Rose King

Rose King I help women escape their corporate roles so they can put their family first. I help utilise the power of social media to build an abundant way of earning.

Are you deeply devoted to your vision or excuses? Only one of them can lead your decisions and ultimately, the course of...

Are you deeply devoted to your vision or excuses?

Only one of them can lead your decisions and ultimately, the course of your life.

Comment “Masterclass” if you are ready to make changes.

Travelling always gives me a different perspective. A chance to step away from family life and live a different life for...

Travelling always gives me a different perspective. A chance to step away from family life and live a different life for a few days.

Distance helps you realise what you already know;

❤️ Your family, however much they drive you wild, mess up your home, eat everything faster than you can imagine. You miss them in life without them. It’s not as fun by far,

✈️Going to different places, hotter, more glamorous, completely different to real life, reminds you that Home is where you belong. It’s not about the hotels and the white robes it’s about snuggles in a messy home, chaotic but knowing that is exactly where you need to be.

🥗 You can eat at fancy restaurants but nothing is more wonderful than a loud, crazy, home-cooked meal in the slightly messy kitchen of your home surrounded by your family.

Being out of the normal routine helps you appreciate the power of the daily habits you have built to eliminate toxins and nurture your health and allow yourself to love your family,

I also find that stepping into the outside world exposes you to the gross consumerism of our world something I do my best to shout my children from.

I love going away for work to enjoy my own identity stretch my brain and see the world knowing that I am providing financially for my children.

However the reason why I love it is because it serves as a glorious reminder of what I am working for which is a slow low life full of love at home with my family.

Who’s with me?

Who’s with me?

As a mother, it’s easy to feel trapped in the web of responsibilities and choices. Your salary isn’t just a contribution...

As a mother, it’s easy to feel trapped in the web of responsibilities and choices.

Your salary isn’t just a contribution—it’s integral to the family’s stability, leaving little room for personal choice. The need to work isn’t optional, but the pull to be home with your children feels equally non-negotiable.

Maternal instincts drive a deep desire to nurture, to be physically present during those precious formative years. Yet, the reality of modern life demands more.

The decision we made to live in the countryside, providing our children with the benefits of nature, space, and tranquillity, comes with a price. It’s a choice rooted in love, but one that requires sacrifices—financial and personal.

The conflict runs deep. On one hand, you want to be there: to hold their hands, guide them, and witness every milestone. On the other, you aim to lead by example, teaching the value of hard work and independence. You want them to see you not only as their mother but as a person with dreams, ambitions, and an identity outside the home.

Then there’s the commitment to a healthy lifestyle—investing in organic food, holistic care, and an environment that prioritises wellness. These choices, while enriching, add to the financial pressure, further solidifying the need to work.

Motherhood is a constant balancing act, with priorities pulling you in every direction. It’s both a privilege and a struggle—a life filled with love, challenges, and the endless pursuit of doing what’s best for your family.

I was never really “gone”. There has always been a spark, smouldering. But for a long time it was just that. Smouldering...

I was never really “gone”. There has always been a spark, smouldering. But for a long time it was just that. Smouldering.

It all started when I decided I had to build the kind of life a woman is supposed to build. I became a good wife, mother daughter, citizen, employee, woman. But while I was doing all these things, rushing around, meeting deadlines, exceeding targets, I couldn’t help but feel there was a kind of restlessness within me. It was constantly there, bubbling below the surface. A thunder made up of longing to be with my children and rage that I’d gone down a path that took me away from them. It was like a pan of water, always simmering, threatening to boil.

I was scared though. It felt so powerful, like I wanted to explode. But I kept telling myself that it was ok to feel like this and that in order to keep my employees and everyone happy, I would just keep it hidden.

I was surprised about how easy it all was. I was filled with this electric thunder, but all I had to do was smile, turn up to work, do my job while leaving my children with someone else and the world would think I was a content working mother. I often wondered if I wasn’t the only one using my skin to hide myself. And as I write this, on the other side, I know I wasn’t. Us women are unbelievably good at it.

My boiling point came, as I was standing on the train platform, it was dark, I was off to London for three days, I wouldn’t see my boys until the weekend, and a nanny (she was heaven, but not me) would collect them from school, feed, bathe and kiss them goodnight. I knew that this couldn’t be my life for any longer, I had to take action and change the way I was heading.

It was at that point I stepped off the career conveyor belt and looked for other ways of building a life that served my family and not a boss.

That was when I found a unique business where allowing that fire inside you to burn brightly is actively encouraged and where you can truly life a life according to how you want to be, and not how you ‘should’ be.

Earlier this week I recorded a Masterclass, taking you through the What, Who and How of the business. Comment or DM ‘Masterclass’ and I’ll send it over.

If you’re anything like me, these are the thoughts that prevent you from taking action.I knew I had to reframe my though...

If you’re anything like me, these are the thoughts that prevent you from taking action.

I knew I had to reframe my thoughts and unstick myself from this pattern…

I know that these thoughts are what keep women stuck.

These are misguided fears. They’re NOT reality.

In fact, this is called the fallacy of sunk costs. The belief that, if you change course, you’ll lose all the effort you put in.

This. Is. Not. True.

You NEVER lose the skills & experience you’ve accrued — once it’s yours, it’s yours for life.

This realisation opened a massive door of possibility for me.

I had spent years thinking about career change incorrectly. I had been thinking about it as if I needed to tear everything down to the studs and build my new path from the ground up.


So, I started to reimagine what’s possible. I analysed my vast palette of experience, my existing skill set and what I do vs don’t like.

THEN I realized…

With the right tools and understanding, you can repurpose your EXISTING arsenal of skills and expertise into a new, more aligned career path (where you finally get to meet your potential).

And this changed everything.

I was able to cherry pick the parts of my existing career that I WANTED to take with me, bottle up my core skills, empower the elements of myself that I’d kept in a box for so long, and use that as the launching pad for my new career path.

Turns out, I didn’t have to build from scratch. I built from experience.

As a result, I am now on course to replacing my six-figure salary, retiring 30 years earlier all while helping other women do the same. All while feeling an overwhelming sense of fulfilment.

Bottom line, DO NOT let the fear of sunk costs stop you. Figure out what you can repurpose and use that as your fuel to build forward.

Working Mothers have very little time. Time to be with their children.Time to do what they love.Time to spend time with ...

Working Mothers have very little time.

Time to be with their children.
Time to do what they love.
Time to spend time with family and friends.
Time to themselves.

While time is what we want, the reality is, it’s money that helps us get that.

Money buys time.

I speak to so many working mothers who go from home, to work and back again. Always at breakneck speed. Always moving from one to another. Always needed. They tell me how tired they are, how they feel like they never feel like they’ve done anything to 100%. How life is a blur of constantly having to make a choice to do one thing or another thing, just to get it done.

The reason why I am talking to these working mothers is that they, like me, have decided to take radical action to shake up their lives so they have more of what they crave. Time.

I tell them about the company I’ve partnered with, the products I use every day and sell, the patented compensation plan, and the proven strategy I’m following to get me to where I want to be.

Together we explore whether this is the right fit for them. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t.

The women who join this business are action takers. I love seeing that penny drop moment when they see that this is a vehicle that can change their situation, it can help them earn abundantly and give them back the gift of time.

When they make their first sale and receive their four-figure commission for that sale, their confidence grows, they see what life is going to be and that spark is ignited.

Watching them take ownership of their personal brand, learn new skills, and bring in heart lead women like themselves is a joy.

Our community grows, the laughs get louder, and our children start seeing their mothers make choices based on their hearts and desires and not their wallets.

Yes, the money is good, its life changing. But giving the gift of time, that’s the best feeling.

The profound impact of consistency over time is both extraordinary and often overlooked. It’s extraordinary because it s...

The profound impact of consistency over time is both extraordinary and often overlooked.

It’s extraordinary because it serves as the cornerstone of every success story.

But it’s overlooked because it is invisible.

We are all the same once you’ve stripped a few of our unique layers away. 🏠We all want the best for our family💷We don’t ...

We are all the same once you’ve stripped a few of our unique layers away.

🏠We all want the best for our family

💷We don’t want to have to worry about money

⏰We want to choose what we do with our time

It doesn’t matter what your story is, where you are from or how you concluded that the life you are living could perhaps be a bit better

I was told by a friend the other day that she loved that I was going to be an Internet millionaire one day soon, she looked utterly shocked when I said she could be one too.

The only difference between me and her was that I was a little further ahead than her and my business journey and that I had concluded my life was heading in an “ok” direction, but I gave myself the permission to want an extraordinary life.

The moment I allowed myself to think like that I started to see opportunities when the right one came to my attention, I just knew it was the business model that was the solution I was looking for.

💻A way to earn income online so I wasn’t chained to a desk or on an aeroplane the whole time

🥬To allow me to prioritise my family’s health by having the time to shop locally and organically

👩‍🍳Cook home-made meals and eat as a family

🌳Honour my love and commitment to giving my children a free rural childhood

🎨To nurture my creative side and give me time and space to paint right and create

👩‍💼To release me from the corporate protocol and allow me to live in my truth

❤️To create an extraordinary life for my family

If I can do this, it is proof you can too I am just a little further up the path than you.

So often we get lost in motherhood our jobs stuck on the hamster wheel with our endless to do list or we are crippled by the thought of what others will think if we step outside the fold. We never have time or the audacity to look up and question what path our life is on.

That was me.

👇🏻Continued in Captions👇🏻

I remember when I was first shown this opportunity by a friend - everything felt new and different. I had so many questi...

I remember when I was first shown this opportunity by a friend - everything felt new and different. I had so many questions, and things didn’t click immediately.

This post is to make things as clear as possible (but you’ll probably still have questions, that is ok, I’m here to answer them)

This business is for everyone, but I love to help Working Mothers who are looking to break free from the 9-5 because they have a bigger vision of what their life should be like, and they are brave enough to go after it!!

This all goes way beyond ionisers! I’m here to show you the full potential of what can be created. To show you that this is one of the smartest ways to leverage a successful company without starting from scratch.

Here are some advantages of creating an alternative source of income this way:
💷No need to deal with overheads or running costs.
Starting your own business usually comes with huge overhead expenses.

💻Staying in a salaried job with a capped income can feel restrictive.

❤️You’re not starting from zero, and you get 1:1 support from me.

🗒️You have access to Step-by-step trainings and proven strategies are available from day one.

You probably have more questions, that is perfectly normal!

Please drop into my DMs or ask below! I’m always here to chat and offer support.

How much of your beliefs about your own capability are influenced other people’s opinion? Looking for outside validation...

How much of your beliefs about your own capability are influenced other people’s opinion?

Looking for outside validation on whether you can achieve something can be very dangerous. While you’ve been dwelling on a big decision for a long time, those external opinions from others were likely formed in a matter of seconds.

The truth is, they probably haven’t really given it any thought about whether YOU can do it, they are simply projecting their own insecurities and limiting beliefs onto you.

I have been working on my online business alongside my corporate role for around 18 months but the truth is very few of my close friends and family know what I’m doing, it’s not because I want to hide it from them it is because I know that I will receive opinions from them that I don’t need in this particular time of my life.

It is not because I don’t respect them it is because I am totally focused on:

🙏🏻My personal growth
💷Growing my business to allow me to exit the corporate world
🌎My family
❤️Helping women build their corporate exit strategy

One of the things I know I will get comments on is how I can fit everything in.

Travelling around the world for my corporate role, looking after my ponies, being with my children and husband, being a mother, being an online entrepreneur. To the outside world it is a lot, and at times even to me I feel overwhelmed, but my number 1 priority is being intentional with my time so I can build my business, replace my corporate salary, leave my job and be at home with my children. I don’t need or want to hear anything that will distract me from that goal.

I know this life I’m living, and my audacious goal is not for everyone, but it is for me. I know that if I share what I am doing with my nearest and dearest they will think I have taken on too much and they will try and stop me, so as hard as it is sometimes to a part of me and my life hidden I actually see it as keeping a part of my life protected from quickly formed opinions on my capability.

What are your thoughts about earning online?

What are your thoughts about earning online?

Every day I work on changing the narrative to celebrating women who strive for something more and celebrating success. S...

Every day I work on changing the narrative to celebrating women who strive for something more and celebrating success.

So, if you’re like my friend and find yourself wanting to speak to someone who has big bold ideas and doesn’t give a cr*p about how much they upset society. My inbox is always open.

You don’t need the worlds love if you have your own.

How it begins is often how it continues and how it ends. The foundations that are set in the early stages of any relatio...

How it begins is often how it continues and how it ends.

The foundations that are set in the early stages of any relationship – trust, transparency, and shared values – these define the path forward.

When I met Penny, she acted, she decided and was all in. Nothing has changed to this day.

This business just does not work if you push someone to jump in. Because, if it starts forced… you guessed it, that’s how it continues and ends.

We are so lucky to have all the resources at our fingertips to share with others that allows them to make the decision. My role is to show you, your role is to make a heart led full bodied fu*k yes, or no.

That’s it.

I can show you what Penny saw. Then the ball is in your court.

Comment “Freedom” and I’ll be in touch.

The last seven weeks have been a journey, and it’s only the beginning.Being able to live my truth. That is liberating.Th...

The last seven weeks have been a journey, and it’s only the beginning.

Being able to live my truth. That is liberating.

Thank you for your guidance.


Monday – Friday, you’re an employee. Every moment is scheduled, you spin plates. Your children, school clubs, what every...

Monday – Friday, you’re an employee. Every moment is scheduled, you spin plates. Your children, school clubs, what everyone is eating, the laundry, your work and everything in between.

The weekend comes. You start spinning different plates and you try to cram everything into those two days.

You want a lie in. Maybe you can have one, maybe you can’t. Typically, whenever I’ve planned with my husband, that’s the day the children are super needy and want Mummy not Daddy to give them breakfast.

You would love a glass of wine. But you must get up early on Saturday morning for some activity so you choose not to because childcare with even a vague hangover is hard, and you can’t take your booze like you did in your 20’s.

You need to get your hair done, but you resent sitting in a hairdresser for 3 hours on Saturday, missing out on your children. I’ve got around this problem by booking an 8am appointment on a Monday. I bring my laptop and sit there in silence working. It works well!

You long to spend as much time with your children because you miss them during the week. You put so much emphasis on having fun, at times it almost seems contrived, there is no just ‘being’ because you’ve scheduled in so much organised fun.

While trying to spend time with your children, you see the laundry, the hoovering, the cooking that needs doing.

It comes to Sunday and you’re more exhausted. Only to start back at work on Monday morning and do it all again.

It’s hard being a working Mother. I see you.

Despite having ALL the things going on. I saw an opportunity that could help me relieve the constant rush. I’m now able to see an end to this. Being able to earn and replace my corporate salary by working when I please has been revolutionary. I’ve just been able to take six weeks off over the summer and know I’ll never work another summer again, and soon, not at all.

If you’re a working mother who wants to slow down but continue to earn, comment/DM “Freedom” I’ll be in touch.

If you want to, you will find a way.If you don’t, you will find an excuse.

If you want to, you will find a way.

If you don’t, you will find an excuse.

You will never please everyone.Never.So forget about pleasing your aunts neighbour, or that boy you sat next to in Biolo...

You will never please everyone.


So forget about pleasing your aunts neighbour, or that boy you sat next to in Biology, or a girl you met once who you wouldn’t even say hello to if you ran into her at a party.

Put your energy into making YOU happy.




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