Hello everyone ! Free lunchtime mindfulness sessions for all St Andrews students, Nutritank member or not.
During this crazy time, a half hour session to re-focus to the present moment could do a world of good.
Dr Siobhan Lynch has kindly offered to run meditation drop-in sessions for staff and students on Tuesdays and Fridays, 1.30-2.00. The exercises covered each week will be uploaded to the resources tab, so you can still join in,
even if you can't make the sessions. If you'd like to participate, please
add yourself to the Team (see below).
INSTRUCTIONS: When you open Microsoft Teams you should see a button in the top right-hand corner which says 'join or create team'. If you click on that, on the following page you should see a box where you can enter a code
to join an existing team. This code should take you to the meditation room: xsm8uqq
You should see recurring meetings for Tues & Fri (1.30-2), and at the top of the page there should be a 'resources' tab. If you click the tab (you may need to re-enter your uni details), you should see the webpage
where Siobhan will pop links/resources up.