#surrey #christmastime #christmas
#merrychristmas #merryxmas #christmasshow #christmascrooners
Mack the knife ends an afternoon well spent.
Carpe Diem
Thanks for supporting events like this that keeps music live and fantastic performers like this doing what they do best!!
Next big band spectacular with be Sunday 15th December for.our Christmas show
I asked the Lord.
Juan Lozano performs at Where No one Stands Alone - The Gospel Side of Elvis St Mary's Church 21st Sept.
You could have heard a pin drop. #gospel #elvis #elvisarronpresley #elvisfans #Elvisfan #gospelmusic #iaskedthelord
This touched my soul, the lyrics the voice, the performance.
You could have heard a pin drop.
Thank you Juan Lozano for this gift of the night at Where No one Stands Alone - The Gospel Side of Elvis
Let it be me.
Lee Alexander and Juan Lozano had the audience on their feet last night at the Where No one Stands Alone - The Gospel Side of Elvis at St Mary's Church Ewell
What a duo
Who want to see it all over again?
Crying in the chapel from.our 3 wonderful award winning ETA'S. Not a dry eye on the house at St Mary's Church Ewell last night.
Big shout out to young Evan King, Lee Alexander and the fabulous Juan Lozano.
Tonight 7pm our first Elivis gospel show.
The gospel side of his music is so greatly underrated so close to his heart.
#elvis #elvispresley #elvisarronpresley #elvisfans #elvisfan #graceland #gospel #gospelmusic
Not long now.till we share an evening of the gospel side of Elvis with these two Elvis ETA'S in the beautiful setting of St Mary's church in Ewell. Tickets on sale at:Www.redcarpetentertainments.co.uk
Who can put a price on an evening uplifting music that is good for the soul.
#gospel #elvisgospel #elvis #gospelsingers #elvisarronpresley #elvisfans #soulfulmusic Lee Alexander Comeback to Vegas Ray Lowe #elvisfan #ewellvillage #ewell #gospelmusic #ElvisTribute
About last night at the Windlesham Club and Theatre... another great night of entertainment enjoyed by all.
#sinatra #franksinatra
#fridaynight #fridaynightentertainment
#bobbydarin #tonybennett #sammydavisjr #swingshow #swingmusic