My PR on rebirth of 19 kills!
Had a blast that day with Beezriot Gaming and Womanpikachu30
I hope you enjoy the video!
Highlights of the first game of the Co-Stream with Miami Merc ft BeezRiot and BlendR3born. Some sick snipes and the MP7 slapping!
We had some fun and games and some risky chat!!
Cheats turned up 110%
So we ran into this "Player" the other day!! Now I know Ricochet/Ricosh!t is taking its time to learn everything, but Damn!!! not even a second thought to hide these cheats!!
Enjoy the video and let me know what your thought are in the comments!!
Highlights from the most recent Co-Stream with BKPGaming with guest appearances from Deafguy , @Veronica DeCosta and American Psycho Gaming
#sgelite #sentinelgamers #beardedviking
Just a small selection of some recent snipes!
I'm getting better at sniping, soon I may actually be good! 🤣
I hope you enjoy the video.
#sgelite #sentinelgamers #beardedviking
Kill Compilation
Just small selection of kills from the past few weeks.
Cheeky little win, A few surprises along the way.
M4A1 shredding as always!!
No victory is ever too small!
Trios with Real-Reaper91 and BilboTBaggins.
Nice clutch and some laughs along the way!!
Holding is not camping! 🤣