Our tenants The Blair Project recently held their first ever ProtoEV careers event.
The day gave race participants an insight into what a career in motorsport, electrification, or tech & innovation might look like further down the line.
#motorsport #motorsportcareers #manchester #theblairproject
Some of G6Moco - G6 Motion Control's recent work for the lululemon ‘Get Into It’ commercial.
The team used their stealth robot to capture high-speed shots for the campaign.
#G6Moco #MotionControl #Manchester #lululemon
Naked Productions newest production ’Money Gone’ dropped last Friday on BBC Radio 4 #limelight.
You can listen to all 5 parts of the apocalyptic satire over on BBC radio 4 now.
#radiodrama #nakedprod #BBCradio4
Kit built and prepped by tenants Pixi pixel here at their Manchester division in the The Sharp Project. 🎥
Find out more about the extensive kit hire Pixipixel have to offer https://pixipixel.com/
#camerabuild #camerahire #camerarental #camerarentaluk
Take a look at some of our tenant G6Moco - G6 Motion Control’s latest work, shot down south with the Aston Martin F1 team.
#G6Moco #F1
Sweet treat appreciation 🙌 We're spoilt here at The Sharp Project .
#WilsonVale #catering #foodmanchester
Congratulations to our tenants Fairplay Brands who have recently upgraded their office space to one of our larger Gold offices.
The fashion agency is going from strength to strength and they are expanding due to more team members joining in 2024.