Yesterday I did a scary thing. I had to wrestle with self doubt and the fear of not being good enough. I can’t say it was easy but I’m pleased I pushed passed the thoughts that were holding me back!
#selfdoubt #impostersyndrome #fear #selfconfidence #counselling #kickassclub #fiitbox #podcast #feelthefearanddoitanyway #comingsoon
How a game of Uno was a game changer for me...
I learnt so much from one of my young clients today. I just had to share!
Why having your covid jab is like coming to counselling
I’m relieved to have had my final vaccination today. Listen to this video to see why I think there is a link with going to counselling.
Why haven’t you asked for help?
Give yourself the chance to reflect on why you’re not asking for the help you need. You may not have realised that the barriers you are facing are actually yours to remove. Give yourself a break. We’re all human!
Let’s learn to fail better
Here is why failing more often can actually improve your self confidence.
Give yourself a hug!
A quick way to relieve stress and anxiety that can be done wherever you are! Share your own anxiety tips below!
Counselling and Colour Swatches
Find out why counselling can be like a trip to Homebase!
#online #counselling #sittingbourne #kent
A little science experiment!
Let me take you back to a time of school jumpers, bruised shins and bunsen burners. Listen if you’d like a bit of hope for the future!
#primaryschool #positivepost #newgrowth #counsellinghelps #scienceexperiment #positivethinking #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealth #anxietyrelief #newhope #newgrowth #growth #selfdevelopment #lockdown2021 #positivepsychology #patience #counselling #sittingbourne #healthylifestyle #primaryteacher #counsellingkent
What is counselling like?
What is counselling like?
Fortunately, people are talking a lot more about their mental health and we are seeing a lessening of the stigma around depression and anxiety.
However, you still tend not to hear people extolling the virtues of their counsellor, in the same way they might rave about their hairdresser or personal trainer, if people notice how well they are looking.
This video aims to address some of the myths around a typical counselling session with me.
#stressrelief #anxietyrelief #mentalhealthtips #stressedout #stressmanagement #depressionhelp #depressionsupport #counsellingsupport #whatiscounsellinglike #counsellingexplained #whatiscounselling #counsellingkent #sittingbourne #mythbusting #anxietystrategies #kent #mentalhealthsupport #nomorestigma
Catherine Beach Counselling: A new perspective
The present circumstances have put people under a new kind of pressure. In order to keep our loved ones safe we are being asked to adjust to a new normal and off of our puzzle pieces don’t always fit.
The pressure to live, work and maintain healthy relationships inside four walls can leave us feeling trapped, frustrated and overwhelmed.
Depression is on the rise and more people are googling how to manage anxiety than ever before. So what can we do to help ourselves?
* Talk to someone. Keeping our feelings inside creates a pressure cooker affect that can have a negative impact on our wellbeing. Reach out to family and friends and have a moan. It helps!
* Get outside as much as possible and reconnect with the world. It’s easy to keep yourself locked away
* Make space for things and people that make you happy. It’s easy to prioritise your responsibilities and ignore your emotional needs. Even adults need to play.
If you need a non judgemental space to talk about things that are hard to share with others, please get in touch.
I know that sometimes we don’t want always want to feel that we are putting pressure on the people around us.
Let me help you ease yours.
A New Year message by Joshua Beach, aged 6
#love #poem #happynewyear #childrenspoems #proudmum #outofthemouthsofbabes #2020message #newyearmessage #covid19 #loveislove #undefeatable #acrosticpoem #lovepoem #sittingbourne #counselling