Have a great night everyone 👻🦇🌚👻🦇🌚👻🦇🌚
Have an awesome Halloween weekend everyone 👻👻🦇🌚🦇
***Ghosts of Hollywood***
Even after death, some Hollywood celebrities can't stop putting in appearances
Stephen Wagner
APPARENTLY, SOME MOVIE STARS didn't get enough attention from press and fans while they were alive.
Their ghosts keep showing up, perhaps for one last performance. Hollywood is full of glamour, ambition, craziness, sordid tales - even talent.
And while ghosts and other tales of the paranormal have always been great movie material, Tinseltown also has its own real-life ghost stories.
There are many stars who are ghosts (including Marilyn Monroe, George Reeves and Ozzie Nelson), and many stars who have seen ghosts (including Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reeves, Richard Dreyfuss and Dan Aykroyd, among others).
The envelope please...
Marilyn Monroe
The Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel on Hollywood Boulevard is said to be the current residence of several ghosts of popular film stars. Marilyn Monroe, the glamorous and funny star of such pictures as Some Like It Hot and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, was a frequent guest of the Roosevelt at the height of her popularity. And although she died in her Brentwood home, her image has been seen on several occasions in a full-length mirror that once hung in her poolside suite. The mirror has been relocated to the hotel's lower level by the elevators.
Montgomery Clift
Another respected star who died before his time, Montgomery Clift, was a four-time Oscar nominated actor who is best known for his roles in A Place in the Sun, From Here to Eternity and Judgment at Nuremberg. His ghost has also been seen at the Roosevelt. According to some of the hotel's staff, Clift's spirit haunts room number 928. Clift stayed in that suite in 1953, pacing back and forth, memorizing his lines for From Here to Eternity. Loud, unexplained noises have been heard coming from the empty suite, and its phone is occasionally found mysteriously off the hook.
Perhaps it's fitting that the Hollywood Roosevelt should be the stirring place of cel
The True History Of Easter And Why It’s So Creepy
By bestselling author and paranormal investigator Joni Mayhan.
'Few holidays are stranger than Easter. It’s a mixture of ghosts, angels, giant rabbits, colored eggs and Pagan rituals combined with Christianity, Mardi Gras and virgin births. If aliens ever land on our planet, we’ll have a difficult time explaining it to them.
Easter starts with a ghost story. After a celebrated man is brutally murdered, his body disappears from the grave. As a group of women approaches the tomb where he was hastily buried, two angels appear and tell them that the man has been risen from the dead.
He later appears to one of the women, asking her to tell his friends that he’s okay. That evening, he shows up once more at his friend’s house as they are having dinner. He shows them the wounds that were inflicted on him and gives them comfort in his passing.
In today’s world, such an event would having the makings of a great horror film.
Fast forward to the current day and we add giant rabbits, colored eggs, and a bounty of chocolate candy and pink marshmallows to the mix. How did it all come to be?
Although Easter is truly a Christian holiday, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, it has Pagan roots, as well. The name Easter itself is derived from Eostre, a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility.
People held feasts in her honor during the period of Ēosturmōnaþ, an ancient celebration held during the month of April.
Combining a Pagan goddess with the celebration of a Christian icon was a large enough stretch, but adding rabbits to the mix brings this holiday to a brand new level of strangeness.
Some feel that rabbits became lumped in with the holiday because of their proficient breeding periods in the springtime of the year. In ancient times, people mistakenly believed that rabbits were hermaphrodites, possessing both male and female reproductive organs, resulting in virgin births.
Dressing a rab
Had a wonderful time last night at The Para Group. Thanks to all that attended, you made the night what it was.
We had discussions on many differing subjects including crystal balls, mediumship, investigating and many more.
We also learned a little on, and used some of the tools we have for investigating like the dowsing rods, PSB7 spirit box and the K2 emf meter to name a few.
Finally we watched as a sitter experienced first hand what it feels like in our newly built spirit cabinet.
One person could see a blue/green aura around the sitter inside the cabinet, and the sitter could feel the energies building up inside the cabinet which is great news as that is what we were hoping to achieve.
Overall a great meet up.
Thanks again to all that came, and we shall see you at the next one on 8th May.
Spaces are available for others to join so get your places booked as they may go fast. See you soon, RbR.
#TheParaGroup #paranormal #parapsychology #psychic #experimentation #discussion #investigation
This Man Kept Calling His Loved Ones… Even Though He’d Been Dead For Hours
By Erin McCann
Mysterious phone calls from the dead make for excellent horror movie plots, but this eerie phenomenon also happens in real life. Many stories of unexplained phone calls show that they're not just the result of grief-stricken imaginings.
Although people try to explain these odd occurrences by blaming malfunctioning cell phone technology, reports of phantom phone calls go back to at least 1967.
Charles E. Peck's Metrolink death is one of the most prominent and creepy stories about phone calls from dead people since author Dean Koontz's deceased mother phoned to give him a warning.
Peck was killed instantly in a horrible 2008 Metrolink commercial train accident, but before anyone knew he was dead, his family members received 35 calls from his phone for several hours following the disaster.
Whether it was due to phone damage or the train rider reaching out from beyond, we may never know, but it's nice to believe that even those who have passed are only a phone call away.
Although rescue teams were excited because the phone calls might mean Charles Peck was still alive, that wasn't the case.
They discovered Peck's body an hour after the last phone call was placed. Peck's fiancee Andrea Katz recalled,
"[Rescuers] were so excited. They had this incredible adrenaline rush at thought that they could possibly find another survivor... We gave [them] a description, and they spent the next couple of hours looking for him. They did end up finding him, and they said that he died immediately on impact and there was no way he could have been calling us."
The coroner was unable to find signs that Peck had survived for any amount of time after the crash, confirming the calls were not made while he was still alive.
Andrea Katz heard about the crash on the radio as she was driving to pick up Peck from the train station and was relieved when she received a call from his phone.
Crystal Ball
Everyone has seen or heard about crystal balls at some point, be it in a magic show or a badly made movie. But do you actually know the truth to them, how they’re used, and just how long they have actually been around?
Dating back to the 1st century AD, it has been used by many civilisations such as the Romans, Chinese, Egyptians, Druids and many more. They were used for many different reasons, some such as meditation, rituals, medicine, protection, and scrying are but a few.
They became popular again in the Victorian Spiritualist movement and were used for enhancing psychic abilities. This involved a medium sitting in front of a crystal ball and using it to focus their attention by keeping their mind concentrated on the ball, the same way mantras are used in other areas, to go into a kind of trance.
After a while they will then see pictures or visions in their minds eye which is known as clairvoyant pictures. They then share with all present what they are seeing, trying to give an interpretation of what’s been seen so it might have some significance to those taking part.
We will be using crystal balls to develop second sight at one of our meet ups with The Para Group for all to have a go and see what you can see in your own minds eye.
Who knows, maybe you will find a gift you never knew you had. Come along and join us and find out for yourselves.
For dates and times visit our page RbR Paranormal Investigations, and check out our other events and great articles. Many thanks, RbR.
#paranormal #investigation #crystalball #secondsight #spiritualism
**Brothers tell of fear as ghosts attacks visitors and moves furniture around home**
(Written for Express newspaper in 2018)
A PAIR of brothers haunted by a ghost that attacked and beat up visitors to their Hull home have described what life is like living with a poltergeist.
Darren and Chris Buttery say they lived with a ghost that has pushed, punched and slapped the inhabitants of their east Hull home, as well as moving around furniture, slamming doors and hiding objects.
Darren, 47, says there has been a ghost in every house he has ever lived in since, and believes the same malicious spirit is following him around.
The streets off Preston Road in east Hull are currently lying dormant but, for Darren, this is where the frightening hauntings first began for him, when he lived with his parents and two brothers at 4 Wansford Grove in the 1970s.
He said: “The house was absolutely terrifying – at first it seemed like the ghost was playing with us as it used to bang the doors shut and lock them so we couldn’t get in and then move things around the rooms.
Living there was a terrifying experience and the sooner the houses are demolished on the street, the better
“Once the living room was turned upside down, and other times it used to move the rocking chair with a clown sat on it from one side of the room to the other, and also shuffle the bed in the front room about the place.
“There used to be creaking on the steps and the sound of a child crying, but we never found where the noise was coming from.”
Darren says the tricks the poltergeist played became sinister when it started physically attacking visitors and pushing them down the stairs.
“We had to get a vicar in, Reverend Tom Willis, to perform an exorcism, but the poltergeist punched him in the guts and pushed him down the stairs.
“He couldn’t get rid of it, so he asked the council to move us out as it was too dangerous for us kids to be living there, and it got to a point several times
The Spirit Cabinet
The spirit cabinet is a very unique tool used as standard by many successful mediums over the years as far back as the mid 1800’s when the spiritualist movement began to take hold.
*** Cabinet Origins ***
It was invented by two brothers, Ira and William Davenport from America in the 1850’s who toured the country performing shows of physical mediumship unseen before by the public.
They came upon the idea from an audience member to use some form of equipment to hold the energy of spirit so as to help in physical manifestation of spirit, and to make sure that no outside interference or fakery occurred during their shows.
They set to work on building such a contraption and soon had their spirit cabinet completed being seven feet high, six feet wide and two feet deep (see photos) though the dimensions were changed by other mediums to their own specifications. (see photos)
The idea of the cabinet was to section off the medium in the cabinet from sitters watching, both hand and feet were bound with rope so no foul play could occur, and seemingly impossible phenomena happened around them.
*** Help From The Other Side ***
The Davenports were reported to have been in contact with the spirit of famous buccaneer Henry Morgan, who appeared to them during a show in 1850, became their spirit guide, and helped in communication with the spirit world.
Morgan was to be a part of their performances throughout the brothers careers manifesting through voice and body. Other spirits communicated with them, and also used musical instruments the brothers had with them, as well as spirit hands appearing from nowhere.
*** Famous People And The Cabinet ***
While some people thought of them as nothing but mere magicians and illusionists, a lot of people rallied around them, especially those in the spiritualist movement, notably one Arthur Conan Doyle, Author of the famous Sherlock Holmes, an avid follower of the spiritualist mov
The scientist who says we CAN see the future in our dreams: Think premonitions are just hokum? A tantalizing book by a top neuroscientist will send shivers down your spine
By Dr Julia Mossbridge For Daily Mail
Dr Julia Mossbridge has been studying precognition for the past 15 years
She believes the phenomenon saved her from being injured in a house fire.
The cognitive neuroscientist and experimental psychologist led a study in the US
Results show the human body prepares itself for changes in the future
Research suggests 15-30 per cent of people have had precognitive dreams.
Dr Julia shared accounts of people who've seen the future in their dreams
The expert also revealed how to tell if you have the ability to see the future.
Have you ever had a hunch an old friend would make contact, dreamt about a plane crash, or ‘just knew’ you would win a raffle — and then it happened just as you’d predicted?
Most of us know what it feels like to experience uncanny feelings of premonition, a flash of insight into the future that seems to have no rational explanation.
We often dismiss these feelings as luck or a creepy coincidence, but what you may not know is that there is compelling scientific evidence that backs up the accuracy of at least some of these ‘precognitive experiences’, to give them their scientific name.
I’m a cognitive neuroscientist and experimental psychologist, and I’ve spent 15 years researching the phenomenon of precognition.
And I know how vital precognition can be, because I believe it saved my life, or at least spared my family and me from serious injury.
Dr Julia Mossbridge explored the phenomenon of precognition, as research shows the body gives unconscious signals to prepare for the future.
Dr Julia Mossbridge explored the phenomenon of precognition, as research shows the body gives unconscious signals to prepare for the future.
Six years ago, I was living with my son, then aged 13, and my partner, who was dying fr
Come and join in on an investigation not to be missed at Pinchinthorpe Hall, Guisbrough.
Having its origins dating as far back as the 12 Century, passing through several owners, its no surprise that there have been reports of paranormal activity including orbs being seen, doors slamming, and items being moved by unseen forces.You can see footage of an orb in the building by clicking the link in the comments section.
This investigation will be taking place on 27th January between 10pm-3am at a very good price of £25. This is an exclusive investigation, being that we will be the only people there on the night, with limited places available so book now to claim your place by contacting the page for payment details. Hope to see you there, RbR.
What a night we had at the Toll Bridge Cottage investigation. Lots of pictures, audio, and video to review, and a few stories of the night to be told, so for now here's a few pictures from the team meeting before the night to show you a little of how we investigate, the trigger objects we use, and some of the tools that we use to try and communicate with spirit. We will have a full report in the very near future so keep your eyes peeled, many thanks, RbR.
#paranormal #paranormalinvestigation #tollbridgecottage #spirits #ghosthunting