Essex Guitar Repairs is a newly established Musical Repairs and Accessories Shop. With little to no other local shops or establishments, we aim to give the best and most efficient services. Ranging from repairing Guitars, Basses and Electronic Equipment to just general information and advice, we'll be able to help. Guitar/Bass Services include (but not limited to):
•Restrings - £10 + Strings for
Electric, £15+ for Acoustic/Classical, £20 + Strings for
Floyd Rose and Bigsby Style Bridges
•Setups - £40 + Strings, £50 + Strings for Floyd Rose and Bigsby Style Bridges
•Premium Setup - £70 + Strings (full setup + Fret Dressing + Cleaning)
•Chip Repair Service - From £40 (POA)
•Pickup Installation - From £30 (If the body needs editing, POA)
•General Electrics / Rewiring - From £20 (POA)
•Full Refretting - From £120 (POA)
•Headstock and Neck Breaks (This Does Not Include Respray) from £60 (POA)
•Body Repair and Crack Work (POA)
•For any other services or advice, please message us a General Description with Pictures
(if available) and we'll get back to you with our thoughts and pricing!
*Any work we deem extra or necessary will be agreed first by the customer before being carried out*
Accessories (all on request):
•Luthier Tools (Coming Soon)
Electrical Services (Keyboards, Electrical Equipment, Amps, Speakers)
-More Details needed, please message us a General Description with Pictures
(if available) and we'll take a look!