Heidi's Horoscopes on Janner Radio

Heidi's Horoscopes on Janner Radio This show comes in two parts:
Heidi's Hour - Covering anything and everything! Heidi's Horoscopes -


Heidi's Hindsights
W/C 18th December 2023

9. SAGITTARIUS - 23/11-21/12 - Archer - Mutable Fire - S/A: OwI
If you've been searching for an answer, wandering aimlessly, looking everywhere for meaning but have found nothing of substance. That could be the problem, you've been looking outwardly when all you seek is already within you. Take the time to look as you already know the answers you seek.
Time to focus on Ioving & believing in yourself, your gifts & talents. Rather than focusing on your shortcomings, you need to accept & embrace who you are. Replace any negative self talk with positive thoughts & feelings, & know you are lovable & worthy just as you are.
You may of been feeling paranoid & acting wierd, stop it. Release any form of negativity you have around the situation, especially as this will be an emotionally intense time. If someone has been unkind to you, even vindictive, release them. Move from living fearfully to living joyfully.
What's occurring in your life is providing a real learning curve for your soul, happiness is your purpose. Divine intervention is taking place at this time, know your being guided to do something that gives you joy & pleasure at this time.
It's important to connect with how you really feel, how you want to feel & what you really need. Trust your instincts, don't second guess yourself, & allow your emotions free reign. Let even the fiercest energy move through you before returning to your natural state, it will allow you to learn more about your gifts & how you can grow.

10. CAPRICORN - 22/12-19/01 - Goat - Cardinal Earth - S/A: Swan
You may of felt overwhelmed or emotionally scattered recently, feel the love around you & allow yourself to be cherished. You are now moving back to your natural state, bringing you back to a place of clarity & openess. Get grounded & regain your strength before moving forward.
You may spend too much time thinking of what could of been, by doing this your not giving yourself a fair chance. There's nothing you can do to change what happened, instead, focus on how the here & now. Make improvements to your present, & appreciate what you already have.
You may of been on a wandering path trying to find answers through study or from others, trust what you know as you already have the answers you seek. The fog is clearing from your inner vision, your soul is saying yes, follow it & trust the wisdom within you.
Don't give up, instead, set your intentions as a wonderful new start comes. Bravery, determination & self assertion will guide you to success in whatever endeavour your thinking about. The caution, don't go too fast, don't forget your manners & treat others well. It's time to take action.
Focus on your wellbeing & self care, explore practices & behaviours that can improve your physical, emotional & mental health & take the necessary steps to follow through. Whether you explore conventional or alternative methods, it's important you put your health & happiness first.

11. AQUARIUS - 20/01-19/02 - Water Bearer - Fixed Air - S/A: Fox
Don't allow your whole story to be defined by a situation, especially if it doesn't support your happiness. Miraculous shifts of healing are surrounding you & all those around you, remember, forgiveness is an act of self love. Father healing is also possible at this time.
Instead of acting rashly, examine the situation before you, have you blamed someone else for something you've done & is your current judgement justified. Others are not your competition & no one is perfect, take a step back & take the time you need to figure it out.
A warrior within wants to rise up, prove a point & get the truth across, but save your energy for what's important, which may mean letting go of the need to be right. Avoid arguements or heated discussions & don't fight a losing battle. Instead, see from a higher perspective & use your intuition.
Time to leave the past behind & dare to do something different with your life & it's direction, to find the courage & make the leap. Your being guided towards satisfaction, fulfillment & happiness, but in order to discover new oceans you have to be prepared to lose sight of the shore. There's a good chance you'll come to ask why you waited so long.
What you learn now will be of great benefit to yourself & others. Your life lessons are just as valuable as your academic knowledge. Have faith in your ability to teach & investigate new opportunities or areas of study, & don't underestimate the importance of what you have to say.

12. PISCES - 20/02-20/03 - Two Fish - Mutable Water - S/A: Wolf
Time to move beyond any expectations set for you by family members past & present, as your spirit is more powerful than genetics & behavioural patterns. Personal healing is possible, it will bring healing change to your family lineage in the present & future.
The cave to your heart is open & you will have an opportunity to overcome past pain, heart break & let downs. Cherish & love yourself, then allow others too. Divine love will reveal itself, so have courage & move into a state of trust & show love towards others.
This dilema may have come around because you've been distracted, avoid fretting over the details & being all talk and no action. Instead, take a step back & gain a different perspective on things & look at the bigger picture. Find a balance between speaking your mind & saying too much, & keep an open mind about what's for the best.
Take some time off from your busy schedule & remove yourself away from any negativity. Find your inner sanctuary, especially if feeling overwhelmed or confused, & know answers will present themselves during your quiet time.
You've been hanging around someone who depletes your energy & feel good factor. It could be a lover, another loved one or a friend, you deserve better treatment. Consider leaving, or take steps towards making this happen, time to swim away from this situation.

1. ARIES - 21/03-20/04 - Ram - Cardinal Fire - S/A: Koala
Your spirit will fire up & you’ll be wanting to detach from drama, people, places & emotions that are no longer serving you. Whatever you are doing, the universe is working with you. Face a fear & see the truth of your situation, & make sure your okay before helping others.
Instead of keeping things to yourself from fear of judgement, ridicule or conflict, it's time to get a weight off your chest. Speak your truth & with love, express your thoughts & feelings & listen too. When your honest & respectful, your message will be recieved in the best possible light.
Be open to healing information, listen to your intuition & what is being shared by trustworthy others in your life. You'll be exposed to insights that will have a dramatic healing effect upon your life. If your working through anything that's physically challenging, pay particular attention to information that's coming to you. It will be supportive of your wellness.
If your dealing with finances or doubting your self worth, it's time to believe in yourself as you can achieve what your seeking, including material things. If you've been wrestling with something or someone for some time, don't give up just yet. Prosperity lies ahead.
Whatever your situation, it's time to put yourself first & to work on making sure you're okay. Be brave to admit when you need to take a step back from the demands of others, & be your own first priority before helping others.

2. TA**US - 21/04-20/05 - Bull - Fixed Earth - S/A: Bear
Rather than focusing on the black & white in life, look at all the grey in between & especially as real relationship's aren't like fairy tales. A relationship will come to an end but there's some loose ends to tie up. Acceptance isn't easy, but it is possible, endings are inevitable.
Surrender your attachment to a particular situation or preferred outcome, as your inability to let go is impeding your success. Make peace with your life as it is today & appreciate what you already have, & know desperation blocks manifestation.
You can expect good things & exciting opportunities at this time, but there's a lot of emotion including your own to deal with. Avoid blowing events out of proportion, a solution is coming so don't ignore the obvious.
It's time to take charge & lead by example, to step up & create the changes you want to see in your world. Be honest, assertive & true in a loving way as you steer events forward. You may feel your ego trying to hold you back, know that when you take the first step the next will follow.
Time to let go of something or someone, whatever it is that's holding you back. Release any pressures & expectations weighing you down, as one door closes another opens. Your powerful psyche is telling you to release the old and rest, allowing you to be better supported.

3. GEMINI - 21/05-21/06 - Twins - Mutable Air - S/A: Deer
You may feel drawn to the many different ways in which we heal, or perhaps your in need of some healing therapy. Set the intention to heal or be healed. Whether you focus on your healing abilities, or expand your understanding of the healing arts, it's time to set the wheels in motion.
Confidence is your key to success, be proud of who you are, show what you've got, especially as you'll catch someone's attention. However, you need to be willing to do your bit, be proud of who you are & what you have to offer. Positivity surrounds a creative project your working on.
It's time to bring your projects to life, you'll have increased clarity, creativity & inspiration. Avoid rushing ahead as this is also a time of pleasure, enjoyment & expansion. Live in & enjoy the present moment.
Your goals can become your reality, so go ahead & create that dream board, make a wish or write down your intentions. It's important to believe that you are worthy & that it is possible to manifest your every wish.
Move into prayer & meditation, send out your intentions, wants & needs, then meditate to recieve the intuitive guidance & answers that you need & want. Take time to breathe & recieve, & know you'll have a real surge of intuition when it's time to move forward.

4. CANCER - 22/06-22/07 - Crab - Cardinal Water - S/A: Butterfly
A new start is coming, something in relation to the people & places that mean a lot to you, so don't allow your insecurities to hold you back. You & your loved ones are safe, so let someone get a little closer to you. Whatever happens, it's especially positive for family matters.
There's something you know to be true yet you continue to ignore it, which may feel like the easiest option, but things have changed. No matter how uncomfortable it seems, be completely honest with yourself, the outcome won't be nearly as bad as you think.
There's a very positive outcome coming your way, dismiss all logic & believe in miracles. Focus on what you want & dream of, be grateful for all already you have & remain optimistic & hopeful at all times. A happy ending is forecast.
Do everything you need to, to be at your best & then take the lead in some way. You'll have an opportunity to move beyond your fears & limitations, because even though you may feel in the dark & unknown, you'll move through a challenging situation. Be sure you to take care of your own needs before others at this time.
Your thoughts, words & actions are like magnets drawing in the energy that creates & cultivates your world. Become more aware of how your influencing the energy around you, & how it in turn is influencing you. Send out the energy you would like to receive.

5. LEO - 23/07-23/08 - Lion - Fixed Fire - S/A: Panther
Choose not to be pulled into dramas or bickerings, even if someone is hostile towards you or someone else. Take the higher road & move yourself away from any form of negativity, instead, see how you can change the energy & bring love & positivity into the situation.
Time for some open & honest communication, important messages, information & insights will be shared & you may hear from an old friend or family member. Clarify situations where you weren't heard or misunderstood, get things off your chest & Iisten too.
There's a chance to create a fresh start. You may have the opportunity to study, travel or relocate, regardless, you must pay attention, seize the moment & embrace the magic in the mystery. Move with the changing tide, this will help you to be catapulted to where you need to be.
Sometimes we need to weave a bit of magic or to take action, & sometimes the combination of both. Use the law of attraction & take practical steps towards your goals. Time to imagine it & plan for it, & remember, chasing money doesn't work, you need to chase a dream.
There's someone around you who doesn't come with good intentions nor with kindness. They don't have your best interests at heart, although they'll pretend so. It may be time to release them, but certainly let them know you won't tolerate their mistreatment.

6. VIRGO - 24/08-22/09 - Virgin - Mutable Earth - S/A: Penguin
A situation is about to peak or has just done so, things are now out of your hands. Time to be gentle on yourself, if your letting go of anyone or anything, know it's the right time. Forgiving someone could bring a positive resolution. Either way, cede control & allow events to unfold.
You've recently overcome either a challenging situation or a troubling experience with an individual that involved a great deal of effort or pain & negativity. Now it's time to think about & act on the lesson this has brought you & continue to face any challenges head on, & know you won't experience this particular lesson again.
Take time to rest & recuperate before the next leg of your journey, especially if you've been working hard. If you have something to say or do that could have a larger impact on your life, spend some time in deep thought or contemplation before moving forward.
Take a step back & spend some time with your one true friend, yourself. Try meditation or yoga, read a book or go out & discover new places. When we take the time needed to recharge, we're paying the greatest respect to ourselves. Unplug & relax for a spell.
You may of retreated from the world recently where you've not been as active socially, but this time of inner rest has paid off. Your conciousness is expanding, now it's time to understand how your thoughts & feelings are creating the waves of energy that form your life.

7. LIBRA - 23/09-22/10 - Scales - Cardinal Air - S/A: Panda
Your views & vision is limited at this time, so Iook at things from a different angle & see the situation from everyone's point of view. There's a chance your own desperation, needs or ego are blocking you from seeing the potential in your current situation, so see from a higher perspective.
Allow your feelings to guide you, especially in relation to romantic connections. A new start is coming, but there could be confusion & disappointment if that's what your expecting. Time to expect the best, let go of any confusion & don't allow anyone to deceive you.
You can be whoever & however you wish, despite others having their own expectations of who they think you should be, which is extremely unrealistic. Instead, approve & prioritise yourself, & whatever you are doing, make sure you are doing it for yourself.
Your path is unfolding as it should, remember your only spiritual function is to be happy. Go over what you've learned recently, recognise the strengths it's given you & acknowledge where you've been courageous. Then take one step toward your dharma, meaning right way of living.
Trust the good in yourself & others as you go through personal transformations, & remain calm as you release any limiting thoughts & feelings. Recognise you are made of love & choose loving thoughts, as you enter a time of rebirth.

8. SCORPIO - 23/10-22/11 - Scorpion - Fixed Water - S/A: Tortoise
It's time to bring healing & peace to either a troubling relationship, or problems surrounding your home. In either event, make a commitment rather than walk away. Your difficulties are being resolved, so continue your efforts & compassion & to compromise.
You will come through a challenging period, which may leave you hurt & exhausted. Rest assured, the clouds are parting & making room for the much needed light & positivity. Every hurricane comes to an end, so let go of past pain in order to make room for something better.
Something new is starting, take matters into your own hands & speak up for what you want. Use your determination & organisational skills as you'll be challenged on how much you really want something. Follow your heart & emotions, avoid recklessness or rushing ahead, & make the first move.
Go beyond your limitations & believe the impossible is possible as you focus on your vision. You'll have opportunities to heal an old wound or a pattern of lack & not feeling good enough. Recognise your worth, talents & strength, set your sights higher & turn your wildest dream into reality.
You may have felt blocked or held back, but now waves of inspiration & creative ideas are coming to you. Recognise how talented you really are, your creativity is your greatest gift so express yourself in a way that suits you.


Heidi's Hindsights
W/C 11th December 2023

9. SAGITTARIUS - 23/11-21/12 - Archer - Mutable Fire - S/A: OwI
You may of felt overwhelmed or emotionally scattered recently, feel the love around you & allow yourself to be cherished. You are now moving back to your natural state, bringing you back to a place of clarity & openess. Get grounded & regain your strength before moving forward.
See how loving & lovable you are, recognise your worth & know you deserve loving relationships & experiences. You'll be moving beyond any challenges & limitations you once had, choose loving thoughts as golden opportunities are coming. Love & accept yourself as you are.
Your at a more tranquil point in your current situation, this is not the time to start something new. Instead, give yourself & others time out, a break of sorts to think about what has passed. Learn from your experiences & regroup, rather than blindly going forward.
You may be giving your all to a particular situation or person & getting nothing in return, only what's expected. Time to let it go, your life is about you, not what others expect you to carry for them. It may be time to let them go completely.
You will have an opportunity to embark upon a career in the mind, body, spirit arena, as you have genuine talents. Remove your anxieties, worries, doubts & fears as well as any limiting beliefs, regardless of what you do, believe you'll succeed.

10. CAPRICORN - 22/12-19/01 - Goat - Cardinal Earth - S/A: Swan
There's a need for some exercise, not only to improve your health but also to release feel good endorphins. Any activity of your choice, which will also help & allow you to get rid of any negative energy.
You'll experience a deep build up of life force, extra energy, more alertness & will need to channel this into action, especially as your sensual & sexual energies will increase. Express yourself with integrity & follow your passionate self.
Don't give up, instead, set your intentions as a wonderful new start comes. Bravery, determination & self assertion will guide you to success in whatever endeavour your thinking about. The caution, don't go too fast, don't forget your manners & treat others well. It's time to take action.
You'll feel yourself being drawn in a particular direction, a road that will bring you & those around you great positivity. Listen to the messages, information & inspiration that will be coming from the inner you, & continue to follow the cosmic guidance that's coming your way.
SIow down & take time to pause before the next leg of your journey, if you can spend some time alone, do so. It's in your solitary & introspective moments where you learn the most interesting things about yourself. Enjoy your own company.

11. AQUARIUS - 20/01-19/02 - Water Bearer - Fixed Air - S/A: Fox
Take a step back & spend some time with your one true friend, yourself. Try meditation or yoga, read a book or go out & discover new places. When we take the time needed to recharge, we're paying the greatest respect to ourselves. Unplug & relax for a spell.
Remain positive both in thought & feeling at this time, even in the midst of hopelessness & uncertainty. People & opportunities will come when least expected, currently the 'how's ', 'when's' & 'who's' is out of your hands. Focus on what you want & not what you fear or don't want.
You may of been on a wandering path trying to find answers through study or from others, trust what you know as you already have the answers you seek. The fog is clearing from your inner vision, your soul is saying yes, follow it & trust the wisdom within you.
Take stock of your situation, there's a restart ahead, an opportunity to get things in order. You'll need to ensure it's a clever one that's simple & well-organised. If a situation is blocked, it could be that your over-analysing things or being too critical. It's a time to give, not take.
Trust your intuition as it will allow you to correct a situation in a positive way, & if you've given your power away, claim it back. Have some trust in a higher force than your own, hand over all of your concerns to your spiritual allies & move back to a state of trust.

12. PISCES - 20/02-20/03 - Two Fish - Mutable Water - S/A: Wolf
If your having difficulties with anyone, move past their mistakes & behaviour & see beyond their challenges. Those around you do come with good intentions, even if it doesn't always seem so. Develop a greater understanding & try to do what is best for all involved.
Instead of acting rashly, examine the situation before you, have you blamed someone else for something you've done & is your current judgement justified. Others are not your competition & no one is perfect, take a step back & take the time you need to figure it out.
Take charge of your life before you find yourself in a tricky situation. Use your voice & speak your mind in a fiercely loving way, especially if your kindness is being taken for granted. Become the boss, instead of being bossed. You may have the opportunity to move upwards professionally.
Whatever your going through, there's a chance that old habits could be holding you back, especially if your feeling stuck in something. This is the time to make some changes, even if staying where you are feels easier & safer. Don't let your past hold you back.
Rather than following the crowd, be your true authentic self & celebrate your uniqueness. March to the beat of your own drum despite the opinions of others, remember, it's impossible to please everyone. Express your individuality.

1. ARIES - 21/03-20/04 - Ram - Cardinal Fire - S/A: Koala
A current situation that's been extremely difficult & negative will come to an end, it's now time for healing, not war. You will need the same amount of initiative & determination to figure out where reparations are needed, & listen to your intuition.
Choose loving thoughts towards yourself & others as healing energy surrounds you. Remember, love has no boundaries as there's opportunities to move past any form of grief or grievance. Your in a space of deep healing & forgiveness, both will help you grow even more.
Your hard work is paying off, you'll be able to renegotiate your position or look for something new, either way, improvements are coming. Be more disciplined, think of the long term & more importantly, have a plan & strategy, & avoid anyone who's controlling.
Opportunities to feel & be successful are coming, know that doors will be opening for you, & a 'yes' is likely to come your way. Follow up on any new projects, ventures & ideas, & connect with your inner fire that will drive you forward. Enjoy success & happiness.
It's a time of necessary endings, to let go of the old to make way for the new. Move toward bigger & better things & have no fear of the unknown, as one door closes another opens. Surrender to the changes that are occurring & you'll be lead to where you need to be.

2. TA**US - 21/04-20/05 - Bull - Fixed Earth - S/A: Bear
Continue to work on your growth & expansion within your current situation, be commited & reliable to your tasks & projects, as it will be extremely beneficial in the long term. It's easy to get bored or overwhelmed, but persevere & be open to wisdom & insights from your elders.
The burn of guilt may be starting to impact every area of your life, making it almost impossible to function. Your at a crossroads & need to choose a direction, make reparations & release yourself of any guilt.
Don't look back as you do things independently on your own, but be loving & know time is of the essence. Change is on it's way & it could come quickly, whether you get the change you want depends both on whether you believe in it & how much you're relying on others. Dropping convention & thinking outside the box will bring the solution.
Move beyond current challenges & situations that are no longer helpful to you, making space for something more purposeful. Focus on what you want & not what you fear, with your ability you can use your thoughts, will & actions to bring life fulfilling & dream enhancing opportunities.
There's a very positive outcome coming your way, dismiss all logic & believe in miracles. Focus on what you want & dream of, be grateful for all already you have & remain optimistic & hopeful at all times. A happy ending is forecast.

3. GEMINI - 21/05-21/06 - Twins - Mutable Air - S/A: Deer
Time for some open & honest communication, important messages, information & insights will be shared & you may hear from an old friend or family member. Clarify situations where you weren't heard or misunderstood, get things off your chest & Iisten too.
Loving energy is surrounding you at this time, recognise & address any limiting thoughts & beliefs that are holding you back from experiencing love. Have belief in yourself & know you are lovable & worthy, & that you deserve to experience loving relationships. Love is in the air.
A situation is full of possibility & about to reach a peak, though some adjustments may be required before you get what you want. There's also intensity so don't push too hard, there's a fuse attached so be careful if you choose to light it. Your very close to achieving your goal.
A time of renewal, to cast off the old & reveal your true colours, talents & gifts. If your true self hasn't been recognised or you've been misread by others, know this is leaving you. Your commitment to growth has been recognised, now the external world will start to reflect all of the work you've been doing within.
You may be feeling envious of those who show their unwavering confidence, you wish you could relate to them. Its okay, confidence is not an overnight evolution, as with everything, it comes with time & practice & the unlearning of toxicity.

4. CANCER - 22/06-22/07 - Crab - Cardinal Water - S/A: Butterfly
Something appears injust to you but your not sure what to do about it, let yourself be the first spark. Ensure safety as you stand up for yourself & others, whether you've shared experiences or not. Start a revolution.
Stop & enjoy the present moment, as nothing more can be done to achieve the outcome you seek. Pace yourself, be patient & avoid acting or doing anything rashly. Stillness is the key to recieving clear & accurate guidance at this time, & patience will be needed.
Remain focused as your visions & goals become reality, you don't want to relive your history or feel unsupported. Commitment & discipline are important now, & acknowledging where you once were & how you've changed this is a powerful focus of gratitude. This is an exciting time.
If your dealing with finances or doubting your self worth, it's time to believe in yourself as you can achieve what your seeking, including material things. If you've been wrestling with something or someone for some time, don't give up just yet. Prosperity lies ahead.
Be open to healing information, listen to your intuition & what is being shared by trustworthy others in your life. You'll be exposed to insights that will have a dramatic healing effect upon your life. If your working through anything that's physically challenging, pay particular attention to information that's coming to you. It will be supportive of your wellness.

5. LEO - 23/07-23/08 - Lion - Fixed Fire - S/A: Panther
Move into prayer & meditation, send out your intentions, wants & needs, then meditate to recieve the intuitive guidance & answers that you need & want. Take time to breathe & recieve, & know you'll have a real surge of intuition when it's time to move forward.
Time to focus on Ioving & believing in yourself, your gifts & talents. Rather than focusing on your shortcomings, you need to accept & embrace who you are. Replace any negative self talk with positive thoughts & feelings, & know you are lovable & worthy just as you are.
Something is still developing, taking shape & there's room for manouvre, so you can still change or influence the potential outcome. Stay adaptable as more flexibility is possible, so think seriously about what you want as nothing is set in stone.
Move beyond any limiting thoughts, emotions & patterns that are making you feel unsafe. Drop any shields of shame, resistence & fear that stand between you & your chances of fun & enjoyment. Your stronger than you think, you don't need to hide who you are or the gifts you have.
You have valid reasons for keeping your guard up, but no matter how terrifying the prospect may seem, you need to put yourself out there again. Make new connections & know that whoever it is your thinking of, they can be trusted. Take a chance on them.

6. VIRGO - 24/08-22/09 - Virgin - Mutable Earth - S/A: Penguin
Don't allow your whole story to be defined by a situation, especially if it doesn't support your happiness. Miraculous shifts of healing are surrounding you & all those around you, remember, forgiveness is an act of self love. Father healing is also possible at this time.
See your life as an adventure, step out of your everyday life to experience exciting new things. Be inquisitive & daring as you've got people to meet & places to be, open yourself up to the unknown & broaden your horizons. Also, do a random act of kindness.
A very empowering time to make plans & to act on them, to create the reality your dreaming of. Your energies will increase, emotions too. Decide where your headed & believe you'll succeed as more effort is needed. Take more practical steps & keep moving forward.
Stop looking outside yourself & recognise your incredible power within, & especially if you've been searching for an answer or a reason to focus. Your powerful enough to direct your intentions & will your desires into being, but only if you own it. Unlock the magick within.
Time to celebrate, not just of yourself but others too. You have so much love & knowledge to spread, so don't waste it, create the crown you deserve. Self love is essential, but community is important also.

7. LIBRA - 23/09-22/10 - Scales - Cardinal Air - S/A: Panda
Your spirit will fire up & you’ll be wanting to detach from drama, people, places & emotions that are no longer serving you. Whatever you are doing, the universe is working with you. Face a fear & see the truth of your situation, & make sure your okay before helping others.
Connect with your creative side, step out of your practical, logical mind & the seriousness of life to partake in fun, anything that lifts your spirits & makes you feel good. Use your imagination & express yourself creatively in whichever way you choose.
There is nothing to be had nor gained from your current situation, which may or may not be good news to you. There's nothing to worry about, though you may need to adjust your expectations or change things so you get a different outcome, then surrender to the divine.
Time to grow & expand in all area's of your life, fertility & growth are imminent as it's time to enjoy the rewards coming in your direction. Opportunities, marriage proposals, the birth of a child & financial security are all possible. Enjoy growth & reap the rewards.
You may spend too much time thinking of what could of been, by doing this your not giving yourself a fair chance. There's nothing you can do to change what happened, instead, focus on how the here & now. Make improvements to your present, & appreciate what you already have.

8. SCORPIO - 23/10-22/11 - Scorpion - Fixed Water - S/A: Tortoise
In life, people come & some go, your the only one who's guaranteed to stay. Take some time to find sources of joy that's outside of your loved ones & be independent in your choices. Paint the sun back into your sky, you deserve happiness that lasts.
It's important for you to have some quiet time, either in meditation, deep thought or contemplation as truths will be revealed. Information & deep insights will come to you from the cosmos, where both yourself & others will reach a new level of understanding.
Something new is starting, take matters into your own hands & speak up for what you want. Use your determination & organisational skills as you'll be challenged on how much you really want something. Follow your heart & emotions, avoid recklessness or rushing ahead, & make the first move.
Everything your giving attention & energy to will create the road ahead, so work on what you want to grow, heal & expand. Your recent experiences, especially setbacks will lead you to a deeper level of understanding, both of yourself & your desires. Face your fears & change your life.
Time to celebrate & strengthen your connection with the universe & with your spirituality, in whichever way you choose for there is no right or wrong. Ask for universal assistance when needed & know that no request goes unanswered, and no request is too big or small.


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