The latest exhibition in the main hall at Bear Steps Art Gallery is 'Rosie's Mad Women' - a group of women mad about art who Rosie Read teaches at her Thursday art class. The group has been running for about eight years and offers many ways to create art with different themes and a variety of media. All this whilst 'drinking coffee and putting the world to rights'.
Rosie Read is a well known local mixed media artist and teacher. She can be found in her studio on the upper floor in the award winning The Market Hall Shrewsbury. Here you will find as she described 'quirky 2D and 3D curiosities' including papier mache boats, birds and bowls. Some of these appear in the exhibition.
The exhibition started on 17th February and runs till Saturday March 1st 10am- 4pm.
If you are interested in joining the group, please pop into the exhibition at Bear Steps or visit Rosie at Rosie Read Art in the market hall.