Real Changes for Life

Real Changes for Life Helping people with a diverse range of emotional problems. Using EFT & Matrix Reimprinting .http://w

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I  am retired and was always looking for ways to subsidise my pitiful state pension. I started my ownbusiness and covid ...

I am retired and was always looking for ways to subsidise my pitiful state pension. I started my ownbusiness and covid put an end to that but someone showed me an opportunity that changed everything for me and my family. i was shown a zoom presentation and then I had to overcome my doubts and fears and take a risk!
I have an entrepreneurial nature, I knew that if things were going to change I needed to take action and I did. I am so glad I did. What will you do?
If you are curious message me and I will send you the 30 minute video I was shown with no obligation, just watch it and if it interests you get back to me, if not that's fine. Wishing you all happiness and joy.



Welcome everyone to this wonderful day. The sun is out I am watching all the juvenile sparrows and starlings attacking t...

Welcome everyone to this wonderful day. The sun is out I am watching all the juvenile sparrows and starlings attacking the fatballs in the back garden, the starlings are making a hell of a racket squabbling with each other and the sparrows fly about in these little gangs of about ten or twenty and always look as if they are up to some sort of mischief. I love this time of the year it reminds me that in spite of the madness that can surround us we can always find a little sanity in nature.
If we look around us we could easily end up wringing our hands in despair as we witness the madness but I don’t see it that way. I have great hope for the future. I think as human beings we have reached a ‘tipping point’ people are at last waking up The world around us is in chaos and now is the right time to wake up! We have been duped in the biggest way.
Our leaders have forgotten that they serve the people, we have seen democracy dying before our eyes, the environment is still being plundered by the few for profit, our children and grandchildren are going on strike from schools all over the world to shame us into protecting this earth for their future and their children’s future, we have never been sicker as a nation and poverty and wars are rife.
The human mind is programmable and the leaderships of the world have known this for hundreds of years. So they learned that if you want control the population you give them beliefs of limitation and loss, beliefs that disempower them. If governments can spread fear they can control outcomes that best suit them and not those they serve.
When we wake up and give our heads a shake we will realise that it’s time to make a stand and when enough people do this we will see the balance change, we are the only ones that can achieve that ‘tipping point’ In the words of Gandhi “be the change you want to see in the world” I think a lot of people have already made that decision but there are so many more sat on the fence in fear or hoping someone else will do it!
What can I do? Well sometimes we might think we have to do something enormous but that is not the case but crack on with it if you can! No sometimes it can be picking up litter, not wasting food, planting flowers in your garden that will attract bees, do more recycling, clear out your wardrobe and give it to charity and my favourite, practice random acts of kindness every day. There are so many things we can do to make the world a better place. I have just increased my donation to Greenpeace because of the work they are doing to protect the rain forests, (the lungs of our world).
We are not powerless, there are so many areas of our lives where we can take back control. Health is my passion because I know that we have given the responsibility for our health to Doctors and I didn’t know until a while ago that a Doctor never finds the cause of an illness but just treats the symptoms. Don’t get me wrong if I ever had an accident they are great, as far as my mental or emotional wellbeing, forget it!!
There is so much information out there that can show us alternative ways to take care of ourselves in a more natural way. I am sure there are people out there that have a good reason to take medication but some have been misinformed.
This ‘tipping point’ is not just about the global political chaos, there is also a global health crisis! We need to take back control of our personal health, people are realising that our health is our responsibility and if we don’t find the reason for the problem. If we fail to find the root cause and treat that, the problem will persist and we will be trapped in a cycle of one medication after another.
There is another way and I know because I use some of them. I haven’t been to a Doctor in quite some time thankfully. Do I eat healthily? Sometimes, Do I exercise? Occasionally, Do I meditate? Two or three times a week, I maintain my emotional and mental wellbeing using EFT (Tapping) most days and I truly believe that this is why I don’t suffer physical illnesses. I don’t say I won’t in the future but this is how it is for me know and I am not complaining and will continue.
We are the captains of our own ship, don’t let anyone else take the helm. If you don’t like the direction you are going change it! Make a decision TODAY to do something different. See you tomorrow.

We are a Nation that have been conditioned to be fearful! Every time we pick up the paper, watch the news or turn on the...

We are a Nation that have been conditioned to be fearful! Every time we pick up the paper, watch the news or turn on the television. We are being controlled by fear.
Fear is there to keep us safe, in the beginning it was for survival, to avoid predators that might eat us! Now we are afraid of everything because we have lost the ability to work out what is a threat and what is fear mongering. An acronym for FEAR is False, Evidence, Appearing, Real.
I decided some time ago to stop buying a newspaper and not watch or listen to the news. I also decided that I was going to stop watching films with violence and killing in them and instead watch films that lifted my spirits and that included lots of comedies. The result is I feel less worried about things, I feel happier and I also sleep better.
I believe in The Law of Attraction and that we are what we think, If I live in fear and worry I will attract more of the same but if my state of being is of gratitude and possibilities things will surely change for the better.
I have been posting about something that was offered to me recently that transformed my outlook on what was possible for my future in retirement. If I had allowed fear to hold me back my hopes and dreams would have been crushed!
Don’t let your fears and doubts crush your hopes and dreams. We will all have opportunities knocking at the door, don’t be too frightened to open it.
Namaste my friend.

My default setting in these situations was to immediately rubbish it as a scam or some other scheme to steal my money. I...

My default setting in these situations was to immediately rubbish it as a scam or some other scheme to steal my money. I would come to this conclusion without any evidence to back it up. It is known as “Contempt prior to investigation” I wonder how many times I had missed good opportunities with this belief.

Thankfully I don’t think that way today and so when one of these “too good to be true” opportunities was presented to me I was able to at least have a look at it and when I did I had no doubts that this was
something very special.
Don’t get me wrong I checked it out, did my due diligence and researched it but I didn’t need to a lot of my friends had already done it as well so I knew how credible this company was.

I was in and immediately began to see how massive this opportunity was and it all started with me being curious enough to look at a thirty minute presentation.
This is so much more than making money, this is a global community of like-minded people helping each other. I wanted to share this with as many people as possible because I believe it is special and it is changing lives every day.

I wanted to put a link to the presentation in this post but it is frowned upon.
So if I have peaked your curiosity drop me a private message and I will send you the link you won’t be asked for anything it is just a presentation.


Local Therapist Trevor Tacey explains his journey with healing the Body and Mind. It is an honest look at his life and his struggles with addiction and how h...

A CONNECTION BETWEEN ANXIETY, DEPRESSION AND UNRESOLVED TRAUMA.I have just finished a bit of research with an anxiety an...


I have just finished a bit of research with an anxiety and depression support group on Facebook. I asked them if they thought their anxiety and depression was connected to unresolved trauma. I only did this a couple of days ago and had well over 100 replies and every one of them agreed that there is a connection and went on to describe what they had been through and this included physical and emotional abuse, medical procedures, bereavement, divorce and messy relationship breakups that they couldn’t get over, accidents, bullying at school and much, much more.
I was under no illusion that this would be the case but I wanted to hear it from real people that were in the middle of their struggles, some of these people were living on the edge of life and some even considering taking their own lives, these stories a tragic but all too familiar. They talk about being put on one medication and then another and how terrible some of the side effects were.
When I first came across the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study, I was only looking at the connection between that study and addictions but now understand that these unresolved traumas have such far-reaching consequences and the majority of, not only mental health problems but physical problems are a symptom of these untreated traumas. It seems apparent that Doctors treating patients suffering from stress, anxiety and depression are prescribing drugs that are only trying to treat the symptom of the problem, they are not curing anything. Let’s face it the pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion pound industry, surely their agenda is for the patient to come back time and time again.
I have asked those members of the support group three questions up to now, the first one is if they thought their stress, anxiety and depression was a result of unresolved trauma and the answer was a resounding yes! The second one was what is the biggest fear of seeking treatment for their traumas and lastly when they go to the Doctor has the doctor ever asked them about unresolved trauma?
I will give the answers to these questions when I have a bit more data in the next posts.

There are many studies that confirm that negative emotions result in a flood of “negative chemistry” entering your body and, when held there over long periods of time, can result in a long list of serious diseases.
Our immune system is designed to ward off diseases and, when given the opportunity and support to do its job, it performs admirably. However, when you permit ongoing thoughts of resentment, guilt, worry and fear, your body reacts by releasing these negative chemicals that increase stress and start to shut parts of your inner systems down and that includes the immune system. This shutting down of our system is called “fight or flight” and has been an important reason for our survival but it was never intended to be running 24/7 we were never built to withstand being on constant alert! It is unnatural and all that constant disruption damages our physical health in so many ways, not to mention our mental wellbeing.
The medical model has failed us in this area because Doctors are not trained to look for the cause of anxiety and depression, they prescribe drugs to try and alleviate the symptoms but if the cause is not addressed then the problem will persist and likely get worse. (In my opinion.)
Don’t get me wrong our NHS is second to none and if I had a car accident or some other physical injury, there is nowhere I would rather be than in a hospital and being tended by those wonderful nurses and surgeons.
Whenever I meet someone who has long term stress, anxiety and depression there is always an underlying issue and that underlying issue is always in my experience “unresolved trauma” Many of us are aware of this but continue to try and push it away somewhere and some people are not aware, it is buried in their subconscious mind somewhere but it is still causing chaos mentally and physically.
Unfortunately, we are often unaware of the damage that is being caused until serious symptoms begin to appear. It can often take months or years before the burden of negative chemicals wears down our immune system and we develop the more severe, longer duration symptoms that ultimately turn into (chronic) disease.
The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way. I suffered for years with my mental health and used addictions of various types to try and self-medicate myself. I used prescription drugs too but eventually, I was made aware of the true reason for the way I was. I knew about my childhood trauma but I never joined the dots. I never understood that everything I was experiencing was filtered through all this unresolved childhood trauma. I was almost fifty years old and in all that time not one person had asked me about my childhood and I had been in front of a lot of so called professionals. I perhaps ought to see this as a blessing in disguise because if I had been asked by these people I would have a few labels pinned to me and more drugs to get off!!
My search for an answer took me in many different directions but when I finally found Emotional Freedom Techniques also known as EFT or tapping my world changed and it changed quickly.
I started my business as a direct result of what I had experienced working with that EFT Therapist and how my life had changed as a result of taking that step to try something new. The benefits are too many to list but I was calmer and not so angry, I was so over the moon that I didn’t need to self-medicate because now the pain was gone, I didn’t have a reason to use drugs or alcohol. I had closer and more meaningful relationships with those I loved and that was because I was now emotionally available after years of not being. This last part was a learning curve that didn’t happen overnight but is what makes me feel connected at last, after so many years of out there in the cold feeling isolated, alone and separated. I think these feelings were the worst part of it all but it’s not like that today.
Anybody can try what I did and I truly believe anyone can make a decision to try something new and completely change the course of their lives, no matter how long they have been trapped. I know these things because I have seen them happen. Namaste.

The Starfish Thrower On a wonderful summer’s morning a little girl was walking on a long, winding beach. She came across...

The Starfish Thrower On a wonderful summer’s morning a little girl was walking on a long, winding beach. She came across a starfish that had been washed ashore and was now struggling and drying up in the hot sun. She reached down, gently picked up the starfish and threw it back into the sea. The little girl continued walking along the beach but it wasn’t long before she found another starfish. It too was dying and drying out in the sun too. No sooner had she saved this one another one another would appear and each time it happened she would pick it up and toss it back into the sea.
As she rounded a bend she was shocked to see an endless stream of what must have been thousands of dying starfish washed up on the beach. She knew she needed to double her efforts and began to toss as many starfish as possible as quickly as he could back to the sea. She was desperate to save as many as she could before the sun had time to dry them out. She was so busy tossing the starfish back that she hadn’t noticed that someone had stopped to watch her with amusement, as did some of the children that were playing further up the beach and making fun of her.
The man who had been watching her came over and said “What are you doing? To which the little girl replied, the sun is up and if I don’t get them back in the water they will die! To which the man replied but don’t you see there are thousands of starfish stranded on the beach, you can’t possibly make a difference. The little girl paused for a moment pondering on what the man had said and then she stooped down, and gently picked a starfish up by one of its five points and tossed it as far as she could into the blue sea, she turned back to the man and answered “well I made a difference to that one” she then turned back to her task and not only did the man who asked the question begin helping her but even the children who had been making fun of her and overheard the answer she gave to the man began helping her.
If you go back to that beach after a storm when the starfish are stranded you will witness hundreds of people tossing them back into the sea.
Adapted from Loren Eiseley
We might be in unprecedented, trying times but we have never been more in need of “starfish throwers”
I heard something a long time ago that has stayed with me and that was “An act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted” When I get an opportunity I like to practice carrying out random acts of kindness. It doesn’t have to be big things, it can be letting someone out of a junction when driving or a smile to a stranger, wishing them good morning, a kind word to someone, ringing someone I haven’t spoken to in a while to see how they are. Telling the ones close to me that I love them and not taking it for granted that they already know!
The list is endless but the thing is that it has been shown that when we carry out an act of kindness to another person it not only makes them feel good, it makes us feel good too but that’s not the only thing it has been shown that it also effects anyone that witnessed that act of kindness and makes it extremely likely that that person will also find a way to be kind to someone else. Kindness is infectious so go out and catch some, become a starfish thrower. Love Always.

This is a time when we are feeling our vulnerability and maybe this is the time that  we stand up and say "NO MORE" Too ...

This is a time when we are feeling our vulnerability and maybe this is the time that we stand up and say "NO MORE"
Too long have powerful multi-nationals r***d and pilaged this planet with no regard for the inhabitants. Their only concern is power and profit and this is the results of it. When are we going to wake up and find ways to heal our planet for our children and grandchildren are we the ones they will blame in the future for doing nothing? Just saying.


3 Trent Cottages, Ollerton Road, Kelham
Newark Upon Trent


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Our Story

Welcome to Real Changes for Life. Have you ever thought that there must be more to life than this! Anyone that has had to suffer with stress, anxiety or depression for a major part of their life, I can say that it is more than likely that it is a direct result of unresolved trauma that most likely originated in childhood. Anyone suffering with a stress related illness will be only too aware of how debilitating these illnesses can be and how they can impact on every area of your life. What I can tell you is this: It doesn’t have to be this way. No matter if your problem is PTSD, Trauma, or at the other end of the spectrum, social anxiety we at Real Changes For Life are here to help. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you are fed up with taking medications that only help with the symptoms of your illness and you are looking for something different, then you are in the right place! Real Changes For Life is just that! It is drug free, non-invasive and easy to learn. We use a number of techniques but the one’s that we use for stress related illnesses,trauma, energy blockages, negative conditioning and limiting beliefs are EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting. These are super effective for transforming these areas of our lives. If you want to know more then please don't hesitate to call us on 07919 484678 or email [email protected]. We offer a risk free opportunity to have a free one to one or telephone consultation.