Trafford Council launches new portal to help match personal assistants with people with care needs
Prospective care and support workers, and people needing their help, can now find each other easily in Trafford – thanks to a new web portal.
Trafford Council has set up Trafford PA Web to allow people who would like to work as personal assistants to create a profile and look for employment with those who require support, either out and about, or around the house.
The move is part of Trafford Council’s ambitions to offer people with care needs as much choice as possible. This can include receiving Direct Payments to cover the care required, becoming an employer, and choosing who to hire.
Personal assistants don’t need any special qualifications and the work is often very flexible – and close to home. PAs can choose how many hours they want to do, and for how many people.
Staff from the council’s Adults and Wellbeing Directorate are now busy promoting the web portal at job clubs and job fairs, and in communities. They are also keen to introduce the idea of becoming a PA to people who might suit and enjoy it.
The system can be life-changing for employers and personal assistants alike. Pauline Delglyn, of Old Trafford, who is registered blind, employs Tiarra Morrison for eight hours per week to help with laundry, cleaning, meal preparation and other tasks.
Pauline, a former psychiatric nurse turned community radio presenter, says: “Whatever I need, Tiarra is there to help. I feel privileged to have her in my corner. She helps me with shopping and reads my mail for me. She helps me to order things online and choose my outfits.”
Tiarra, who has worked in childcare and elderly care, said: “It’s great working with just one person. I get to know exactly how Pauline likes things. I don’t have to try to remember. I really recommend this type of work.”
Rupy Kaur, of Sale, has cerebral palsy and employs a team of personal assistants around the clock to help her live her life and work as a registered health psychologist.
She says: “My PAs assist with all my personal care needs. They are truly like family. For anyone considering employing your own PAs, I encourage you to take that step. It has transformed my life.”
Julie Edwards, one of Rupy’s PAs, says: “It’s very rewarding work, enabling Rupy to live her life. It’s so much more than caring, and we don’t call ourselves carers. I worked in the corporate world, in sales and marketing, but I wanted to do something different, to fit in with family life.
“When I turned up for my first shift with Rupy I had no idea what to expect. It’s been so much more than I imagined. There are nine of us and we work as a team to cover all Rupy’s requirements and needs.”
Cllr Jane Slater, Trafford Council’s Executive Member for Healthy and Independent Lives, said: “We want to make sure our residents with care needs have the best possible opportunities and day to day experiences.
“That often means having a carer by their side, whether it’s going to the places they love and want to visit, or getting the help that means they can carry on living independently in their own homes.
“We’re delighted to launch Trafford PA Web and we’re spreading the word to encourage people to create a profile, take a look around and learn more about this exciting career option.”
The role is hugely varied and can range from providing personal care or administering medicine to accompanying employers to social activities or supporting them at their place of work.
Some employers might ask for a visit once a week whereas others may need support for several hours, every day, or even around the clock.
Personal assistants report a high level of job satisfaction, working with people the develop a good connection with and making a difference for them. Depending on taxes, the take-home pay is about £12 per hour.
Employers sometimes enlist the help of family members or others in becoming an employer and looking for people to work with them.
Whether you are a potential employer or personal assistant, find out more and register at Trafford PA Web.
Pauline Delglyn and Tiarra Morrison
Pauline Delglyn, 63, of Old Trafford, employs Tiarra Morrison, 29, for eight hours a week, helping with whatever tasks are needed such as cleaning, meal preparation, shopping and going out and about in the community.
Pauline, who was born and brought up in Moss Side, is registered blind and leads a full life including playing keyboards and saxophone, teaching English as a second language, IT and Braille.
A former psychiatric nurse, she is a trained counsellor, active member of several community groups and also hosts a radio show about health, wellbeing and local matters on local radio on Sunday mornings.
Pauline says: “I am well supported. I ask for help when I need it and the whole community looks out for me. I feel privileged to have Tiarra, or TT as I call her, in my corner. She keeps me company, making sure I have my medication ready to take and reading my mail for me.”
Tiarra, a mother of two, also runs a seafood restaurant with her sister. Tiarra’s mother is good friends with Pauline. She said: “Being a personal assistant fits really well with other commitments in life and it’s really nice to be able to support Pauline, or Sister P as I call her, to do all the things she wants to do.”
The support works both ways, too – Pauline has been able to advise and support Tiarra on business and life matters, using her counselling and coaching skills. In all, the pair are a great match – and look forward to continuing to work together.
Rupy Kaur and Julie Edwards
Dr Rupy Kaur and her team of PAs including Julie Edwards are a great illustration about the all-round benefits of the PA Web system.
Rupy, 37, is a registered health psychologist who lives in Sale. Born with cerebral palsy, she relies on a powered wheelchair every day. For over 20 years, Rupy has employed personal assistants (PAs) through the Trafford Direct Payments scheme.
Rupy says: “My PAs have been instrumental in helping me to live the life I choose. They provide assistance with all my personal care needs, but they are so much more than just caregivers – they are my partners and friends, truly like family.
“Their professionalism and kindness empower me to pursue my passions and embrace every opportunity. If you’re considering employing your own PAs, I encourage you to take that step. It has transformed my life, and I can’t imagine navigating this journey without them.”
Julie Edwards, 51, is a PA to Rupy. As well as attending to care needs, Julie co-ordinates a team of nine PAs plus additional staff who can be called upon in emergencies. Julie says: “I had a career in sales and marketing and I just wanted to do something different to fit around family life.
“I had no idea what to expect when I turned up for my first shift with Rupy but I’ve found the work very rewarding, making such a difference, and we have become very close. We work around the clock as we just don’t know when Rupy might need us. We consider ourselves as family.”