Stuff of Legend | Summer Pale Ale Campaign | Meantime
A Legendary Film to be a part of. 🍻
We're thrilled to see the official release of this year's Adnams Ghost Ship Pale Ale Summer campaign! 🌞
A massive thank you to Borne Agency for trusting us with the creation of this film. It's been an absolute joy capturing the campaign's story and we're so happy it's out!
We'd be nowhere without our wonderful team. The Meantimer's worked extremely hard carrying out the shoot in challenging weather conditions and working around tight deadlines. This is something to celebrate and we should feel super proud of our creative efforts. 💛👏
Watch the video below ↓
💬 Read more of the campaign on Adnams site:
#MeantimeMedia #StuffOfLegend #ProudCollaboration
NHS | NSFT Recruitment | Meantime
If you didn't know, we worked with the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust on a Recruitment Video. 💙
With Joe's direction, careful considerations were carried out to highlight the fulfilling areas and realities of Mental Health Nursing. The research needed was extensive. Many conversations were had to ensure we created something that felt right and expressed the undeniable respect of our NHS England.
This was one of those projects that will be remembered by all of us. Of course, it wouldn't of been possible without our amazing cast and crew. A big thanks to these guys for working with us and making the process so rewarding 💫 It was a pleasure.
To read further and watch the full video, find here:
Credits --
Director & Editor: Joe Murray
Producer: Adam Turner & Kellen Playford
Camera: Michael Bailey
#NHSEngland #MentalHealthNursing #RecruitmentVideo
#VideoProduction #EastAnglia
That time of the year again...🌹
Happy Valentines from the Meantime Gang! ❤️
Here's a little animation we made last year using our cheeky mascots. Cheeky indeed.
#ValentinesDay2023 #Tinder #StaySafe
NCC | Ready to Change Video Series
They've done it again. 👌
Another TREMENDOUS animation by the team!
We've been working with Norfolk County Council on their Ready to Change campaign. This campaign is series of videos sharing ways to encourage healthy habits and a more active lifestyle. The video explores a fun and quirky feel, using collage assets and brightly coloured shapes. It's definitely got the Meantime touch. Up first, we have Weightloss as the focused video topic. Have a watch of this smashing piece ↓
You might have seen on our Instagram story we'd been filming some of the team's hands 🤚 Well, this is exactly why. Do you think that means they should be credited? It's tough, we're still trying to figure out who's hand is who's. We'll leave that with you to have a play.
Credits --
Animation: Jack Purling & Alwin Ediagbonya
Illustration: Jack Purling & Brogan O'Grady
Production Management: Martin Eke
Sound: Luke Billing
Camera: Michael Bailey
Hands: ?
#NorfolkCountyCouncil #ReadyToChange #Weightloss #NorfolkClient #Animation #AnimationStudio #VideoProduction
Here's one to observe...🔬
Team Film created a video to promote NRPDTP - Norwich Research Park Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership, highlighting the superb facilities, inclusive community and exciting opportunities. Focusing on collaboration and new ways of thinking, Norwich Research Park is at the forefront of resolving global problems and nurturing the next generation of scientific minds.
We’re always keen to get involved with projects that spark positive development for our future! Thank you to NRPDTP and all the students and supervisors involved 👏 We really enjoyed making this.
NRP Partners: University of East Anglia (UEA), Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Earlham Institute, The Quadram Institute, John Innes Centre & The Sainsbury Laboratory
#NorwichResearchPark #NorwichBusiness #PromotionalVideo
2022 Recap!
2022 RECAP 🔁💥
Better late than never. A mahoosive thank you to all our clients and the Meantime team for being brilliant as ever 💛 We're ready to throw out all the stops for 2023. Expect bigger, better and even wilder stuff from us. We've got MEGA plans.
Time to get our 4th coffee of the day.
Credits --
Animation: Alwin Ediagbonya
#2022Recap #2023Ready #Wrapped2022
Happy New Year from Meantime!
Happy New Year folks! 🎉
Well, what a year we've had. From working on various client projects, producing a Christmas video for a terrific charity and creating some ridiculously good Meantime content, it's been a hell of a lot of fun. And let's not forget our company holiday to Portugal - ENTRETANTO! 🍻
We're now all back in the office after our Christmas and New Year breaks and ready to roll on 2023 (fuelled by many mince pies, roast tatoes and mulled wine stocked up in our bellies).
It's going to be a good year.
Animation by Penny, Thitaphorn + Cai
Meantime X The Trussell Trust
The cost of living crisis is forcing families to make impossible decisions this winter. Our Christmas film for The Trussell Trust gives insight into how families are being affected.
Let’s stop UK Hunger. Donate to The Trussell Trust:
NSFT Recruitment | Meantime
'Life changing for you - and for others.'
We're extremely proud to have produced this recruitment video for the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust!
From Day 1, we knew this film had to be handled with incredible care and thoughtfulness. First-hand research was carried out to ensure that our concept reflected the realities of working within the Trust, the service user experience and ultimately, what makes the Trust so special - the talented, hardworking and supportive staff. Working on an emotive, high concept film comes with its challenges, and we all learnt a lot in the process.
A massive shout out to our amazing cast and crew, who were brilliant both on and off set. Truly a great pleasure to work with and it made the whole shooting process so enjoyable. Special thanks to everyone involved, particularly Richard, Priscilla & Paul!
Thank you NHS workers for everything you do 💙
NHS England
#NHS #NSFT #RecruitmentVideo #MentalHealth
Norfolk Business Awards Animation
This evening, we will be attending the Norfolk Business Awards and we CAN'T WAIT. We've been discussing all morning how to tie a bow tie... Let's just say, good luck to us.
All the best to our fab competitors Chadwicks Limited, MAD-HR Ltd and The Feed 🌟 Super excited for it all to commence!
Here's a little animation by Alwin 👏
#NorfolkBusiness #NorfolkAwards #SmallBusinessOfTheYear
We had a little fun thing going on during our Portugal holiday.
We'll leave it at that. Absolute chaos. Beware.
#CompanyHoliday #HolidayChallenge #Chaos
Happy Halloween from Meantime! 🎃
Happy Halloween from Meantime! 🎃
To mark the occasion, here's an ever so spooky hand drawn animation by Cai! Watch out for these pesky Meantime shapes, they've been caught egging down many homes whilst trick or treating. The cheeky little buggers.
#HappyHalloween2022 #HalloweenAnimation #HandDrawn