Local councils in England are facing an increasingly challenging financial landscape, characterized by mounting pressures and shrinking budgets. As they strive to deliver essential services and maintain infrastructure, they find themselves navigating a delicate balancing act amid economic uncertainties and ever-growing demands from their communities. Making the books balance in these difficult times is not easy.
It is no different for most of us in our daily lives. We have all been faced with price increases, especially with the cost of food, energy and mortgages. Before the end of the month you should receive your Council Tax Demand Notice which will show the new charges for 2024/2025. We contacted East Northamptonshire Council (ENC) about the tax rises and were able to make contact with Councillor Scott Green. He said, “The average council tax rise across the country is 4.99%. Ours has been set at 4.8%which is slightly lower but still puts demands on families. What I am proud of are a series of initiatives that we will be implementing this year to help save money and which should make a real difference.”
Councillor Green was happy to share these initiatives with Barton Today, the two most important being the Hardwater Toll Charge (HTC) and the creation of Pothole People (PPs). The aim of ENC is to devolve more decision making to local communities. The two initiatives are dependent on each other. Hardwater Crossing will have an automatic toll booth situated at the northern end of the bridge. It will cost £3 for all vehicles using the bridge, but there will be no charge for bikes and pedestrians. Crossings will be free between mid-night and 6.00am.
With potholes being a big issue for many people, it is anticipated that there will be a high demand for the PP training which is planned for September. The course will take place over 4 x 3 hr sessions by which time participants will be fully qualified PPs. The course will be free and no prior experience is necessary. Once trained, PPs can be contacted directly on the PP hotline and can respond quickly to any pothole issues. The salary will be £25 / hour. Females are encouraged to apply as ENC tries to reach its diversity targets.
The accounts team at ENC have estimated that the costs for the PP team will be easily met by the new toll charges levied by the HTC. Jason Smith, the leader of ENC said that the introduction of the PPs and the HTC are just the sort of initiatives you can expect from his team and totally reflect their aim of, ‘Local solutions by Local People.’ He added, “Your council has many talented councillors with innovative ideas. Other projects being considered are the installation of parking meters in the centre of the village and monthly bin collections. Another excellent idea put forward by councillor Nora Norman, was to have all spin classes linked to the grid to help with our net zero targets.”
It’s good to know that East Northants Council is in such capable hands. ENC would love to hear from anyone who has other ideas to improve our communities. They can be contacted on [email protected] where further information about the Pothole People training can also be found. Alternatively, you can contact us on [email protected]