A recent review for Maggie Harris's "On Watching a Lemon sail the Sea":
Maggie Harris was a featured guest at our monthly spoken word event in Clonakilty, Co. Cork, a few years ago and her reading was memorable. A great sense of presence that lingers to this day. Warm-spirited and generous, down-to-earth in a comfortable manner (that makes you feel better about being a mere human, engaging in day-to-day activities) but also sophisticated without any pretentiousness. The latter is all the more remarkable as Maggie has won a raft of awards including the Kent University TS Eliot Poetry Prize and the Guyana Prize for Literature.
When I ordered her 2019 collection, On Watching a Lemon Sail the Sea, in April I envisaged consuming it fairly rapidly, on a dank Irish afternoon or two, detached albeit with appreciation, as if flicking through photographs. Yet, it turned into quite a different experience. I read a few poems a day for weeks over breakfast, when time allowed, taking little journeys to the parts of the world that denote the sections that the book is divided into: England, Wales, Ireland, Guyana, and Elsewhere. What added greatly to the pleasure is that idiom, rhythm, and even the lay-out often match the locations and times that Maggie presents to her readers. But these are not just touristic day trips. The author probes emotional depths, redefines semantics, steeps places and times in hues that highlight aspects of history in ways I had not considered before.
Excellent slow food, delectably plated, well worth savouring!
Moze M. Jacobs, writer/co-curator @ Psoken Wrod, Clonakilty, Ireland