🔥 California Wildfires: A Dire Warning 🔥
Every home along this stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway has been obliterated. Lives lost, thousands displaced, as leadership promotes oil & gas—the very drivers of catastrophic climate change. 😢
Trump’s greed-fueled policies endanger us all, pushing us into an era of relentless climate impacts. Experts warn we have a 50% chance of losing the Atlantic Ocean Circulation, critical for stable weather, food systems, and water security. 🌍💧
Insurance companies retreat from high-risk areas, signaling the erosion of value and wealth. At current carbon emission rates, famine in the US, UK, and Europe could loom in coming decades. 🌾⚠️
Corrupt billionaires sow division, destroying public discourse and obscuring collective action as the world burns around us. 🔥💸
The climate crisis is real and worsening. Lies about wind and solar have cost us precious time. Without rapid decarbonization, society faces collapse. The warnings are now reality. Act now—voice your concern and create positive change. 🌱🖤
#ClimateEmergency #CaliforniaWildfires #ClimateCrisis #ActNow #FossilFuelCrisis #Sustainability #RenewableEnergy #ClimateAction #PacificCoastHighway #EnvironmentalJustice #Decarbonize
ClimateGenn podcast episode recorded in Sept. 2024 with Climate Risk Prof. Hayley Fowler from Uni of Newcastle & Prof. Paul Davies, Chief Meteorologist at UK Met Office - How do we cope with a new era of extremely destructive storms? Full: https://youtu.be/hsJBBxNSkfk
So, I mean, I think one thing that the public don't realise is, quite honestly, this is as good as it's going to get. It's not going to suddenly go back to 20 years ago. The atmosphere is angry. It's got lots of energy. All extreme rainfall events are being intensified by the warmer atmosphere. So if we're not at that 1.5 degree of warming limit, then we're pretty close, right? So we're living in a significantly changed climate, and we're seeing more and more of these very large scale extreme floods and extreme rainfall events causing these floods, as well as, quite honestly, record breaking heat waves and all sorts of other things happening around the world.
yes, it could happen here, that's clear. And in my opinion, we should be thinking very carefully through these sort of situations, with a number of infrastructure operators, with emergency responders, with people like Paul at the Met Office, and emergency warnings, and thinking about how we would actually respond to one of these sort of situations. Should it occur, because at some point there will be a major flood event in the UK. There's no physical reason why these type of events can't happen in the UK, but we've been lucky so far. So yeah, there needs to be much more thought to these sort of plausible extremes that could happen, and how would we actually manage them?
Interview with XR cofounder, Gail Bradbrook: "How do we live an honourable life?" - The role of activism today & the inner-world of activists.
#climatechange #cop29 #xr #extinctionrebellion #climate #feminism #podcast
New ClimateGenn Podcast: UK Gov Too Fund Geoengineering research - Nick Breeze speaks to Dr Shaun Fitzgerald from the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge University.
Intro with clips - Prof. Jason Box (Geological Survey of Denmark & Greenland), Prof. Kevin Anderson (Tyndall Centre for Climate Research), Prof. Heidi Sevestre (AMAP, Arctic Council), Joshua Aponsem (Green Africa Youth Organization, Ghana), Anni Pokela (Operatatio Arktis, Finland) Lord Rowan Williams (Fmr. Archbishop of Canterbury).
#climate #climatechange #cop29 #geoengineering #ccrc
Centre for Climate Repair
Massive Marine Ecosystem Crash Along Galicia’s Coast Due To Prolonged Atlantic Heatwave
Everyday on social media, climate graphs and charts are posted with varying degrees of deep red and other markers of urgency. Yet, nothing happens except the posts become more shrill and the problem of climate disaster becomes more irreversible.
As someone who engages a lot with climate science and scientists, somehow I had fallen into a space whereby the actual meaning of these charts had become abstract. Codified and filed away in my mind to avoid real exposure to true meaning.
Then something happened. I arranged to meet with Guillermo Díaz Agras at the marine biology research station in La Grana in Galicia. The research station is a satellite of Santiago University and the team here conduct extensive research along the coast and in the river valley’s, called rias.
What I expected to be an introductory overview of the research station turned into a horrifying cerebral experience; an awakening if you like.... Watch The Full Episode: https://youtu.be/mE5V4l_JaAs
#climategenn #atlanticocean #atlanticheatwave #climatechange #climatecrisis #marineecosystems #heatwave #nature #shellfish #podcast #environment #earth
NEW: Dr Chris Kettle: Systems Under Stress, Trees, Forests, Food + Human and Planetary Health
Chris is Principal Scientist within the International organization Alliance Bioversity International and CIAT, one of the global CGIAR centers for Agricultural research for development.
Chris leads their work globally on restoration and the role of trees in transitioning food systems. This is a critically important episode. Chris dives into the complex interconnectivity between forestry, biodiversity, climate, food systems security, knowledge and so much more.
#climategenn #forestry #regenerative #agroforestry #FAO #podcast #trees #carbon #biodiversity #climate
Roger Hallam: Can Rolling Climate Dice End The Carbon Regime?
#podcast #sociology #rogerhallam #xr #extinctionrebellion #juststopoil #revolution
The latest #ClimateGenn #podcast episode is out now!
Nick Breeze interviewed Dr Jennifer Francis about 2024 and beyond quote:
"Expect surprises, unprecedented weather events, destruction, suffering..."
Woodwell Climate Research Center
In this ClimateGenn episode bulletin, I speak with Dr Jennifer Francis about her new work looking at Weather Whiplash Events that she and colleagues have been studying in the N. Atlantic and Europe. We also discuss the outlook for 2024 as climate impacts worsen and world leaders from across the world are doubling down on expanding the root cause of the problem: #fossilfuels
Free podcast episodes are available on all podcast channels and YouTube. Full interviews are available for members on YouTube and Patreon.
For more episodes please subscribe wherever you get your podcast by searching "ClimateGenn" podcast and or follow "Nick Breeze ClimateGenn" on YouTube.
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#weather #arctic #jetstream #oceanwarming #ElNiño
Diversity of Faiths - Rabbi Yonatan Neril
The diversity of faiths helps to show that this isn't about narrow interests. And this is actually a realisation that I came to at this COP, and I've been to a number of COPs before. The COP stands for Conference of the Parties. The parties are nation states, they're the parties to the agreements.
Part of what I've come to realise is that the whole way this is structured is actually leading us to the same sort of failed outcomes, because each nation state has its negotiators that come here. And they are essentially trying to protect their national interests, so they're not trying to give an inch. They have their red lines and they're all trying to protect whatever it is they're trying to protect. That in some ways, represents the egoism of humanity.
As a result, the agreements that come out of these conferences tend not to be as ambitious as they need to be, and every year emissions go up. So by having a faith pavilion, we're actually stepping out of this narrow self interest of zero sum negotiations and we're instead saying:
Look, we all have a spiritual connection. We all need to protect this creation and based on our various spiritual traditions, we actually have a lot of points of commonality, like the importance for humility, for long term thinking, for simplicity, for finding our pleasure, satisfaction in spirituality, and family, and community. These are principles that go across religious traditions, and therefore we're trying to raise up this narrative, and to change the operating system of humanity.
Part of the climate crisis emerges from a much deeper crisis. It's where the operating system of humanity is focused on materialism and consumerism. In order to change that operating system, we need religious figures because political leaders and business leaders and even climate scientists are not able to make that spiritual and cultural change, which is so needed at this time.
Recorded at COP28 by Nick Breeze
Miguel A Torres speaking COP25 in Madrid in 2019:
Nick Breeze: The situation from the experts I've spoken to at this conference doesn't look good for a number of reasons. But what's your level of optimism that we will get this situation under control? Because one thing they say about wine makers is that you're super sensitive to climate. You see it before a lot of other people.
Miguel Torres: Yeah, of course. The vineyards are like a thermometer for climate change or climate emergency, we see it constantly. But for most people, you know, this is not still a priority. Most people they just continue business-as-usual. They continue to drive their car. They continue to fly. They continue to eat meat all the time. So, very little changes
New Report - Climate Risk Tipping Points interconnected between society and Earth system processes.
Watch the full interview with lead author and download the report from the UN University:
#climate #tippingpoints #risk #climaterisk #unitednations #ununiversity