Eagle Live takes over the day-to-day running's of the artist/band in assisting with meetings with various other promoters, and become the main ear-piece of support. Eagle Live also ensures artist/band is informed of every decision being made before making a deal we also deal with affairs of an artist/band while we advise and counsel talent concerning professi
onal matters, long-term plans and personal decisions which may affect the artist/band career. Promotion
Eagle Live takes over as the agent for the artist/band,solo deals with posters, flyers, tickets and more also by booking shows with other various organisations locally and around the north east of England either headline or support roles. Eagle Live also organises photo-shoots, interviews and various promotional packages. Feature / Interview Page (General Promotional Package)
Eagle Live’s basic promotion package we offer to bands/solo/artists. They will feature on our website page with your groups name, photo and general information about who you are and links to other pages you have. Eagle Live will also offer a general interview within this package based on pre-selected interview questions. Eagle Live UK LTD will take no further action after this package has been offered to our clients unless instructed otherwise. Our Roster
The artist/band is joined to our growing roster and becomes our priority for assisting in all our many services and ensures the artist/client is informed via a key-worker of the many decisions and various shows, bookings, feedback and more. Various Competitions either by Eagle Live or other organisations
The artist/band is automatically entered into competitions via battle of the bands, selected organisations and more to win prizes, recording time, rehearsal time and more while also including press packs and radio interview slots. Tuition
While working with The Bunker Sunderland Eagle Live can offer also offer tuition sessions for anyone inside or outside the music business who wants to brush up on their guitar, drum, keyboard etc skills. Training
While working with The Bunker Sunderland Eagle Live can offer training session courses in the music industry, ask us about this service and we will let you know. Sound Engineer, DJ Skills, Event Management, Sound and Music Technology Prices: Tuition £20 for 1 Hour, Group Courses from £240
While working with The Bunker Sunderland and especially Room 3 Recording we can offer clients/artists studio time professionally mixed and edited while also suited to your basic needs. Eagle Live can also direct you to North East Recording Studios in South Shields who offer professional services for a fee of £60 or more mixed and edited. Membership Scheme
We also offer our own membership scheme while working with The Bunker Sunderland with a fee of £40 for 12 months (1 Year) it entitles you to a feature page on our website, 20% off on rehearsal bookings, members gain entry to gigs, promotional offers, monthly updates e-monthly, radio and magazine interviews. Press Releases
We can also offer a press kit on a large scale; we have our own in-house graphic designer and promotions team who can assist in offering the right press release package to tailor your needs. We can also make press kits available for release to local networking sites, magazines, newspapers and local or regional radio network stations. Client Performance and Develop Musically
We also offer assistance not just on stage but also off stage by as much encouragement as possible. Bringing in music professionals to assist at the rehearsals, pre-gig meetings we also monitor progress via client appraisal forms which Eagle Live staff mark and check. Venue Updates
We also offer assistance in providing the best venues in the North East Area to ensure our clients and partners are provided with the best support. Equipment Hire and Events
We also offer in conjunction with The Bunker Sunderland, whether you’re a band, artist, or looking for local support we can offer equipment hire PA system for a small party, to a large event or a gig, corporate/business training days, festivals, film/broadcast, public events, weddings, DJ’s and many more. Prices can range from: PA HIRE: £50, STAGE MANAGEMENT AND CO-ORDINATION OF YOUR EVENT, £150, BACKDROP, LIGHTING AND STAGING IS ALSO AVAIABLE