Participating in the 94th CHIRP GA Advisory Board meeting at Turweston today. If you’re not familiar with CHIRP, you can find details online.
Here’s a little tip. If you have flight guides such as Pooley’s on your SkyDemon, there may be a timing difference showing changes to published circuit patterns. For example, in the video below, North Weald starts by showing the latest pattern but, as we approach, it will change to the outdated Pooley’s noise abatement pattern. As this diagram will not be updated until the next Pooley’s cycle, it will not be current. You can remove the Pooley’s noise abatement diagram by clicking the white cross in the red circle. Don’t get caught out!
Here’s a neat little hack with the latest version of SkyDemon. When in navigation mode, swipe up on the left hand side of the radar view and the vertical airspace guide will increase in size. This also increases the size of the traffic radar display. To reduce, simply swipe down again. Neat, eh!
Altitude v height…
Here is a useful Sky Demon tip… If you are flying and need to know your height above the ground (QFE) rather altitude above mean sea level (QNH), you can toggle between the two in Sky Demon by tapping the indicator in the instrument bar. Useful for circuits at unattended airfields and compliance with the 500ft rule!
Did you know: You may be missing visual cues for NOTAMS on your Sky Demon display if you have ‘graphical NOTAMs’ disabled! Check your settings before your next flight to help you remain clear of any temporary restricted areas.
Sky Demon and Pilot Aware - a quick tip
If you are a Sky Demon and Pilot Aware user on iPad, here is a quick tip to help you get the most from the two products.
Want to make SkyDemon a little more useful? Why not download documents from the Internet directly into the App so you can access while offline or in the air. For example, the listening squawk flyer or the LARS flyer from Airspace Safety. Here’s how it’s done on an iPad...
Somewhere, later this year...
Somewhere later this year...
Flying Covid-safe in the cockpit
As we return to instructing from 4th July, we will be operating Covid-safe practices in the cockpit. Here is what to expect...
Crimson are instructing
I am pleased to confirm that I will be resuming flight training from Saturday 4th July. There will be some very sensible Covid-safe practices to follow including face coverings, hand sanitising and managing cockpit airflow. It will be great being back in the air doing what I love.
Don't forget the 31 October deadline to extend your SEP (A) rating!
Sometimes, keeping a good look out for traffic when taking off or landing is a good idea :-)