After an incubator malfunction little Uno here was the only chick to hatch 🐣 - nevertheless he/she is doing really well & getting plenty of love & attention! ❤️Something tells me it won’t be long until they’re joined by some brothers & sisters soon! 🐥🐥🐥 #chickens #bantams #fyp #foryou #chicks #bootedbantam
This Gold Millefleur Booted Bantam is first to lay this morning - her hubby popping over to check-in! I’ve been pleasantly surprised by what great little layers these birds are! #chickens #bantams #showchickens #fyp #foryou #bootedbantam #millefleur
Light breed ducks are known both for their productive nature, and their beauty.
Best known for their productivity is the Campbell Duck. While coming in Dark, White and Khaki, it is the Khaki that has become known worldwide as a first-class egg layer.
Magpie ducks are an incredibly intricately marked breed, with a black cap on the head, back and tail of an otherwise white bird. They also come in blue and chocolate.
Crested Ducks look like they have a bonnet on their heads and remind many of Jamima Puddle Duck as a result. They can come in any colour but the Whites look simply striking.
Abacot Rangers and Welsh Harlequins have similar looks to one another - particularly in the drakes - however, the Welsh Harlequin is based on a brown bird, rather than a black bird.
The Hookbill - a Dutch Breed - has been around for centuries and can be found in very old paintings. As the name suggests they are known for their curved bill. Most frequently seen in white, dusky and bibbed dusky, the whites have a flesh pink bill - similar to an Aylesbury.
Indian Runner ducks are also ‘Light Breed Ducks’ and also very good layers, however given how many colours there are and their popularity, we will do a separate series on them.
#ducks #fyp #foryou #birds #birdboyspodcast
One of the UK’s most popular breeds of bantam, Pekins with their feathered feet, round ball shaped bodies and coming in a wide-range of colours can be found in gardens the length and breadth of the country!
The hens make excellent broodies and mothers, and are more often than not friendly birds to have around. Their feathered feet also mean they are likely to be less damaging to your garden than other breeds of chicken.
In the showing world, the head of the Pekin should be lower than the tail - this is known as ‘tilt’, with the tail actually forming part of a cushion. Pekins are set low to the ground and you should not be able to see light between their legs, with the best examples displaying a skirt of feathers at their base.
These excellent photos were taken by well-known poultry photographers and friends of the BirdBoyspodcast @kittlejoshua and Rupert Stephenson.
#chickens #bantams #fyp #foryou #pekinbantam #showchickens #birdboyspodcast
Belgian Bantams! 🇧🇪🇬🇧
Belgian Bantams have been bred in the UK for over a century! A small, dainty little bird with plenty of character they’re very happy pottering around the garden and can make very colourful pets!
From a showing perspective the high chest - particularly in the males - gives the impression that they are always ready to crow, they have curled feathers that sweep around their necks creating a ball shape, or ‘boule’ as it is known.
They also have big beards which naturally form a ‘tri-beard’ - both the boule and tri-beard are important characteristics of the breed.
Belgians while small have no fear and will often become the boss of the chicken pen! They also come in a wide range of colours - the tri-colours, Gold Millefleur and Porcelain being two of the most attractive.
#chickens #chickensoftiktok #fyp #showchickens #bantams #chickentok #chooks #belgianbantams
Tom Davis’ large Light Sussex pullet at Hants and Berks Poultry Fanciers Show yesterday. A lovely, native to the UK dual purpose breed.
From Jed and Myself wishing you all a very Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄🐔
Egg Showing! 🏆 Chicken eggs come in a huge array of colours and shades and make the most incredible display! A video of some of those entered at the Reading Winter Show yesterday. 🥚🥚🥚
We’ve LOVED hearing how you first got involved with poultry! The boys will be recording the next episode of the podcast this coming Sunday, and so there’s still plenty of time to send in your own stories!
Jed & Oliver Jack Woodall want to hear from You!