potentially discuss strategies for wealth creation.

5. Understanding the Power of Compound Interest: Rohn might explain the concept of compound interest and its role in growing your wealth over time through smart saving and investing.

Time Management and Productivity:

6. Mastering Your Time: The book likely emphasizes effective time management strategies to maximize your productivity and achieve your goals efficiently.

7. Prioritization and Focus: Rohn might encourage prioritizing important tasks, focusing on what matters most, and avoiding distractions.

Building Strong Relationships and Success Habits:

8. The Importance of Positive Relationships: The book might highlight the power of surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people who inspire and motivate you.

9. Developing Good Habits for Success: Rohn could discuss the importance of developing habits and routines that contribute to your financial goals, personal growth, and overall well-being.

10. Living a Balanced Life: While pursuing wealth and happiness, the book might advocate for maintaining a balance between your work, relationships, and personal well-being......


The road to a $10k starts with a $1kThe road to $1million starts with a $10kEverything big starts small©OKEY EZEA

The road to a $10k starts with a $1k

The road to $1million starts with a $10k

Everything big starts small

🚦Warning  ⚠️ for Men in Their 20s🚦Men in your 20s, it’s time to face the harsh truths. This decade is crucial for laying...

🚦Warning ⚠️ for Men in Their 20s🚦

Men in your 20s, it’s time to face the harsh truths. This decade is crucial for laying the foundation for the rest of your life. You have to get real and understand what’s at stake. Here’s some straight-talk advice to help you navigate these formative years.

Don’t Let a Woman’s Love Confuse Your Brain

First off, stop letting a woman’s love mess with your head. At this age, it’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of romance, but you need to be smarter. Love at this stage can be misleading. Women will tell you everything you want to hear, but don’t let it cloud your judgment. The majority of relationships formed in your 20s won’t last into marriage. Focus on your growth and ambitions instead of getting lost in romantic illusions. You think she’s the one? Think again. Most likely, she’s not. Don’t waste your energy and emotions on something that’s statistically bound to fail.

Focus on Building Your Purpose

This is the time to find and build your purpose. Prioritize your goals and ambitions over relationships. Building a strong foundation for your future is far more important than catering to the demands of a relationship that might not last. Your 20s are for setting up a career, understanding your passions, and laying down the groundwork for a successful future. Relationships can wait; your career and purpose cannot. If you sacrifice your ambitions now for a relationship, you’re setting yourself up for regret later.

The Odds Are Against Your Current Relationship Lasting

Understand that there is a high likelihood that the woman you are dating now will not be your lifelong partner. This isn’t to say that relationships aren’t important, but don’t put all your energy into something that statistically won’t last. Focus on personal development and let your relationships complement, not dominate, your life. Don’t be fooled into thinking every girl you date is “the one.” Be realistic and prioritize your future.

Learn Productive, Marketable, and High-Income Skills

Your 20s are the best time to acquire skills that will secure your financial future. Learn something that’s in demand and pays well. Whether it’s coding, finance, marketing, or a trade, investing in your skillset now will pay huge dividends in your 30s and 40s. This is the time to build your professional arsenal. Don’t waste time on meaningless jobs that don’t add value to your career. Focus on skills that will make you indispensable in the job market.

Avoid Unplanned Pregnancies

Don’t make the mistake of getting someone pregnant in your 20s. This can drastically slow down your progress and multiply your challenges. Unplanned parenthood can put a strain on your finances, time, and personal development. Focus on responsible relationships and make sure you are ready for the responsibility of parenthood before taking that step. A child is a lifetime commitment, and if you’re not ready, it will derail your plans and ambitions.

Build Strategic Relationships

Don’t underestimate the power of networking. Form strategic relationships with people who are already successful and those who have the potential to be. Your network can open doors that you didn’t even know existed. Seek mentors, build friendships with like-minded individuals, and don’t be afraid to reach out to those who inspire you. The people you surround yourself with can make or break your future. Choose wisely and invest in relationships that add value to your life.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Health is wealth. Make sure to incorporate exercise, a balanced diet, and mental health practices into your routine. Read books, pursue higher education, and continuously feed your mind. A healthy body and mind are crucial for sustained success. Don’t take your health for granted. The habits you form now will stick with you for life. Make sure they are good ones.

Avoid Destructive Habits

Steer clear of habits that can destroy your life. Avoid addiction to smoking, drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and gambling. These vices can derail your progress and leave you with long-term consequences. Focus on building habits that enhance your life, not ones that destroy it. Destructive habits will only set you back and make it harder to achieve your goals.

Be Patient with Yourself

Your 20s are not necessarily a time to make a lot of money but to build the foundation for future wealth. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t have a substantial bank balance yet. Patience and perseverance are key. Keep building yourself up, and the financial rewards will follow. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your empire. Stay focused and keep working towards your goals.

Wisdom and Patience

Above all, be wise. Use your time in your 20s to set yourself up for success. Don’t rush into things that can wait. Understand that this decade is for growth, learning, and setting the stage for a prosperous future. Keep your focus on your goals, stay disciplined, and make wise choices. Patience is crucial. Don’t compare your journey to others. Everyone’s path is different, and rushing will only lead to mistakes.

In conclusion, your 20s are the time to build yourself up, acquire valuable skills, form strategic relationships, and live a healthy lifestyle. Avoid getting sidetracked by temporary pleasures and focus on the long-term vision. Make wise choices now, and you’ll set yourself up for a life of success and fulfillment. Don’t be swayed by societal pressures or temporary desires. Your future is in your hands. Take control and make it count.

Remember, this decade is critical for setting the foundation for the rest of your life. Don’t waste it on meaningless relationships or destructive habits. Focus on your growth, your health, and your future. The sacrifices you make now will pay off in the long run. Be patient, stay disciplined, and keep your eyes on the prize. Your future self will thank you

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"How to Attract Money" by Joseph Murphy is a classic self-help book that explores principles of prosperity, abundance co...

"How to Attract Money" by Joseph Murphy is a classic self-help book that explores principles of prosperity, abundance consciousness, and the power of positive thinking.

Here are 10 lessons from the book:

1. Power of Positive Affirmations: Affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind to attract wealth and abundance by focusing on positive beliefs about money.

2. Law of Attraction: Like attracts like; cultivating a mindset of abundance and gratitude can attract more wealth and opportunities into one's life.

3. Visualization: Visualizing specific financial goals and success can help manifest them into reality, as the subconscious mind works to align actions with desires.

4. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs about money, such as guilt or unworthiness, can pave the way for financial success.

5. Taking Inspired Action: While mindset is important, taking consistent and inspired action towards financial goals is essential for manifesting wealth.

6. Value Creation: The importance of offering value through skills, products, or services in exchange for wealth, highlighting the principle of giving and receiving.

7. Financial Discipline: Developing financial discipline, such as budgeting and saving, is crucial for managing and growing wealth responsibly.

8. Gratitude and Abundance Mindset: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude for current blessings and future abundance can attract more positive financial outcomes.

9. Persistence and Resilience: Perseverance in the face of setbacks and learning from failures are integral to achieving long-term financial success.

10. Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: Understanding spiritual laws that govern prosperity, such as the law of circulation (giving and receiving), can foster a harmonious relationship with money.

These lessons reflect the principles of prosperity consciousness and practical strategies for attracting wealth outlined in Joseph Murphy's "How to Attract Money," offering insights into mindset shifts and actionable steps toward financial abundance.


"The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale is a classic self-help book that emphasizes the importance of a...

"The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale is a classic self-help book that emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset for achieving success and happiness.

Here are ten lessons from the book:

1. Believe in Yourself: Self-confidence is the foundation of success. Believing in your abilities and potential enables you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

2. Positive Affirmations: Using positive affirmations can reprogram your mind to focus on positive outcomes. Repeating uplifting statements can boost your confidence and motivation.

3. Visualize Success: Visualization is a powerful tool. By vividly imagining your goals and successes, you can create a mental blueprint that guides your actions towards achieving them.

4. Control Your Thoughts: Your thoughts shape your reality. Focus on positive, constructive thoughts and eliminate negative, self-defeating ones to create a more positive life.

5. Deal with Problems Constructively: Approach problems with a positive attitude and a problem-solving mindset. Believe that every problem has a solution and work towards finding it.

6. Cultivate Gratitude: Practicing gratitude can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have. This positive outlook can improve your overall happiness and well-being.

7. Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. Healthy relationships can boost your mood, provide encouragement, and help you stay motivated.

8. Faith and Spirituality: Faith in a higher power can provide strength and guidance. Trust that a higher power is supporting you and that everything will work out for the best.

9. Physical Well-being: A positive mind contributes to a healthy body. Take care of your physical health through exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest to maintain a positive mindset.

10. Persistence and Resilience: Success often requires persistence. Stay resilient in the face of setbacks and maintain a positive outlook, knowing that perseverance will eventually lead to success.

These lessons underscore the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, practicing self-belief, and cultivating supportive relationships to achieve personal and professional fulfillment.


7 LESSONS FROM THE BOOK "THE MILLIONAIRE MIND" BY THOMAS J. STANLEY:1. Financial independence is a mindset: Wealth is no...


1. Financial independence is a mindset: Wealth is not just about earning a lot, but also about living below your means and being financially disciplined.

2. Income does not equal wealth: A high income does not guarantee wealth; it's how you manage and invest your money that matters.

3. Frugality is a virtue: Living a frugal lifestyle and avoiding unnecessary expenses is crucial for building wealth.

4. Invest wisely: Invest your money in assets that have a high potential for growth, such as stocks and real estate.

5. Maximize tax-advantaged accounts: Utilize tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k), IRA, and Roth IRA to grow your wealth faster.

6. Build multiple streams of income: Diversify your income sources to reduce financial risk and increase your wealth.

7. Education and self-improvement are key: Continuously educate yourself on personal finance, investing, and entrepreneurship to achieve financial success.

These lessons offer practical advice for building wealth, achieving financial independence, and cultivating a millionaire mindset.


"Mind Management, Not Time Management" by David Kadavy is a thought-provoking book that challenges traditional notions o...

"Mind Management, Not Time Management" by David Kadavy is a thought-provoking book that challenges traditional notions of productivity and offers a fresh perspective on how to optimize our minds for greater effectiveness. Kadavy argues that managing our thoughts, emotions, and attention is more important than simply managing our time. By adopting a mindful approach, readers can enhance focus, creativity, and fulfillment in both their personal and professional lives. Here are ten key lessons and insights from this insightful book:

1. Embracing Mindfulness: Kadavy emphasizes the power of mindfulness in our daily lives. By being fully present and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, we can make intentional choices and direct our attention towards what truly matters.

2. Understanding Attention: The book explores the concept of attention and its impact on productivity. Kadavy highlights the importance of managing our attention effectively, avoiding distractions, and focusing on the task at hand.

3. The Fallacy of Multitasking: Kadavy challenges the notion of multitasking and reveals its detrimental effects on productivity. He explains that switching between tasks creates attention residue and reduces overall efficiency.

4. Deep Work for Productivity: The book delves into the concept of deep work, emphasizing the importance of dedicated, uninterrupted focus on cognitively demanding tasks. Kadavy provides strategies for creating an environment conducive to deep work and maximizing productivity.

5. Managing Energy: Kadavy suggests that managing energy is more important than managing time. By understanding our energy levels and leveraging them effectively, we can accomplish tasks more efficiently and maintain sustainable productivity.

6. The Power of Mindset: The book explores the impact of mindset on productivity. Kadavy teaches readers to cultivate a growth mindset, embrace challenges, and view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

7. Effective Habit Formation: Kadavy highlights the significance of habits in shaping our productivity. He provides practical guidance on how to build positive habits, break unproductive ones, and create sustainable routines that support our goals.

8. The Art of Prioritization: The book emphasizes the art of prioritization, teaching readers to identify high-value tasks and focus on what truly matters. Kadavy offers frameworks and strategies for making informed decisions about task prioritization.

9. Minimizing Digital Distractions: Kadavy addresses the challenges posed by digital distractions and provides practical tips for managing technology to enhance productivity. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and establishing healthy relationships with digital devices and platforms.

10. The Role of Rest and Renewal: The book underscores the importance of rest and renewal in maintaining productivity. Kadavy encourages readers to prioritize self-care, including sleep, regular breaks, exercise, and hobbies, as essential components of sustained productivity and well-being.

"Mind Management, Not Time Management" presents a paradigm shift in how we approach productivity. David Kadavy's lessons on mindfulness, attention management, deep work, energy management, mindset, habit formation, prioritization, minimizing digital distractions, and rest and renewal offer readers practical tools for optimizing their productivity. By adopting a mindful and intentional approach to mind management, readers can unlock their true potential, achieve meaningful goals, and find greater fulfillment in their lives. This book serves as a guide to reevaluating our approach to productivity and harnessing the power of our minds for greater effectiveness and well-being.


"Worry is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere. Let's not waste any more time wo...

"Worry is like a rocking chair - it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere. Let's not waste any more time worrying. Let's get busy living!"

7 Lessons from How to Stop Worrying and Start Living: Time-Tested Methods for Conquering Worry by Dale Carnegie:

1. Focus on the Present Moment: Worry often dwells on the past or future. The book emphasizes focusing your energy on the present moment, where you have the most control.

2. Get the Facts: Break Down Problems into Actionable Steps: Facing a problem head-on can alleviate anxiety. Analyze the situation rationally and gather the facts. Break down larger problems into smaller, actionable steps, making them feel less overwhelming.

3. The "Law of Averages": Lessen Anxiety by Considering Probability: Don't let worst-case scenarios paralyze you. Carnegie encourages considering the Law of Averages. Ask yourself how likely something you worry about is actually going to happen. Often, the odds are in your favor.

4. Accept the Inevitable and Focus on What You Can Control: Some things are simply beyond your control. The book emphasizes accepting these situations and focusing your energy on what you can influence. This reduces stress and empowers you to take action in areas where it matters.

5. Cooperate with the Inevitable: Sometimes the most effective approach is to accept the inevitable and make the best of the situation. Resisting the unchangeable only creates more worry.

6. Crowd Out Your Worries: Fill Your Life with Meaningful Activities: Worry thrives in idleness. The book advises filling your life with activities that bring you joy and purpose. This positive engagement leaves less space for worry to take hold.

7. Develop a "Stop-Loss" Order on Your Worries: Don't allow worry to consume you endlessly. Set a time limit for worrying, and then consciously redirect your thoughts towards more productive activities.

By incorporating these lessons, Carnegie equips readers with strategies to break free from the cycle of worry and focus on creating a happier, more fulfilling life. Remember, much of what we worry about is outside of our control. It's more productive to accept the present, stay positive, and take action in areas where we can make a difference.


Rules that will Change Your Life.1. Take Responsibility: Take responsibility of your life and the decisions you make. Ta...

Rules that will Change Your Life.

1. Take Responsibility: Take responsibility of your life and the decisions you make. Take charge of your life, you have the power to make changes.

2. Develop Self-Discipline: Self-discipline is the key to success. Develop good habits and routines that will help you achieve your goals. Every greatness has a system that creates it.

3. Set Clear Goals: Decide what you want to achieve in life and set clear goals for yourself. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

4. Take Action: You must take actions towards achieving your goals every day, no matter how small the steps are.

5. Learn from Failure: Failure is a part of the learning process. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it to improve yourself.

6. Practice Gratitude: Be grateful for what you have in life. This will help you focus on the positive and appreciate the good things in life.

7. Surround Yourself with Positive People: Surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you. This will help you stay positive and focused on your goals. Iron sharpens iron.

8. Be Persistent: Don't give up on your goals, even if things get tough. Stay persistent and keep working towards them.

9. Take Care of Yourself: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. This will help you be at your best and achieve your goals.

10. Keep Learning: Keep learning and growing every day. Read books, take courses, and learn new skills that will help you achieve your goals.



28 Dunlop Road






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