High Ticket Affiliate

High Ticket Affiliate I'm an affiliate marketer who shows you how to make money online, just by giving away free stuff.


Double tap if you selfie now too!

I used to be too embarrassed. Now I have no shame in taking selfies.

Plus, this lake, and mountain were pretty gorgeous. Sometimes you want to get your mug in there too.

Tell me the last place you were when you took a selfie – even though it was embarrassing!


Better yourself every day. Make small improvements, push a bit further than yesterday, and watch your success grow by leaps and bounds.

Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better version of yourself. Fall in love with all of it

Who is one person who makes you feel better and how?


Ready to succeed in making money online?

I'm about to break down the steps for you!

My beginner's guide to affiliate marketing…the cliff notes version:

1. Choose a platform and niche. To be an affiliate, you need to have influence. ...

2. Build an audience. A large, engaged audience is a highly valuable asset for any blog or website. ...

3. Sign up for an affiliate program. ...

4. Choose which products to promote. ...

5. Create remarkable content that promotes your affiliate products. ...

6. Optimize and track. ...

The absolute best thing you can do is just get started. My mantra: Yesterday was the best time to start – today is the second best time. You can do it!

If you'd like me to guide you to your goals, click the link in my bio.


Ready to succeed with making money online?

I'm about to break down the steps for you!

My beginner's guide to afiliate marketing…the cliff notes version:

1. Choose a platform and niche. To be an affiliate, you need to have influence. ...

2. Build an audience. A large, engaged audience is a highly valuable asset for any blog or website. ...

3. Sign up for an affiliate program. ...

4. Choose which products to promote. ...

5. Create remarkable content that promotes your affiliate products. ...

6. Optimize and track. ...

The absolute best thing you can do is just get started. My mantra: Yesterday was the best time to start – today is the second best time. You can do it!

If you'd like me to guide you to your goals, click the link in my bio.

Successful people are mentally strong.They’re okay with delayed gratification. They overcome their fears and do what the...

Successful people are mentally strong.

They’re okay with delayed gratification. They overcome their fears and do what they need to do. They decide what’s most important and do it consistently.

I’ve been working on my “toughness muscle” lately…Forcing myself to do things I don’t want to do that I know will benefit me in the long run, like:

Write this post


Say no to Oreo cookies

Stay up later than I want to meet a personal deadline

They're simple things but simple isn't always easy. So when I feel like I can’t do them another minute, I think about the time when…when I couldn't do videos, but eventually overcame my fears.

You can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it. Quitting is not an option!!!

What’s something you achieved and didn’t think you could? How did you do it?


What does success mean to you?

For some, it’s having their dream home but for me, a minimal lifestyle where I can travel wherever I want is my A+”.

You decide your goals. You make your dreams and give yourself the power to achieve them. It's totally in your hands.

What’s the point of comparing yourself to others who seem to earn more, and have more stuff? Your version of success is all that matters.

Here are 5 other secrets I’ve learned:

1 - Learn from the journey

2 - Be committed

3 - Change your perspective

4 - Count on yourself

5 - Have fun along the way

No matter where you are in life right now, you can totally achieve your dreams. Don’t be afraid to dream big or quit something to make room for what you really want to do in life. You are as free to live a successful life as you let yourself be.

If you’d like my help carving out your success path, click the link in my bio.


Let’s not just survive, but thrive. Start making choices that make you feel alive and make you LAUGH and SMILE.

Make the most of every minute you have. Keep pushing forward, don't stand still!

Tag a friend who you would just love to see thrive.


It's been an amazing summer, full of good times, family, beaching, and boating.

Now it's time to kick into high gear!

Better systems in place, sales funnels, more personal content, and regular workouts are all on tap for me this quarter.

Did you set any goals for the next 3 months?

Share them below!


Friends can help boost your happiness, reduce stress, improve your self-confidence, avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits, and just plain give you the best laugh you've had in months.

Who is one friend that has changed your life?


Anyone else have a hard time winding down over the weekend?

I hear you! My weeks used to slide right into the weekends, and Saturday looked just like Monday. By 8am, I’d have my laptop open and my to-do list ready.

Working from home means the work’s always there and it can be hard to put it all down. But we need time to rejuvenate and experience life outside of work too, right?

I finally figured out a weekend Anyone else have a hard time winding down over the weekend?

I hear you! My weeks used to slide right into the weekends, and Saturday looked just like Monday. By 8am, I’d have my laptop open and my to-do list ready.

Working from home means the work’s always there and it can be hard to put it all down. But we need time to rejuvenate and experience life outside of work too, right?

I finally figured out a weekend routine that doesn’t include work. Consider this a proven recipe for actually de-stressing on the weekend!

1- No social media. Sounds simple, but most of us are so buried in email and social media that we forget to disconnect and experience real life!

2- Spend time with friends and family. I keep a list of people I’d like to see or connect with and try to put one social activity on the calendar each weekend.

3- Exercise. While I do exercise during the week, I always feel like I’m squeezing it in. Weekends are my time to really enjoy it. I’ll go for a longer run or double up on yoga or the gym so I can really experience it and take it all in.

4- Cook. Trust me, you don’t want me in the kitchen during the week! But on the weekends I like to experiment with new recipes and take my time so it relaxes me.

5- Get outside. Even if it’s for a long ride or a walk, or if the weather isn’t great, I’ve found that breathing in fresh air and getting outside makes me happy.

Weekends are when we can do more of what we love to do outside of work so that by Monday we’re excited to get back to it!

How do you de-stress at the end of the week? that doesn’t include work. Consider this a proven recipe for actually de-stressing on the weekend!

1- No social media. Sounds simple, but most of us are so buried in email and social media that we forget to disconnect and experience real life!

2- Spend time with friends and family. I keep a list of people I’d like to see or connect with and try to put one social activity on the calendar each weekend.

3- Exercise. While I do exercise during the week, I always feel like I’m squeezing it in.

Weekends are my time to really enjoy it. I’ll go for a longer run or double up on yoga or the gym so I can really experience it and take it all in.

4- Cook. Trust me, you don’t want me in the kitchen during the week! But on the weekends I like to experiment with new recipes and take my time so it relaxes me.

5- Get outside. Even if it’s for a long ride or a walk, or if the weather isn’t great, I’ve found that breathing in fresh air and getting outside makes me happy.

Weekends are when we can do more of what we love to do outside of work so that by Monday we’re excited to get back to it!

How do you de-stress at the end of the week?

At Cape Verde.

At Cape Verde.


Have you ever heard of shiny object syndrome? 🤔

Shiny object syndrome is our desire to get sidetracked by an exciting or new project that we ignore the long-term growth of our business.📈

We've all fallen victim to it at some point... but it's important to stay aware of it to avoid getting distracted from our goals.👀

It can be hard to resist the urge to chase every new idea that comes your way, but if you're not careful, it can end up costing you more time and money than you could imagine.⏳

Here are three ways you can avoid shiny object syndrome and put your focus back where it belongs:

1️⃣ Ignore anyone trying to sell you anything you don't need.

2️⃣ Thouroughly research each product to see if it's relevant to your business.

3️⃣ Block anybody trying to sell you anything irrelevant.

How do you deal with shiny object syndrome?


These are the 3 tasks I would delegate first to work a 4-hour week

What I would outsource to work a 4-hour week:

1- Social media. I’d love to find a team who could not only create the images but the captions, too. I find it really hard to find that in one VA and am still looking. Any recos? Let me know!

2- Affiliate programs and sales funnels. I’m still trying to get them working the way I want. And they take sooo much time to build. I’d love to find someone who can help but I don’t want to work with an agency.

3- Ads. I would love, love, love to find an affordable VA who’s a wiz with FB ads. If you know anyone, let me know!

What would you outsource to free up more time?


A consistent night routine can be a game-changer. You get a chance to recap the day and realign to yourself and to your goals.

If you’re looking for a new routine or just a few ideas to add in the mix, feel free to pick and choose from mine!

These might sound like they take hours, but most nights, I can go through all of it in 20 minutes or less.

A daily yoga routine has been shown to improve sleep quality, and a few simple stretches or a massage before bed can prevent cramping.

Everyone’s night routine looks different, and I fully believe you should do the parts you enjoy and leave the rest.

My fave place right now is my home office. And I wish my desk was as beautiful as this photo.  Here’s what’s on my *real...

My fave place right now is my home office. And I wish my desk was as beautiful as this photo.

Here’s what’s on my *real* desk right now:

🌴 The plants give me life and represent the growth of my business.

✍️ My notebook is next to my keyboard ready for some genius.

📝 I've got the Time Blocking System going full throttle.

🖥 And I'm loving my new laptop stand.

Confession time…what does your desk look like right now?

At Sal Cape Verde.

At Sal Cape Verde.


Let's face it! We're all here because we want something.

Whether it's a better career, more money, or just a sense of security and peace in the world, we all have goals and dreams. 💭

The problem is, sometimes those goals can feel pretty far away.
And when you're trying to make your way towards them, it can be hard not to get lost in doubt and uncertainty.

So how do you trust yourself when you don't know what's around the corner?

How do you let go of your fear to make room for faith?

Here are some tips from my personal experience 👇

A dose of positivity a day helps keep the fear away. Identify limiting beliefs & real sources of fear. Let go of limiting beliefs & learn new ones. Empty your mind, and focus on the present moment.

Most of all, remember that you're not alone.

Let’s all leave a positive message of encouragement in the comments for someone going through a hard time. 💞


Do you dread receiving feedback from clients? 😩

You shouldn’t! Even though we all strive to do and be the best, in the world of affiliate marketing, mixed feedback is inevitable.

Just take a look at this:

💡Someone explained that my captions on TikTok were covering my face and to make my introduction shorter.

This client adored my work, and they made that pretty clear. Yet, they weren’t scared to tell me where I missed the mark. Does this bother me? NO!

Here’s why:

🌟 Constructive feedback helps me to pinpoint areas for improvement. This allows me to create a killer service for future clients.

What’s the best feedback you’ve ever received? Let me know in the comments 👇


Price your services for profit!

Unfortunately, people want things for nothing, but you have to stand firm because if your services/products are of value, people will buy them

What’s your biggest hangup when it comes to pricing your services?!

I had big dreams. I wanted tomatoes. Everyone loves tomatoes. If I had tomatoes I could make fresh salads every day.Uhhh...

I had big dreams. I wanted tomatoes. Everyone loves tomatoes. If I had tomatoes I could make fresh salads every day.


Now I know why people smiled when I said I was going to plant a few seeds and, Boom! make a huge veggie garden…

Now I'm just looking at my garden wondering why the tomatoes aren't growing faster, or at all! I'm just focused on rapid growth because I have no idea what else I should be looking for...

I think business is a lot like gardening.

It requires soul-searching and going deeper than you may want. And it requires more of your time and commitment than you want.

The key to success is in the planning and the strategy, and in being clear on your ‘why’ – rather than fast growth.

Who would have dreamed I would learn so many biz lessons from trying to grow tomatoes!

Does anyone have great gardening tips?


I've been in the affiliate marketing game for quite a while now, and every time I look back at my journey, I can spot mistakes and see what I was doing wrong or could have done better.🙄

I know this is only natural, and we all go through our transition; this after all is the undeniable truth of life…

Mistakes will be made, and all you can do is keep going.🤷‍♂️

However, the great thing about being part of a bigger whole and having a community around you is being able to learn from other people's mistakes. 🤝

So in the spirit of embracing our mistakes, here are the 4 things I would have done differently if I started affiliate marketing all over again, so you don't have to 👇

✨Don't buy everything in sight. (shiny object syndrome)

✨ Find someone who is a success and subscribe to a course they are offering.

✨ Don't spam especially on Facebook!

✨ Take your time, it will happen for you in the end.

Are there things you would do differently if you could start from the beginning?

Let me know in the comments below 😉


Are you really truly all in?

Have you made a 100% fully committed decision?

If you’re struggling, overthinking, having negative thoughts, you can STOP them, start getting results and make a change ONE decision…so are you all in?

You can always make a choice and happiness is a good one. 🤗

You can always make a choice and happiness is a good one. 🤗


Why settle for good when you can be great?

Stepping out of your comfort zone can only help you grow as a person.

When you own your own business, there can't be a comfort zone otherwise your business will never strive. Be brave.

It’s been a while since we connected, hasn’t it? 😝So, instead of my usual posts where I’d typically share useful tips on...

It’s been a while since we connected, hasn’t it? 😝

So, instead of my usual posts where I’d typically share useful tips on high-ticket affiliate marketing, I thought we could do something a little different…

Feel free to ask me a question in the comments below this post 💬

It could be related to high-ticket affiliate marketing, or it might be something completely random. In this post, nothing is off limits 👀

Not only will this help you get to know me, but I get to understand what you guys want to know 👏

Go ahead – ask away! 👇


There is so much going on right now and some days I just want to throw in the towel and settle.

But I know I'm made for bigger things. I believe I can, so I will!

Does anyone else feel that way?


My Monthly Goals…Why do I set them? Why do I share them here?

Setting goals helps me stay focused. Sharing my goals holds me accountable. Plus, I hope that they inspire you to set goals as well.

Here's what I plan to accomplish this month:

1 - Goal #1 Get my videos to four a day.

2 - Goal #2 Extend my reach to my Facebook followers.

3 - Goal #3 To extend my reach to Tiktok followers.

I like to keep my goal list small because it helps me to focus. Plus, having fewer goals means I'm less likely to procrastinate. I can break everything down into steps that are actually doable.

What are your goals for this month? Share in the comments and we'll support you!


You know what? It’s time to start bragging about your own success 💪👏

So, let’s start right now, shall we?

❌ I was approached by a customer who wasn’t sure if he wanted to use my services. So, I offered a sample package.

🤔 he was reluctant to part with his money, but I won him over in the end and delivered the sample.

🎉 Surprisingly, he LOVED the sample and placed a huge order – my biggest this month!

I think that’s something to shout about, don’t you?

Tell me your win from this week and reply with 👏 to everyone else’s wins in the comments!

We all deserve a pat on the back every now and again 😎


At some point in your journey, you will have your very own “a-ha” moment 😅

And not just one, but probably many over the years!

One of my a-ha moments came when I realised that not everyone wants to pay my prices.

This taught me that only certain people will be only be able to buy my product. Furthermore, I should stop trying to appeal to the masses and only worry about those more likely to invest in what I’m offering.🌟

Have you experienced an a-ha moment in your business recently? If so, let me know in the comments 👇




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