Taking Risks: Can a risky decision bring success?
I’m a big F1 fan, and this weekends racing has been absolutely unbelievable!
While I’m a Red Bull fan through and through (not through choice, but by marriage - don’t ask!), I was really impressed with Charles Leclerc’s drive in Austria.
He has never won a race when he hasn’t started on pole.
Sunday, he raced his Ferrari F1 car, that within the final 10 laps of the race, had a major problem with the throttle. He raced a car that effectively had no proper throttle control. He was using his feet to push and pull on the throttle just to make it round the circuit.
This is a guy driving a car at speeds of 200mph around a circuit, hitting multiple G-Force sectors under breaking, and accelerating through corners, and yet he’s doing all this, the fastest out of everyone on the track, with a damaged throttle pedal.
Crazy right?!
How many of us would have just packed it in then and there and said, it’s too dangerous, I can’t do it?
How many of us would have said I’ll see it through to the end but reduce my pace and hope that I make it?
How many of us would do the same as Leclerc, come across a major problem that can effect the outcome of his race, make a temporary patch with what he had available at the time (his foot), without losing his race pace and still finish in 1st place?
Like Charles, when you hit potential roadblocks that can slow down your race, what are you doing to move yourself forward?
Just like Charles had some major choices that if chosen incorrectly, could have finished his race early. You too also have choices when it comes to moving your business forward with the speed and direction it takes.
Do you hit your roadblocks head on, find solutions, so you can continue to move your business forward?
Or do you pull out of the race at the earliest opportunity because your equipment (or strategy, or marketing, or staff), is a little busted up and not working the way you need them to?
Winning doesn’t come by hiding away, it’s come from being proactive and finding solutions when things aren’t working right.
You can swap out what’s not working with what will work better. Just like a car has swappable parts to improve performance, so does your business too.
Marketing, website design, digital activities, new products/services, email marketing, branding, staff. You name it.
All of these things of swapped around in the right way at the right time can help to improve your business performance.
Are you ready to switch up and improve your performance?