Dear clients
We are happy to announce our website, which has started the switch to our new server with more than 23K channels and 100K movies/series. Things that you should know
The price has changed, our service is cheaper than before for clients and resellers, and the delivery is automatic (clients).
When you order on our website, you get credentials in a few minutes. In rare cases, it might need admin approval, or if you typed something on the note
When you want to renew, use the same email you used before because your account is now tied to your email
Also, we have added PayPal as a payment method. In case we see issues, we might disable it
A trial is now 0.50 cents to avoid abuse and cover automatic delivery fees
The current website "kingsman.cloud" will be taken down in the next few days. If you want to extend your current server this is your last chance.
If you have any questions about our new server visit our FAQ and Instructions page
NEW WEBSITE: https://www.kingsman-solution.com
NEW WEBSITE: https://www.kingsman-solution.com