♥️ Jiggy Wrigglers: Boosting Oxytocin Levels Through Music & Movement ♥️
Did you know that the joyous sounds and movements of Jiggy Wrigglers aren't just fun, they also promote the release of oxytocin, the 'love' hormone, fostering stronger bonds between parents and their little ones.
Oxytocin, plays a crucial role in nurturing attachment between infants and parents right from the start. Produced in the hypothalamus (a region of the brain), oxytocin floods the body during and after childbirth, promoting feelings of warmth, trust and connection.
At Jiggy Wrigglers, we harness the power of music, movement and sensory experiences to enhance the release of oxytocin and deepen the bond between caregivers and children. Through our engaging sessions, filled with upbeat tunes and interactive activities, we create the perfect environment for oxytocin to flourish.
Research has shown that music-related activities, including dance, not only boost oxytocin levels but also contribute to the formation of larger social networks. In our classes, parents and children alike come together in a shared experience of joy and exploration, strengthening their connections with one another and with the wider community.
Moreover, music and movement serve as a cultural touchstone, helping to define our identities and providing a safe-haven where individuals can interact, express themselves, and share their experiences.
In the welcoming space of Jiggy Wrigglers, families come together to celebrate the joys of music and movement, building memories that will last a lifetime.
So, whether you're looking to deepen your bond with your little one, or simply seeking a vibrant community where you can connect and grow, come join us at Jiggy Wrigglers. Let's dance, laugh, and experience the magic of oxytocin together!
Love Jiggy Sam 💜