Norwich Weather Live-Streams.

Norwich Weather Live-Streams. Dedicated to bring you accurate forecasts, pictures, and video of events from UK and Worldwide.

love tracking the weather and doing photography building computers bird watching. not to much else to know really apart from i try my best to forecast as relistic and accurute as i can o and im a bad speller.

It's a beautiful evening here at Norwich weather livestreams HQ. Hope you enjoying it too.

It's a beautiful evening here at Norwich weather livestreams HQ. Hope you enjoying it too.


I hope everyone has been enjoying the warm weather of late. Sorry I have not been to active on here been going though a pretty big rough patch lately broken relationship. But I am keeping a eye on a small chance of thundery weather moving in from France Sunday and Monday but we will see what happens with this. Anyway I do hope you all are well.

Good afternoon all Hope some of you can enjoy the heat today it hit 31c here in Norwich this afternoon. Also I just want...

Good afternoon all

Hope some of you can enjoy the heat today it hit 31c here in Norwich this afternoon. Also I just want to say a big thank you to in Norwich for the shirts and the hat they have done for me they look great.

Good evening all There will be a thundery risk this evening and though the night the very south could see some thundery ...

Good evening all

There will be a thundery risk this evening and though the night the very south could see some thundery showers from 5pm onwards infact ilse of white may have some as i write this . these will move NNE as the evening goes on but the main thundery weather looks to start about about 7pm onwards. Most parts of East Angila and south east will see a 30-50 percent storm risk this evening so you may like tyo have the camera ready.

East anglia looks to see so nice thundery weather around 9pm and reach the norwich area by about 10pm. these thundery showers could last till about 4am maybe 5am for the wash area parts of norfolk.

Sorry this is a bit late iv been very busy working on some projects and expanding my weather reach to the cb radio aswell as with the cb radio we have very large antennas which could be hit too in thundery weather just like any antenna so if you are on the cb you may wish to unplug your coax same with tv and sky if you still use antennas.

If all goes well there sould be a live stream running later if we get anything here in norwich also ill be out with the camera trying to take some pictures. please hit that follow button to keep up to date on the thundery weather.

here is a few more pictures of the thunder showers today

here is a few more pictures of the thunder showers today

Here is a few pictures form the storms today  i still have 6000 pictures to look though so there maybe more to come as y...

Here is a few pictures form the storms today i still have 6000 pictures to look though so there maybe more to come as yet. taken with a Nikon z7ii and a 24-70mm lens

the lightning detector is running  i still need to do some calibation work but she is working and map pack has been orde...

the lightning detector is running i still need to do some calibation work but she is working and map pack has been ordered for it aswell so very soon you all see this in the livestreams not long now.

O look what just turned up. I'll have to try get it up and running back please hold up and let me get this done

O look what just turned up. I'll have to try get it up and running back please hold up and let me get this done

thundery showers starting for Suffolk and northern Essex

thundery showers starting for Suffolk and northern Essex

Good afternoon all.This will be just a quick update sadly due to my back giving me hell today but lets jump in and have ...

Good afternoon all.

This will be just a quick update sadly due to my back giving me hell today but lets jump in and have a quick look at whats to come later this afternoon and into the night.

There will be a chance of some thundery weather about today most likely small thuindery showers that are home grown but later this evening there will be a chance for something to move up from northern france and brussels. This could bring some very heavy rain at times and flash flooding could be likely in some low areas like under rail bridges. now right now there is some rain moving into the uk over the South east and around 3 pm we could see some smaller showers forming for wales and south west which may produce a few small thundery showers.
In the east of the UK the earlyier rain band may just spark off one or 2 thundery showers aswell as it moves NW acrosed the UK.

Now the main risk comes later in the night starting in east anglia around 10pm and moving into north eastern coastlines and inland later till 8am on wednesday morning the main risk will be from rain some very heavy rainlooks like it could affect norfolk lincornshire up into yorkshire also with this thier could be some thundery activivty and maybe a touch lively at times but we will see on that side of things.

Top temps today look to reach 18-19c mostly overcast day for much of england ireland will see thundery showers cloud and rain for much of the day. the Met office have some warning in place at this time i will inclue this in the images.

please hit that follow button and lets reach 10k followers this year please thank you all for your surport.

Good Evening all A bit of a late one as i was wanting to watch the charts very closely for the thundery risk in the west...

Good Evening all

A bit of a late one as i was wanting to watch the charts very closely for the thundery risk in the west of the uk. Areas most at risk will be deveon, wales, west midlands, northern England, and southern Scotland. things could start going from 1pm in the afternoon and some parts could see as high as 50% chance cape Levels look to reach as high as 1200 j/kg and a lifted of -3 and -4 so its looking pretty good for some active thundery showers for western UK.

Else where for southern and eastern UK it will be a warm mostly bright day some hazzy sunshine at times due to high cloud and some misty fog round the coasts sadly no thundery weather for eastern areas tops for tomorrow look to reach 25-26c around London. East Anglia 17-24c, Scotland 13-21c, Northern England 16-22c, Wales 17-23c, central England 19-26c.

The charts above are for 3pm tomorrow (sunday) i will put a circle on one aswell just to show the areas that have the best chance of thundery showers.

sorry its a short post my back is not very good atm but hopefully ill be back on top form soon.

please hit that follow button to stay up to date with all the thundery weather and storm risks no hype no bull just honest wording of what i see in the charts and 12+ years of tracking weather.

Look up to the big dipper and left of the moon can been seen anywhere in Norwich right now .

Look up to the big dipper and left of the moon can been seen anywhere in Norwich right now .

Everyone in Norwich look up right now..........

Everyone in Norwich look up right now..........

The new weather station is up and running she so pretty. The lightning detector will be here next week.and that will sit...

The new weather station is up and running she so pretty. The lightning detector will be here next week.and that will sit at the top.


Good morning all

I have some very very good news for the page after alot of saving and donations from all of you. I have finally been able to order a brand new lighting detector which should be here by the end of the week next week. This will give use very accurate local data as well as data for up to 300 miles.

I just want to thank all of you for your support now we just need some storms once it's been setup .

Good morning all thundery showers for North Norfolk right now these are heading west north west at thus time

Good morning all thundery showers for North Norfolk right now these are heading west north west at thus time

good evening  all a couple of thundery showers about evening these will likely be short lived but will still have some h...

good evening all a couple of thundery showers about evening these will likely be short lived but will still have some heavy rain in toe.these are moving south east anyone on a CB in the path may want to unplug your antenna these could also start stop start stop pattern too. i will be keeping a eye out.and heres to a new storm season after a long boring winter and spring so far.


Merry Christmas to all I hope you are all having a lovely time. Be safe all and see you all in the new year.

good morning all We a small chance of seeing some thundery showers today for southern England and Wales. the chance is p...

good morning all

We a small chance of seeing some thundery showers today for southern England and Wales. the chance is pretty low but even so there is still a chance 20-30% chance over most of southern england but these showers will be very hit and miss and not likely to last long best chance i can see atm will central England and southern coastlines


Take care if your on the roads tonight temps are already below 0 in meny places.

I am still here and OK iv just been taking a break as it was along spring summer and autumn for thundery weather and a busy one. And we may well see a busy winter so thought I would take so time for myself and my partner but don't worry I'll be back very very soon.

we have seen 77.2mm of rain here in norwich in 21 hours thats a nice little bit of rain for one day here.

we have seen 77.2mm of rain here in norwich in 21 hours thats a nice little bit of rain for one day here.


track the thundery showers live here

Good morning advance i would like to say sorry for any spelling mistakes as im on my laptop in bed writing this u...

Good morning all.

in advance i would like to say sorry for any spelling mistakes as im on my laptop in bed writing this up.

Today will start off damp in some places of the east northern England and parts of the south.
We could well see temps as high as 21c today and widely mid to high teens as the front will bring up some warm air with it.

There is also a chance we could see some thundery showers for a time from midday till late evening moving west to east and then moving south east later in the evening as the cold front push's south.
now the chance of thundery showers is low only 10-30% max and best chances being in the southwest, southeast and east anglia.
there will also be a chance of flooding in places due to the heavy rain overnight making it harder for the heavy fresh rainfall to drain away in places.
Humidity tomorrow will be high for southern and eastern areas with 65-80%
Dewpoint's will be 12-16c for much of southern and eastern England.
We will see a very defined convergence line on the radars in the evening as the cold air really runs up against warm moist air for a time.
Winds. winds will be quite high for parts of north eastern Scotland where gusts could reach 60mph so a touch windy for scotland.
parts of eastern england to will see a breezy day with gusts reaching 35 mph around the coasts and 30mph inland. southern coasts may just reach 40mph gusts for a time.

Credit goes to for the charts gfs hourly and UKV.

Please follow the page to stay up to date with all weather events weather its thundery weather ice and snow, or strong windy lows and long warm days. this page has been made for you all to try give you real info on the weather not hyped up rubbish from some media groups pages and papers.

well the rain for tonight and tomorrow is is knocking on the door of norwich we could well see 21c in places tomorrow. a...

well the rain for tonight and tomorrow is is knocking on the door of norwich we could well see 21c in places tomorrow. and there is a small chance of some thundery showers later tomorrow afternoon into early evening. so eyes on the radars tomorrow if it looks good ill start a steam so we all can track them too.

the rain is almost here i will be looking forward to this rain .

the rain is almost here i will be looking forward to this rain .

Good Evening all Well i hope you all have enjoyed the warm conditions while we had them as of tomorrow, things will star...

Good Evening all

Well i hope you all have enjoyed the warm conditions while we had them as of tomorrow, things will start to cool off as a cold front moves in from the north west. now some parts will keep mild conditions till friday but all of the uk will see cooler conditions from tomorrow evening so let's take a closer look at what's to come.


we will see the cold front start moving in Scotland around midnight and push its way south reaching northern Wales by midday.
At the same time a band of showers and heavy rain will move in from the west, the heaviest of the rain looks to effect Wales southern Ireland central England and East Anglia.
Some of these showers MAY try thundery for a short time but the chance is low we may be looking at a 10-30% in places now these thundery showers will be very small very localized hit and miss. there is a chance there will be no thundery showers at all due to how low the chance will be but im have mentioned it as there could be a chance to see one or two from Wales to East Anglia and more southern areas by later evening.
Some of the showers could be on the heavy side and there could well be a chance of flash flooding in places more so parts of Wales and southern Ireland where they could see the heaviest and longest lasting of the rain.
The best of the temps tomorrow will be in the south and south east where 20-21c could be possible around London, Essex, and Suffolk coasts. The lowest of the temps will be in scotland where temps could be as low as 2c on higher grounds at 3pm.
Overall it will be a wet day for wales central england and east anglia while scotland will see the best of any sunshine.
Wednesday night we could see frosts for parts of Ireland and Scotland and staying mild in the south.


We will see showers for southern and eastern areas some of the showers will be on the heavy side but should clear by the afternoon. it will feel like a chilly day compared to tuesday where we saw temps of 24c in places on thursday temps are likely to be half of tuesdays temps at only 12-13c for most of the UK but southern coasts may still hold on to 16-17c in places it will be a cloudy day for southern england while northern england and scotland will see the best of the sun. by late thursday evening we will see a band of rain move into parts of Cornwall and Devon this will move NE as we go though the night on thursday this band of rain will also bring a short spell of warm air where we could see temps of 14-16c over night in the south. Scotland and northern England will drop to single figures there could be a slight frost on high ground of the scottish hills.


Friday will be a very wet start to day for most of southern England there may also be a small chance of the odd thundery shower breaking out but it is a low chance just like wednesday but if it does happen the most likely areas to see the best chance look to be the south west to east Anglia and the south east where we could see 20-30% chance at times.
top temps for friday look to be 19-21c for parts of the south east and east anglia much cooler for northern England and Scotland at 5-10c the rain should leave the south east by late evening leaving a very cool fresh night for all of the UK where we will see temps as low as 0-1c for parts of Scotland and only 7-9c in the south of the UK.

weekend is looking showery in places and very cool with day time temps of 10-12c for southern parts of the UK and 0-7c for the north and Scotland but ill be more detailed about the weekend later in the week.

Credit for the charts goes to for their GFS hourly and UKV data.

Please if you like the forecasts i do please hit that follow button all of your support really helps the page grow. the more the page grows the more we can also help smaller groups and pages grow together we can share info and help inform and teach about the weather and its risks.


good morning all

today is the last day of widespread warm air acrossed the UK tomorrow a cold front will bring much cooler air from the north some parts of the very south and south east may hold on to 16-17c till friday where we may se 20-21c for the south, south east, and parts of east anglia but saturday will see max temps of only 12-13c and night temps down to 6-7c in places so quite the difference coming up.
if you are a keen gardener you may have plants that may need to be moved indoors or covered or wrapped up. if you are in the south of the country you may have till friday else where things will cool down from tomorrow.

Hello all its not often I need your help but it would be really nice to see the page reach 10k followers so could you al...

Hello all its not often I need your help but it would be really nice to see the page reach 10k followers so could you all please share the page with family, friends, work colleagues, and just in general. Thank you all so much for all your support and help.

Let's get 10k

we have Followers: 8,893 at the time of posting this.

Good afternoon allHere is a quick look at what to expect for the next few days.For everyone looking for a end to this wa...

Good afternoon all

Here is a quick look at what to expect for the next few days.

For everyone looking for a end to this warmth and wanting something more autumn/ winter, well it looks like that will come on Wednesday afternoon to evening. We will be looking at max temps of 14-15c by Thursday, we will still see upto 24c on Wednesday in the south east and 22c here in east anglia.

Now it does look like there will be plenty of rain for wednesday and some of it could be thunday for a short time at this stage i would not expect to much its looking like a weak chance for thundery showers ahead of the main band of rain. plus the cold air will move in very quickly from the north west.


Top temps 25-26c in the south and east of england and 15-16c for southern Scotland northern scotland only 8-10c ireland 19-23c.
hazy sunshine in the south but cloud but cloudy the more north of liverpool. showers will continue for scotland but starting to show signs of drier times.


Will be a dry day for most there will be a few showers for southern scotland in the morning but these should clean by the afternoon.
temps will be much like sunday 25-26 possible in the south and east, 15-17c northern England, Ireland 18-22c, Wales 14-25c and 8-18c for Scotland. there will be some cloud around at times but over all it should be a brighter day for all.


(Some details may change) tuesday will see the rain return for scotland this will move south east as the day goes on with showers and rain reaching northern Wales by the evening.
temps look to 23-24c in the east and south east of England 15-22c for Wales, 9-16c for Scotland, 14-17c for northern England 13-18c for Ireland.

Tuesday evening/night

will see much cooler air move down form the Scotland and there may well be some frosts for parts of Scotland. the cooler air may reach down as far as liverpool by 6am


will see the colder air continue to move south tho england and wales. now we will also see some heavy showers and rain move in form the west starting to effect wales from around 9am onwards this could bring some short lived thundery showers on and off all day these will be very hit and miss. there will be a very heavy north south split when it comes to temps. 23c in the south east 21- in the east England, Wales 10-18c cooler for northern wales as cooler air moves in. Northern England 9-14c, Scotland 6-11c and Ireland 8-15c
ill say more for Wednesday closer to time that should also give us a better look at the thundery risk atm it looking 20-30% risk form wales to east anglia moving south by late evening. Rain looks to be the main risk for Wednesday but ill update you all more Tuesday evening.

Credit goes to for UKV and gfs hourly charts

Please go to Norwich Weather Live-Streams.and hit that follow button.

Good morning all.Today Today will see plenty of rain around for some parts of England Wales and Scotland. Winds will lig...

Good morning all.


Today will see plenty of rain around for some parts of England Wales and Scotland. Winds will light but there will be a decent breeze on the welsh and Scottish coasts.
Temps today look to be 8-13c for scotland, 14-16c for Ireland, 12-16c for Wales, and 11-19c for England.
Eastern and southern parts of england may see some sunny spells at times later this afternoon.


Friday will see the start of the warmth where we could see temps hit 22-23c in the east and south east. Scotland will rain and showers but north eastern Scotland will see sunny spells at times. Parts of Wales around the coasts will stay cloudy at times and northern Wales could see a few showers best of the sun for Wales will be south east Wales. England will see a showers and cloud in the north and sunny spells in the south and that's also where we see the best temps.


Saturday we see a north south split 5-12c in the far north and 20-25c in south parts of Ireland will also see a temp difference.
this is because much cooler air will be trying to push down on the warm air coming up from the south this means we could well see some heavy rain over Scotland and parts of northern England. Winds look to be light but there could be a breeze on the coasts at times.

This weekend could be a great chance for gardeners to get the gardens ready for the coming winter or harvest some of them crops. i'm not seeing anything thundery worth talking about at this time to finish off this warm spell but if that changes i'll let you know.

Credit for the charts goes to Netweather.TV UKV and GFS HOURLY.

Please hit that follow button the page is almost at 9k followers i'm trying to get to 10k followers this year so please lets hit the goal.


Mile Cross


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