Short story projects.

Short story projects. They said no hot passionate stories
told me I could not write them,
I never listen to what they say.


Stella Jones stepfather Mike
had raised her since she was 8
as her father George was often away
from home for long periods due to work.

My Dad always hated Mike, with my mother
always seemingly trying to calm things
between them, even until she passed last year.

For her wedding,Stella wanted her dad
to walk her down the aisle, her father agreed
and said that he would even pay all
the expenses, but he had one condition:
that condition being that Mike can't attend
the wedding, no church or the reception,
No part of the ceremony at all.

Stella was shattered, heartbroken to hear this
as she loved her stepdad but as she had lost
her mother, Stella at least wanted her dad
to be present at the wedding,
so having no other choice but to tell Mike
he could not come to the wedding
Mike agreed and didn't say another word.

On the big day, as her dad walked Stella
down the aisle, Mike left the country
having wrote Stella a letter she was shocked
to find It a few days later, not able to stop
crying as she read It over and over.

In It, he explained how much he loved Stella
and her mother and how he dreamed
of seeing me on my wedding day.
He said he never expected that I would deny
or take that right away from him, he declared,
" there Is one last thing you should know:
The real parent Is not the one
who gives you money and shows up whenever
they want, It's the person who holds your hand
mends your sorrows as you grow up.

Something one should keep In mind.No one Is In charge of your happinessexpect you.They say love Is blind, I happen to di...

Something one should keep In mind.
No one Is In charge of your happiness
expect you.
They say love Is blind, I happen to disagree.

Infatuation I feel Is blind.
Love Is all--seeing and accepting
Love for me Is seeing all the flaws
the blemishes and accepting them.

I believe too love Is accepting the bad habits
the mannerisms and working around them.
Recognising as well all the fears
and the Insecurities It can bring.

Relationships with someone worthwhile
only last when you appreciate their worth.


You might see an Illusion
or a creepy monster If you stare
Into a mirror long enough
In your room you see your reflection
In the mirror.

Suddenly It starts pounding It's fist
from Inside the mirror, you get scared,
your heart starts beating like hell.
You fall back next to your bed.
It continues pounding It's fist
and starts saying something.
You can't hear It.

It Is now a dimly lit room, your reflection
becomes distorted so you can only rely
on looking at the movements of It's lips.

It repeats It, again and again
until you realise what It's trying to say
" It's under the bed!"

In a world thathas Increasingly linked love to s*x,this question Is crucial.Is It possible for a man to love a woman Wit...

In a world that
has Increasingly linked love to s*x,
this question Is crucial.
Is It possible for a man to love a woman
Without sleeping with her?

Growing up I would see the older boys
make It their goal to woo
and chase after young naive Virgins.

One of the common ways they always
managed to get them was to say,
" If you love me, you will let me have s*x
with you.

Hence, under a lot of pressure
to prove their love, many girls usually
let these guys have their way.

As proof that It had nothing to do with love
and everything to do
with a notch on their bedpost
These guys usually end up jilting the girls
after having s*x with them.

To answer the question, Yes.
A man can love a woman
without having s*x with her.

Love and s*x are not codependent
They are separate entities,
and the same way a pornstar can have s*x
with another without loving them
Is the same way a man that loves you
can choose not to have s*x with you.

Mum's In the end turn out your best friend.

Mum's In the end turn out your best friend.

To this very day I often wonder do I cross
her mind at all, was there ever a time that It
got to a point with her that she needed me
and right at that precise moment In time,
she needed me and nothing else
In the world mattered to her except me.

One question always tends to pop up
when I take that trip down memory lane,
did she hurt, was there pain, or feel nothing
at all having had me taken away from her.

There was a time In fact many many nights
were spent waiting In hope
for the phone to ring, to this very day I still wait
for that phone call.

Thinking of you Mam.

Thinking of you Mam.

To this very day I often wonder do I cross
her mind at all, was there ever a time that It
got to a point with her that she needed me
and right at that precise moment In time,
she needed me and nothing else
In the world mattered to her except me.

One question always tends to pop up
when I take that trip down memory lane,
did she hurt, was there pain, or feel nothing
at all having had me taken away from her.

There was a time In fact many many nights
were spent waiting In hope
for the phone to ring, to this very day I still wait
for that phone call.

The only woman who will truly understand you

The only woman who will truly understand you

To this very day I often wonder do I cross
her mind at all, was there ever a time that It
got to a point with her that she needed me
and right at that precise moment In time,
she needed me and nothing else
In the world mattered to her except me.

One question always tends to pop up
when I take that trip down memory lane,
did she hurt, was there pain, or feel nothing
at all having had me taken away from her.

There was a time In fact many many nights
were spent waiting In hope
for the phone to ring, to this very day I still wait
for that phone call.

To this very day I often wonder do I cross her mind at all, was there ever a time that Itgot to a point with her that sh...

To this very day I often wonder do I cross
her mind at all, was there ever a time that It
got to a point with her that she needed me
and right at that precise moment In time,
she needed me and nothing else
In the world mattered to her except me.

One question always tends to pop up
when I take that trip down memory lane,
did she hurt, was there pain, or feel nothing
at all having had me taken away from her.

There was a time In fact many many nights
were spent waiting In hope
for the phone to ring, to this very day I still wait
for that phone call.


Do you ever forget that first love
Do not think so.


Your first love Is always alive
and will live for all time
In your heart.
How much you try to forget, It will never
go away or leave your heart.

A love that we cannot have, Is the one that last
the longest, hurt the deepest
and feels the strongest.

Sometimes looking back now I wish
I wish had never met her, because then I could
go to sleep at night not knowing
you were there.

Delete your EX, close the door on your crush
format your past, reprogram your heart
Restart your life.

If I know what love Is, It Is because of her.
Sandra wasn't my first kiss.
She was the kiss that mattered
made me realise I never
wanted to kiss anyone else.

that kiss made me understand
Sandra Is the one I want to kiss forever
now my lips belonged to her.

From one who never
believed In love at first sight, that someone
Is able to give their heart away on one look
or after that just one glance
You are In love.

The minute I heard my first love story,
Started looked for you, how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're In each other all along.

Sandra was the source of my joy.
The center of my world,
the whole of my heart.
You asked for so little but gave so very much.

The first time I met you
It wasn't love at first sight, my love for you
formed gradually, chapter by chapter.
Your personality, that voice,
the colour of your hair
the way you looked away and smiled.

Had I to choose breathing and loving you
would use my last breath to say I love you.
We were a great story Sandra
that I believed never expected to end.

You changed my life back then
without even trying and I don't think
there are words to say
how much you meant to me.

Can never Imagine what things
would have been like If I hadn't met you.

Thinking of you kept me awake.
Dreaming of you always kept me sleeping.
Being with you Sandra kept me alive.
Looked at you and could see
the rest of my life In front of me.


( Can't Explain What It Is )

Was not that long ago that we
decided the House we were living In
was now too small and we felt the time
was now right to go House Hunting.

We had no plan as to where next to for us
there was literally no plan In place
As to our next destination.
Let alone find a place that suits
then It would have to be one we could afford.

That all changed though at the end of a day
where we must have travelled In all directions
looking at various houses only to find them
they were not right for one reason or another.

Reached a point In the day where we had seen
enough places, and It was time
to call It a day for now at least and go home
deciding along the way to stop off
at the Supermarket we passed on the way
And pick up something for dinner.

A Leaflet on the notice board caught my eye
as we walked In the door, on a closer look
It turned out to be about a house
In the area that was for sale.

Called Jenny and the two girls back to me
excited at what I had found and could not
wait to show It to the family.

The fact we were already In the area
It took us just a few seconds to decide to go
take a look, maybe we could still catch
someone there who might
have been showing the house and If lucky
we might get to be shown around the place.

On the journey there we managed
to get the auctioneer on the phone
you folks were very lucky to catch me here,
was just about ready to start locking up
and go home, If you can get here
In the next five minutes I'll show you around.

The auctioneer was standing In the driveway
waiting for us as we pulled up to the house.
After a quick Inteoduction, explaining as to
how we got the Information on the house.
We then set about looking around.

Started down In the basement, from there
we passed through everyroom
checking everything Inside out, top to bottom.

Everything was to our liking except one thing
none of us could shake a gut feeling we had
developed as we walked around the house.

We quickly agreed that feeling
was at It's strongest when
we were In the basement, no one would admit
It though as they didn't want to be looked at
as using something like that as an excuse
not to buy the house.

Three days later a story appeared
In the local paper, the story referred to four
Bodies found In the basement
of 44 Cresthill Drive.
the bodies had been Identified as the last
Four people who had tried to sell that house.


( What The Night Brings. )

Josh had just spent
a Saturday night at a friend's
who was celebrating a Birthday.

The Party was In full swing when someone
pushed what was like a very large Whiskey
and a beer In front of me, saying to drink them
at the same time reminding me
not to be a party prooper

Found at about Midnight I had had enough.
Decided It was time to call It a night
And with It being Saturday night I knew
I could catch a Tram home as they ran late.

With the tram full found myself standing
by the automatic doors.
About halfway through my journey home
the Tram stopped at a station.

Looking up from the book I was reading
saw a very angry looking guy
running across the tracks, shouting yelling
as he approached the train
heading towards me.

With my blood being somewhere
About 20% Scotch It took me a minute
to work out he was running towards me
specifically, I heard him scream.

Watched as his saliva splattered
on the Tram, he started punching the doors
hitting them three maybe four times,
thankfully for me the doors didn't open.

As the Team started to pull away
he was holding on as other people on board,
safe In the knowledge he couldn't get In
Started to mock and jeer him.

No one had any Idea who he was
or what provocation he perceived or what
he would have done
had he managed to open the doors.

Naturally, once the Tram left him behind
I tried to just kind of stand there
looking unperturbed

It wasn't till the following morning I thought
how much worse the situation
may have turned out had he managed
to open the door or I had been walking
past this guy Instead of on public transport.


( Unforgotten Feelings )

Miss you, miss you all the time,
but I miss you most
When I lay awake at night, and think of all
the great times that we spent with each other
For those were some of the best
And most memorable times of my life.

When we met I found the other half of me,
your soul shone bright with purity
and every part of you helped to heal
the sore parts of me, was so easy
to believe In you because
you are everything I hold dear
Within my own heart.

Amazed when I look at you
not because of your looks
but because of the fact that everything
I've ever wanted Is right In front of me.

Hate being away from from you.
One day, we will never have to say goodbye.
only goodnight, my promise Is with one kiss,
you'll be whispering to me the word " stay.

Serendipity led me to find you,
but love Is making me stay.

There Is where I hide a thousand words of love
In the hope you will taste them all one by one.
Taste the words I fail to say that sit waiting
for you on the edge of these lips.
You are the poem that lives Inside of me,
The words going around In my head,
I may fasten the letters and bring the words
Together, but you are what colours them
And brings them to life.

Infected by your love, fevered from your lust,
Oh I hope I'll never be coured.

There are souls we meet that we Instantly Connect withIt Is rare.But when It happens, It's magicLove always has a voiceE...

There are souls we meet that we Instantly
Connect with
It Is rare.
But when It happens, It's magic
Love always has a voice
Even when words aren't spoken.


Never thought I'd find a woman
With so much strength
And feeling, a woman with such
Integrity and goodness In her heart.

The more I know, the deeper I appreciate
And love her deeply and passionately
As I'd cherish and enjoy a rare priceless
Work of art.

Realize this woman may not be as perfect
As I see her, yet In my eyes and In my heart,
There Is no one else on earth
More genuine and precious
Than my one and only love,
And there Is no treasure anywhere
To equal what she Is worth.

Seduced my mind, Gave her my body
Found her soul, took my heart,
Will risk getting burnt
Just to feel her heat.

Warned, If I ever tried to tame
The wild In her
She would tear me apart.

This woman Is all that Is wild In me
Tomorrow with her Is worth
Every yesterday I spent without this woman.

Love very much the order of the dayAs we fast approach the eve of a new year.Stay warm safe and well everyone.Happy new ...

Love very much the order of the day
As we fast approach the eve of a new year.

Stay warm safe and well everyone.
Happy new year to you.

" when will this longing ever end ?
Will this wanting ever stop ?
Even when I have just been with you,
I ache to be with you again.

" you should go" I breathed
" you should definitely go."
" go here?" her mouth was on my shoulder.
" Or here?" It moved up my neck.

Love the taste of her kiss,
But even more do I love the taste of her soul,
Love the way It feels
When you stroke my soul.

Want to touch more than your body
Pe*****te more than your soul,
Feeling your heart against my heart
And beat In rhythm as one
With the pleasures of our emotions.

Love that lustrous feel of her radian skin,
But what I love even more
Is the lustrous feel of that soul,
That radiant soul that lives within.

There Is nothing more attractive
Than watching her eyes come alive
With the sight of me.

My body wants her but It Is my soul
That craves her.
These hands know what It means
To lovingly hold you, no part of you
Will ever slip through my fingers.
They will remind you of all you are
And that you'll always be safe within them

You spoke to me with your eyes
And held me In your smile.

My heart has never been touched
That way before.
You truly saw me when my love
Found It's place In your arms,
I knew we were both home.

" when will this longing ever end ?Will this wanting ever stop ?Even when I have just been with you,I ache to be with yo...

" when will this longing ever end ?
Will this wanting ever stop ?
Even when I have just been with you,
I ache to be with you again.

" you should go" I breathed
" you should definitely go."
" go here?" her mouth was on my shoulder.
" Or here?" It moved up my neck.

Love the taste of her kiss,
But even more do I love the taste of her soul,
Love the way It feels
When you stroke my soul.

Want to touch more than your body
Pe*****te more than your soul,
Feeling your heart against my heart
And beat In rhythm as one
With the pleasures of our emotions.

Love that lustrous feel of her radian skin,
But what I love even more
Is the lustrous feel of that soul,
That radiant soul that lives within.

There Is nothing more attractive
Than watching her eyes come alive
With the sight of me.

My body wants her but It Is my soul
That craves her.
These hands know what It means
To lovingly hold you, no part of you
Will ever slip through my fingers.
They will remind you of all you are
And that you'll always be safe within them

You spoke to me with your eyes
And held me In your smile.

My heart has never been touched
That way before.
You truly saw me when my love
Found It's place In your arms,
I knew we were both home.


A woman shines most brilliantly
When you make her
Feel truly loved.

Polish the priceless jewel she Is
Make her glow.

Show her your mind, and you will see hers,
Go touch her soul and you will see
How good It Is when your soul Is touched.

Your soul Is touched the way
Your body Is touched
Softly yet Insatiably.

Love the melody of your voice
The way It sings to my soul.

Run your fingers Into the depts
Of my sensuality.
Let me take you deeper.

Allow me to dip my fingers Into your mind
And taste your decadent thoughts.

Even If we do nothing
You are who I want to do It with.

A lady but there's nothing gentle
About the way you kiss me.

Nothing else I want
Than to be wanted by you.

Nothing Is more Intimate to me
Than breathing In the air
That filled your lungs.

If you are asking If I need you,The answer Is forever.If  you are asking If I will leave you,The answer Is never.You ask...

If you are asking If I need you,
The answer Is forever.
If you are asking If I will leave you,
The answer Is never.

You ask me what I value
The answer Is you.
If you are asking do I love you.
The answer Is I do.

For yesterday's memories,
Todays time,and tomorrow's dreams
I love you.

The greatest relationships
Are the ones you never expected to be In.

A healthy relationship Is one
Where Independant people just make a deal
That they will help make the other person
The best versions of themselves.

We all get to that age where we are too old
To be playing games, too old to just
Be " talking " to someone.
Too old to be jumping from one person
To another, too old to be waiting for their texts
Or call first.

Stability, consistency, respect and loyalty
Are qualities you should be seeking
In one another.
Find someone you can build with,
Not someone you can't sleep with.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong
And start being excited
About what could go right.

The most Important thing In communication
IS hearing what Isn't said.

No wants trouble, but sometimes troubleHas a way of finding you.Something that certainly wasn't on the mind ofTony Scott...

No wants trouble, but sometimes trouble
Has a way of finding you.

Something that certainly wasn't on the mind of
Tony Scott as he waited for his tinder date
To turn up, having arranged to meet her outside the bar Tommy normally socialised In
At the weekends.

Have you been stood up Tony
Remarked some of the locals as they walked
In the door past him, to which Tony replied
I'm early and you can't have a lady
Standing around on these cold nights,
Not very gentlemanly like.

Now with time getting on Tony started to think
Maybe I am getting stood up, looking at his
Watch seeing his date was now 15 mins late.

With the rain now starting to fall
This making Tony's mind up, I have waited
Long enough and this Is certainly not worth
Getting soaked to the skin for.

One last look up and down the street
With no one In sight convinced Tony
That's It he muttered to himself,
Get yourself Inside for a beer.

Turning to walk into the bar, Tony was stopped
In his tracks by a voice saying,
Mister Tony Scott, a very good evening to you.
Know I am not quite what you were expecting
To meet here tonight, It has been a very busy
Night so far for me, you are my last visit.

Forgetting my manners, forgive me Tony
Let me Introduce myself to you,
My name Is Tanas Veild, delighted to meet you
Dumbfounded by the figure who seemingly
In Tony's eyes, appeared out of nowhere
And standing motionless before him,
Asked are you from the App people.

Did not think you people made personal calls
To check on your clients, like the personal
Touch Sir but as you can see
The lady did not turn up.

Apologies Mister Scott we seem to have got
Off on the wrong footing here,
Let me rectify matters If you will allow me.
You seem to be of the misapphension
That I am here for another reason,
Let me assure you I am not In fact I am here
For the purpose of passing on a gift
Of sorts to you.

Tony now began thinking that this was some
Sort of a prank, his friends deciding
To set him up, okay Mister Veild, If that
Is your name, you got me now tell me me
Who was It that put you up to this,
Was It Chris and Mike.

Nobody you know brought me here tonight
Our meeting Is down to someone else,
It Is safe to say you would not have met before
That much I am sure of Mister Scott.

Mr Scott, If I may can I call you Tony.
Have brought you a gift, It Is In the box
Please go ahead and open It.
There you see a phone, logged Into the phone
Are three single digit numbers.

What kind of game are you playing here
What ever your name Is, let me assure you Sir
This Is no game, attached to the single digits
Are the names of three people who you will
Have had or about to have contact with
Sometime soon, let me help you out a little.
The three name are of someone
Close to you, people near and dear to you.

Mister Tanas Veild, If that Is even your name
Go back to whatever planet you came from
And leave me the hell alone.

Mr Scott let me explain what Is happening,
You are getting a chance here to save a life
And who knows maybe your own,
All you have to do Is by pressing 6 you will bring back a life of someone once close
To you Tony, decide to press 6 twice you will
Save someone's life tonight,
Decide to press 6 three times, well that Indeed
Opens up a totally different scenario.
You get the chance to save a life In the future.

Okay, okay I'll go along with this
And play your silly game and after all
This craziness I'm going to make sure you see
The Inside of a padded cell, let's get on
With this nonsense and tell me who are these
People I have to call.

Why don't we forgo the formalities now
Should you decide to press six just once
Then you get to bring back someone who
Has long since left this world,
Simple terms Tony you get to bring someone
Back from the dead, whoever or whatever
You are, you do belong In a padded cell.

Admire your gusto Tony, will It though be enough to help you decide the right thing
To do here, now should you opt for choice
Number 2 all you have to do Is press six twice
And you save the life of someone
Who will die tonight.

Who knows who It might be, a total stranger
Perhaps your wife Tony, could It be that
A gas explosion removes her
From this world to the here after.

That takes us call number three
And we have said what the outcome from that
Could be for you, yes a whole new world.
Now there you have It Tony, your three choices
Which one do you go for, the thought too
With choice three being you get to save a life
Somewhere down the road.

Knowing what I now know about you Tony,
With you being a good person
Throughout your life I have decided to give you
Another option, you might even say Tony
A way out of what you call madness.

Here Is your Ticket to freedom, your way out
Taking an envelope from his Inside pocket
Mr Veild placed It Tony's hand, Instructing him
To open It, Tony removed on first sight what
Looked like a train ticket.
That ticket entitles you to a seat on
The 5.30 non stop express tomorrow
Leaving from platform 6, a journey that takes
You far from here Tony.

Can see you are giving the Idea some thought,
Yes I am and tell me just how far away will It
Take me away from you If I was to take you
Up on that Mr Veild, now now Tony I have said
No more formalities the ticket Is just one way.

There Is a whole new world awaits
Your arrival and once you have reached
Your destination It will become all that
More clearer to you.

Alright I'll play out your silly little game,
How long have I got to make my mind up.
When the clock strikes 11 o'clock
I'll be back for your answer Tony.
Suggest you don't waste time on thinking
What your next move Is going to be.

Having now taken a seat at the bar
Mumbling to himself, Jesus do I need a drink.
Calling Jack, the barman on duty Tony put
A question to him, Jack you have know me
A long time, yes I have, have I at any time
Come accross as someone who might be
Losing his marbles, Tony you are about as sane as well as Insane like many here.
That Is what I hoped you might say,
Thank you Jack now be so kind as to pour me
A brandy please and keep them coming
My friend till I say stop or you have to throw
Me out on the street.

Now just as he was about to down
His third Brandy Tony suddenly felt a cold chill
Then everything around him went dark,
Looking straight ahead at the mirror
Hanging behind the bar, looking straight back
At Tony was the Image of Mister Veild.

Hello Tony It's 11 o'clock, I'm back
And it's time for you to give me an answer,
What Is It going to be, does someone live
Or does someone die tonight.

Standing up and leaning over the bar
Tony reached for a whiskey bottle, throwing It
At and smashing the mirror Into pieces,
Your not real, none of this Is real,
Do you hear me, this It not real, no no no.

Feeling now that with breaking the mirror
Not only got rid of Valids Image
Seemed It released another side of Tony
He was now acting like a man possessed.

Trying hard to fight this, Tony crumbled to the now constant voice of Valid, repeating over
It Is time Tony look at the hour glass
Your time Is now up and for trying to cross me
Removing one of your options, you have failed
To save the life of your wife,
Look to the Television screen Tony.

See the news stations are covering the story
Of a gas explosion at your house, look again
They are carrying out your wife's body,
A harsh lesson not to cross me Tony.

There Is still a chance for you though
To walk away, take the ticket and board
That train tomorrow, who knows? You might
Make some new friends who are just like you

Please stop this now, I'm taking the envelope
Going to use the ticket, just stop all this now.
Remember you must be on board for 5.30
Tony you have made the right decision
And who knows I just might see you tomorrow.
Do not be late, I do not want to have to send
Someone to meet you again,
The 5.30 non stop express always leaves
On time from platform Six.

What a very Interesting conversation I hadWith a Female friend over breakfast This morning.As I was just about to tuck I...

What a very Interesting conversation I had
With a Female friend over breakfast
This morning.

As I was just about to tuck Into
My scrambled eggs and toast the lovely Kim
Leaned across the table kissed me,
Then said she had something
She wanted to say, asking me first to promise
Not to laugh.

This won't take long will It, don't want my eggs
To go cold, something that was met
With a kick In the ankle under the table,
Only kidding sweetheart.
What Is It you want say, you now have my
Undivided attention now.

Okay then here It Is, I have completely fallen
For you babe, everything you do,
Everything you say, everything you are.

You're my first thought In the morning,
My last thought before I fall asleep,
And you're almost every thought Inbetween.

Now I just wanna see you. Hold you.
Hug you. Touch you. Kiss you.
Cuddle with you. Love you.

I'm going to love you
In your weakest moments
To your strongest ones.

Love you when your happy and I'm still going
To Love you the most when your sad.

Want you with your Imperfections
As Much as I want you for you.
Have never supposed to fall so hard
But you know what? I did
And that's the truth.

Here's a hug from me to you to show I care,
To see you through,
Just hold me tight, and keep me near,
A hug to show I'm always here.
My favourite place Is Inside your hug.

Have this wish for us to last
Do not want to have an amazing few months
And then see It all over In a flash
My dream Is for us to last.

Tell me right now
What's running through your mind
As you look at me.

What's running through my mind now
Thinking of you keeps me awake
Dreaming of you keeps me asleep
Being with you keeps me alive.

Not to spoil the ending for you,
But everything Is going to be OK.

The Art of Seducing Emma.( One )The most precious gift you can give a womanIs the gift of your time and affection.Knowin...

The Art of Seducing Emma.

( One )

The most precious gift you can give a woman
Is the gift of your time and affection.

Knowing what a woman really wants
And slowly giving It to her In a way
That takes her breath away.

Start to unravel the parts of her
That she couldn't show, and reassure her
You both belong here.

( Two )

Be dangerous, be bold, even fanciful,
Quietly alluring, depending on the nature
Of your aims.
Rule number one: don't be ordinary.

A woman will tell you most men
Are much too obvious-- Instead be hard
To figure out.

( Three )

The greatest mistake In seduction
Is being too nice.
Your desire, you will see manifest Itself
Around your hints and teases.

( Four )

This will keep her captivated
By the mere suggestion of fulfillment.
As a man your greatest danger here
Is your ego, and how It makes you
Unconsciously maintain Illusions
About yourself.

( Five )

Remember seduction Is much more
Than beauty; It's generous, It Is Intelligent,
It's mysterious, most Important of all
It's exclusive.

( Six )

Seduction Is looked upon
By some as a form of deception, but In truth
Don't people want to be led astray,
They yearn to be seduced.

( Seven )

Do much more than touch her heart
Charm and seduce her soul.
The right woman will prioritize you
Above all else.

( Eight )

Act with Intention, love with purpose
This woman will not taste, but devour you.
Protect your heart
And satisfy your soul.

( Nine )

Be with that someone who loves your soul
Seduce your mind, never Ignore you.

( Ten )
When your heart Is Hungry
That feeling you get In your stomach
When your heart aches,
Go to the heart that loves you.

Didn't fall In love with you.Walked Into love with you,With my eyes wide openChoosing to take every step along the way.Y...

Didn't fall In love with you.
Walked Into love with you,
With my eyes wide open
Choosing to take every step along the way.

Yes I believe In fate and destiny,
But also believe we are fated to do the things
We'd choose anyway.

And I'd choose you In a hundred lifetimes
In a hundred worlds In any version of reality,
Would find you and I'd choose you.

For once In my life
No need to try to be happy.
When I'm with you, It just happens.

Had from time to time wondered
Was love worth fighting for,
But then I remember your face
And I'm ready for war.

The world Is full of thorns
But you are like a tender rose.
Loving you fills my life
With a beautiful fragrance,
And I cannot stop even If I tried.

You're the only one
Who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for,
The only one who I can never get tired
Of talking to
And the only one who crosses my mind,
Constantly throughout the day.

You make me smile without trying
The one I'm afraid of losing,
And the one I want to keep In my Life.

Have never had a moments doubt.
I love you believe In you completely
You are my dearest one, my reason for life.


Portland Street





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