Begin the new year filled with positivity and spirituality. Tarot Journeys by the marvellous Elizabeth Anderton Fox is now available from the Immanion Press website - https://www.immanion-press.com/tarot-journeys
Tarot Journeys are a series of inner journeys based on personal meditations during the eighteen months of the 2020/2021 pandemic. While they reference the symbolism of the A.E. Waite Major Arcana, they do not necessarily follow the usual interpretations. However, each one endeavours to convey insights into how the card images work in our inner world.
The cards are doorways into understandings of our human condition, which will be appropriate to individual needs. Hopefully they will be an introduction to a quest which can enrich and deepen our life's journey.
From the author of Journeys in the Light Within and Rituals of the Light Within.