BRAND NEW VIDEO ALERT! THIS ONE GETS QUITE DARK, THERES WITCHES, DEPRESSING ARGUMENTS ABOUT THE PAST, GWEN'S EXISTENCE IS ALMOST FOUND OUT BY THE GENERAL AND THE EXTRACTION OF A DYING OLD MAN'S BRAIN CHEMICALS. DONT MISS THE LATEST EPISODE OF WE HAPPY FEW, UP NOW ON MY CHANNEL! What's up, friends, viewers and subscribers? I hope you are all well? So, this time Sally sets to work on getting the rest of the ingredients needed to make the blackberry joy for the bobbies which means she has to extract chemicals from an old war veteran who is on his last legs. She is almost caught in her secret of having a baby in her house when the general comes for his fix of rainbow. She reunites with Arthur and takes a trip to see the wyrd sisters. Quite a lot packed into a slightly shorter video so make sure you watch to the end to not miss anything as I continue Sally's story. As always, I hope you enjoy today's video, don't forget to show some love by dropping a like and a comment on it. Remember to help support me as well by subscribing, and until the next one, it's goodbye from me for now my friends!
What's up friends, viewers & subscribers? Welcome back to my playthrough of the critically acclaimed fantasy world game We Happy Few. In Part 16, Sally has h...