Comment below posted on Westmorland and Furness Council page:
'There has been NO consultation with residents of Castletown, Penrith. We submitted a 20mph application which you rejected and now it seems we still not getting what we asked, and have been lobbying, for. Who did the council consult re Castletown 20mph ? We also want better weight restriction signage and enforcement.'
When we launched our 20mph policy to make it easier for communities to apply for lower speed limits, we committed to putting residents' views at the heart of our plans.
After extensive consultation and feedback from over 3,000 residents, we are proud to say we are only moving forward with schemes where clear community support is evident.
Based on your views a total of 20 20mph speed limits will be progressed across Eden and South Lakeland:
✅ 10 schemes as originally designed with the representatives from the local community prior to the consultation
✅ 10 have been shaped based on respondent feedback in the consultation
❌ 7, 5 of which in the Furness area, will not progress as they did not receive sufficient support from respondents.
Designed based on clear Department for Transport guidance, the schemes will create safer roads for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. They focus on areas in built up towns and villages with a current maximum speed limit of 40mph.
The 20mph speed limits in Eden will benefit the community by creating a safer environments for schools, a busy section of the A592 which is popular with tourists, and a village green with an unfenced play area
In South Lakeland, they will create safer environments outside schools and outdoor play areas nearby the road.
Three quarters (75%) of respondents supported the general principle of lower speed limits and the schemes that will be introduced to make areas “safer for everyone especially children” and create environments where “young people and [the elderly] can walk outdoors freely without the worry of an accident caused by a speeding car or lorry.”
Respondents also reported the introduction of 20mph limits would reduce speeding in the extent of the schemes, sharing they “are now essential for pedestrian safety” and will “address not only speed, but declining air quality and car parking issues.” Another commented “everyone is in too much of a hurry. We all need to slow down.”
Statutory consultation and advertisement of the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO), the legal process required to change speed limits, will soon start. This will give residents a final opportunity to share their views on the detailed final designs before any scheme is rolled out.
Requests for the limits came through a new streamlined route launched by Westmorland and Furness Council in December 2023 which made it easier and quicker for communities to submit applications for 20mph. The new approach accelerated the application process by several months, leading to 49 requests covering 79 proposed schemes across the area.
Alongside the 20 confirmed 20mph limits set for implementation this year, an additional 36 eligible schemes, 16 in Eden and 20 in South Lakeland, have been prioritised for delivery over the next two years. Furness Locality Board is set to approve a proposed programme at their meeting in April 2025 following the recent decision to reconsider the priorities for the area.
Information on where the 20mph schemes can be found in the news section on our website.