Yesterday, PFP stood for the innocents being slaughtered in Gaza. Stood for the killing of innocent children being more pressing than protecting shipping lanes. We are at the point of non participation is complicity. We can’t champion our community without championing the rights of others.
A Xmas message, a lot of thanks, and a rally cry to keep going. Happy Xmas from me
Kenny 🙏🏻😊❤️
This is cute. Share please.
Where’s ‘Bobbie Breeze’ This year we have chosen to support a local Hertfordshire charity Feed Up Warm Up & Andys Man Club. On Friday Bobbie will go on his first adventure in Hertfordshire, with the help of Parker Steel and Woodmore Powder Coating Specialist we have produced a 4ft Snowman and many miniature ones. A big thank you all of Bobbie’s sponsors! If you would like to join them and have him visit for a donation, please contact us. We will be posting daily clues for Bobbie and his friend Smithy’s locations. If you would like to sponsor Smithy’s, we will be happy to label them on your behalf and hide them for the kids to find and keep. We will be holding an Auction for Bobbie on the 23rd December for the highest bidder to keep, watch this space! For all online donations please see below link #itsoktotalk #andysmanclub #mentalhealth #homeless #foodbank #construction #charity #parkersteel
Well that was a strange way to wake up this morning! I was in the shower and I was watching my phone leaping up in the air.
Ok so I don’t run the hub I just volunteer there .. and the coats for homeless got me in trouble with the local jobsworths .. but I am off to Letchmore road this morning to see the kids in assembly. Thank you very much though whoever did this .. it’s not why I do it as you know but this will really make my kids laugh and hopefully proud! Weird morning !
Thank you! 🙏🏻😊❤️
A few weeks ago, this page featured a story about beautiful Erin, who suffers from so many problems and had been contacted by her family.. desperately needing two rooms to have carpet installed as Erin has a rare form of life threatening epilepsy and was prone to fitting and falling on concrete floors.
I put the patrons on alert, and the wonderful Wendy Roberts and Lisa Hayward wrote to me offering a donation for the carpets. Both of them gave so incredibly generously, covering nearly half of the costs… whilst the patrons, paid for the rest. Here she is today enjoying her soft crawl! Many thanks to all the above and to old friends Michael and Ed Currant of Currant Carpets for their great deal and even greater care. You are all truly People for People. Enjoy little Angel! 🙏🏻❤️😊😍