Watch as Nottingham Forest legend John McGovern delivers gifts to a pub landlady after her free pint offer backfires 😝
Beccy Webster was forced to give away 300 pints at the Gedling Inn last Saturday 🍻
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"I couldn’t believe my eyes when visiting Nottingham’s ‘frozen in time’ record shop" 👀🎶
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'I visited Nottingham's ‘Aladdin’s Cave’ café full of weird antiques and retro games' 👀☕
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'I visited Nottingham’s steepest street which locals know as ‘Death Hill’' 😳👇
An office administrator from Nottingham quit her job and sold her house to travel the globe in a bid to visit every single country in her 60s.
Lynn Stephenson swapped her two-bed city home for hotels and hostels around the world after she got the travelling bug.
The 61-year-old has visited 168 countries so far but hopes to chalk the remaining 27 off of her list within the following year.
Lynn worked in admin at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court while also juggling a part-time fitness instructor role but gave it all up in 2022.
She sold her semi-detached town house in Carlton, Nottingham, and pocketed £136,000 after her mortgage was paid off - using the profit to fund her travels.
Now Lynn’s amassed a small following as she documents her travels - with over 12,000 people following her across Facebook and Instagram.
Most recently she’s been island hopping around the South Pacific, where she claims
to be the only white tourist.
She has also swam with manta rays and sharks, visited a leprosy camp and spent time with a tribe in Vanuatu who are “obsessed with Prince Philip”.
Lynn, who only has brothers back in the UK, said: “I lived in Carlton for 40 years, I'm originally from the North East but moved to Nottingham at 19.
“I did my first round the world trip in 1992, it was a whole different world then without internet and mobile phones.
“You had a guide book and tried to find yourself somewhere to sleep.
“After I sometimes go off for bits and bobs. I did an around the world trip in 2003 too.
“But it was in November 2022 that I decided to sell up. It was always on the radar and what I wanted to do.
“It was a case of lets just spend this money before I get old.
“Covid gave me the complete push that I needed to do it, I had never believed that you could lockdown the entire world.
“When lockdown was lifted on July 3, 2020, I was on a plane to Italy on July 5.
“I absolutely love it, every day is an adventure. It’s not all fun and games, th
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Reminder to the parents/guardians! Elf on the Shelf is back on December 1... we've been getting creative 😍
What are your best ideas from previous years, share with us below 👇
We’re live at Nottingham Winter Wonderland 2024! ❄️ 🎅
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