Sutton Then Now Next: Talking Heads, Living History

Sutton Then Now Next: Talking Heads, Living History Watch 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' on YouTube

What are your memories of Sutton past? I remember the music most - from clubs to pubs to sweaty house raves in Sutton's ...

What are your memories of Sutton past? I remember the music most - from clubs to pubs to sweaty house raves in Sutton's blossoming house music scene (did you know DJ grew up in Carshalton, buying records in Our Price in Sutton!).

Talking Heads, Living Histories’ is a 3-part video series that fuses interviews with Sutton residents with archive and AI-rendered images, text and sounds. The videos can be viewed on YouTube at:

Our aim was to bring local history and heritage alive through recollections of the past and take a glimpse into imagined futures, all focused around life in the London Borough of Sutton THEN, NOW, and NEXT. The interviews were recorded over the summer at borough-wide locations and as we hoped from the outset, the video series was driven by the narrative. We were delighted that so many members of the public were happy to take part and share their stories with a passion that typifies the creative, cultural and community-minded spirit of the Borough. Each series could easily have become four hours long and it is our sincere hope that this film will inspire many others to collect and illustrate stories of Then, Now, Next, with the integrity that true-life stories deserve. We delved into the amazing Sutton Archives to source local heritage and beautiful photographs to add to the narratives that we, as a film crew, were privileged to capture thanks to so many amazing people sharing their stories with us.

Sutton Council Sutton Heritage Sutton Libraries London National Lottery Heritage Fund

‘NOW’ is the middle part of our film ‘Talking Heads Living Histories.’ It’s stories come from the community that live in...

‘NOW’ is the middle part of our film ‘Talking Heads Living Histories.’ It’s stories come from the community that live in Sutton, their stories and their thoughts. We loved finding out these stories from across our Borough.

Find out more at YouTube Channel by searching for Talking Heads Living Histories for BTV Productions Sutton.

We hope you enjoy our film as much as we did making it.

This production was commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s ‘Sutton STEAMs Ahead’, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s ‘London Borough of Culture’ programme, and The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

What will happen next? What does the future hold? We interviewed professors in innovation studies, architects, teachers,...

What will happen next? What does the future hold? We interviewed professors in innovation studies, architects, teachers, ecology volunteers and children to find the answers they had. Their talking heads added to our film.

See more at

You Tube: Talking Heads Living Histories. BTV Productions.

Thank you so much to all those who came to our premiere for ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories’ It was a huge turnout of p...

Thank you so much to all those who came to our premiere for ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories’ It was a huge turnout of participants, council and funding members, and walk-in general public.

Massive thanks to Sutton Council Cultural Services for such a wonderfully warm welcome into Sutton Library's Community Space. Special thanks to Enjoy Sutton for sponsoring the evening with Empire Sutton providing popcorn, and Shinner & Sudtone for the drinks and delicious food from their new menu. Plus, an extra thank you to Sutton Community Dance for the stereo sound system.

Watch our 35-minute film 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' on BTV Productions Sutton YouTube channel: (with subtitles)

This production was commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s ‘Sutton STEAMs Ahead’, and is a Sutton ‘Then Now Next’ project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s ‘London Borough of Culture’ programme, and The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

We are proud to present! ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ is new ...

We are proud to present! ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’

This is new video project that has captured the memories and imagination of the London Borough of Sutton and its residents.

This video series focuses on Sutton Then”, “Now” and “Next” and fuses together interviews of residents with related images, text and sounds bringing Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery, and Artificial Intelligence.

This innovative production is commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s Sutton STEAMs Ahead, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

Sutton Council Sutton Libraries London Sutton Heritage Sutton Then Now Next: Talking Heads, Living History

We are proud to present! ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ a new video project that has captured the memories and imagi...

We are proud to present! ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ a new video project that has captured the memories and imagination of the London Borough of Sutton and its residents.

This video series focuses on Sutton Then”, “Now” and “Next” and fuses together interviews of residents with related images, text and sounds bringing Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery, and Artificial Intelligence.

This innovative production is commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s Sutton STEAMs Ahead, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

Sutton Council Sutton Libraries London Sutton Heritage Sutton Then Now Next: Talking Heads, Living History

Tonight!!!!!!! Public and invited guests. Film premiere at Sutton Library!THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather...

Tonight!!!!!!! Public and invited guests. Film premiere at Sutton Library!

THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Saturdays film premiere of 'Talking Heads Living Histories'; into Sutton Central Library.

We look forward to you joining us for the premiere of ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ a new
video project that has captured the memories and imagination of the London Borough of
Sutton and its residents.
This video series focuses on Sutton Then”, “Now” and “Next” and fuses together interviews of residents with related images, text and sounds bringing Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery, and Artificial Intelligence.

This innovative production is commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s Sutton STEAMs
Ahead, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

DATE: Saturday 21st October
TIME: 6-8pm
VENUE: Sutton Central Library, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA
LEVEL: 1A, Community Space

Please enter via the main entrance to Sutton College/Sutton Library from St Nicholas Way. Once inside the library you can use the stairs or take the lift to floor 1A.

Please check-in at our reception desk on arrival upstairs in the Community Space, it is important we sign you in in case of any emergency.

Any filming or photography at the event will be shared to our social media channels and as a legacy of the event. Please let us know on arrival if you do NOT wish to be filmed or

We are busy getting ready for our big screening tomorrow!  MEET THE FILM MAKERS! Tomorrow!THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpre...

We are busy getting ready for our big screening tomorrow! MEET THE FILM MAKERS! Tomorrow!

THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Saturdays film premiere of 'Talking Heads Living Histories'; into Sutton Central Library.

We look forward to you joining us for the premiere of ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ a new
video project that has captured the memories and imagination of the London Borough of
Sutton and its residents.
This video series focuses on Sutton Then”, “Now” and “Next” and fuses together interviews of residents with related images, text and sounds bringing Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery, and Artificial Intelligence.

This innovative production is commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s Sutton STEAMs
Ahead, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

DATE: Saturday 21st October
TIME: 6-8pm
VENUE: Sutton Central Library, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA
LEVEL: 1A, Community Space

Please enter via the main entrance to Sutton College/Sutton Library from St Nicholas Way. Once inside the library you can use the stairs or take the lift to floor 1A.

Please check-in at our reception desk on arrival upstairs in the Community Space, it is important we sign you in in case of any emergency.

Any filming or photography at the event will be shared to our social media channels and as a legacy of the event. Please let us know on arrival if you do NOT wish to be filmed or

It’s tomorrow!THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Satu...

It’s tomorrow!

THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Saturdays film premiere of 'Talking Heads Living Histories'; into Sutton Central Library.

We look forward to you joining us for the premiere of ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ a new
video project that has captured the memories and imagination of the London Borough of
Sutton and its residents.
This video series focuses on Sutton Then”, “Now” and “Next” and fuses together interviews of residents with related images, text and sounds bringing Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery, and Artificial Intelligence.

This innovative production is commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s Sutton STEAMs
Ahead, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

DATE: Saturday 21st October
TIME: 6-8pm
VENUE: Sutton Central Library, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA
LEVEL: 1A, Community Space

Please enter via the main entrance to Sutton College/Sutton Library from St Nicholas Way. Once inside the library you can use the stairs or take the lift to floor 1A.

Please check-in at our reception desk on arrival upstairs in the Community Space, it is important we sign you in in case of any emergency.

Any filming or photography at the event will be shared to our social media channels and as a legacy of the event. Please let us know on arrival if you do NOT wish to be filmed or

Sutton - THEN - NOW - NEXT promo video for the upcoming BTV films about the borough.

THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Saturdays film pre...

THIS SATURDAY! Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Saturdays film premiere of 'Talking Heads Living Histories'; into Sutton Central Library.

We look forward to you joining us for the premiere of ‘Talking Heads, Living Histories,’ a new
video project that has captured the memories and imagination of the London Borough of
Sutton and its residents.
This video series focuses on Sutton Then”, “Now” and “Next” and fuses together interviews of residents with related images, text and sounds bringing Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery, and Artificial Intelligence.

This innovative production is commissioned by London Borough of Sutton’s Sutton STEAMs
Ahead, a project funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

DATE: Saturday 21st October
TIME: 6-8pm
VENUE: Sutton Central Library, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA
LEVEL: 1A, Community Space

Please enter via the main entrance to Sutton College/Sutton Library from St Nicholas Way. Once inside the library you can use the stairs or take the lift to floor 1A.

Please check-in at our reception desk on arrival upstairs in the Community Space, it is important we sign you in in case of any emergency.

Any filming or photography at the event will be shared to our social media channels and as a legacy of the event. Please let us know on arrival if you do NOT wish to be filmed or


Due to an unpredictable weather forecast, we have made the decision today to move this Saturday's film premiere of 'Talking Heads Living Histories' into Sutton Central Library

DATE: Saturday 21st October
VENUE: Sutton Central Library, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, SM1 1EA
LEVEL: 1A, Community Space

Please enter via the main entrance to Sutton College/Sutton Library from St Nicholas Way. Once inside the library you can use the stairs or take the lift to floor 1A.

Please check-in at our reception desk on arrival upstairs in the Community Space, it is important we sign you in in case of any emergency.

17:50 Sutton Cultural Services Team house-keeping
17:55 Team BTV short introduction
18:00-18:35 First showing followed by a 10-minute break
18:45-19:20 Second showing followed by a 5-minute break
19:25-20:00 Third showing and end of event.
20:00-20:30 Team BTV clear up and out

These will be available to complete at the event and we encourage you all to complete these forms. They are a requirement of the funders and this also helps with future funding applications

We will invite you to give us your response to camera also, you do not have to participate but we will ask for your consent to be able share your response on social media channels

Any filming or photography at the event will be shared to our social media channels and as a legacy of the event. Please let us know on arrival if you do NOT wish to be filmed or photographed.

This is a ‘Sutton Then Now Next’ project that is part of Sutton Steams Ahead, funded by a Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture programme and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

We are proud to announce that the premiere of our three films 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' will be on OCTOBER 21st,...

We are proud to announce that the premiere of our three films 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' will be on OCTOBER 21st, Trinity Square, Sutton 6PM to 8PM, depending on light

A ‘Sutton Then, Now Next’ Project, part of Sutton Steams Ahead 2023, these films bring Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery from Sutton Libraries archive service and artificial intelligence.

This innovative production has been filmed over the summer at locations all across the London Borough of Sutton and will be projected at an open-air premiere supported by Enjoy Sutton BID.

See you at Trinity Square, High St, Sutton, between 5PM-8PM, October 21st.

This is a ‘Sutton Then Now Next’ project that is part of Sutton Steams Ahead, funded by the Mayor of London’s Cultural Impact award and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.

Just over two weeks left until our films are projected in Sutton High Street, Trinity Square…October 21st 6PM onwards, d...

Just over two weeks left until our films are projected in Sutton High Street, Trinity Square…October 21st 6PM onwards, depending on light. To get you in the mood…can you name all the locations in our promo? And a bonus question is…who did kill JR?

Sutton - THEN - NOW - NEXT promo video for the upcoming BTV films about the borough.

We are so looking forward to seeing you all on October 21st from 6PM onwards depending on light at Trinity Square in Sut...

We are so looking forward to seeing you all on October 21st from 6PM onwards depending on light at Trinity Square in Sutton High Street for the amazing projections of 3 films. Trinity Square is in the heart of Sutton, next to Shinner and Sudtone. All are welcome to view these 3 films on the past, present and future of the London Borough of Sutton.

What is about Sutton NOW that makes you want to be here?Many of our interviewees said its the open spaces, arts, sense o...

What is about Sutton NOW that makes you want to be here?

Many of our interviewees said its the open spaces, arts, sense of community, what about you?

We are so proud to announce that the premier of our three films 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' will be on OCTOBER 21st, Trinity Square, Sutton from 6PM to 8pm depending on light.

A ‘Sutton Then, Now Next’ Project, part of Sutton Steams Ahead 2023, these films bring Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery from Sutton Libraries archive service and artificial intelligence.

This innovative production has been filmed over the summer at locations all across the London Borough of Sutton and will be projected at an open-air premiere supported by Enjoy Sutton BID.

See you at Trinity Square, High St, Sutton, between 6PM to 8PM, October 21st.

This is a ‘Sutton Then Now Next’ project that is part of Sutton Steams Ahead, funded by the Mayor of London’s Cultural Impact award and The National Heritage Lottery Fund.


We are proud to announce that the premiere of our three films 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' will be on OCTOBER 21st, Trinity Square, Sutton from 6PM to 8pm depending on light.

A ‘Sutton Then, Now Next’ Project, part of Sutton Steams Ahead 2023, these films bring Sutton’s history alive through video interviews, archival imagery from Sutton Libraries archive service and artificial intelligence.

This innovative production has been filmed over the summer at locations all across the London Borough of Sutton and will be projected at an open-air premiere supported by Enjoy Sutton BID.

See you at Trinity Square, High St, Sutton, between We are proud to announce that the premiere of our three films 'Talking Heads, Living Histories' will be on OCTOBER 21st, Trinity Square, Sutton 6PM to 8PM, depending on light






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