Welcome one an all! #nordenfarmcentreforarts #nordenfarmcentreforthearts #nordenfarm #enjoymaidenhead #berkshireevents #londonevents #fuhaar #fuhaarevents #fuhaar2017 #maidenhead #maidenheadevents #marlow #taplow #pinkneysgreen #maidenheadnews
Inviting all craft lovers to our summer event, taking place on 10th June at @nordenfarmcentreforarts at their long barn hall. Please come one and all! #maidenhead #maidenheadevents #juneevents2017 #londonevents #berkshireevents #enjoymaidenhead #nordenfarm #nordenfarmcentreforthearts
An exciting message from one of our dance groups!!!! Oh we are thrilled! 💃💃
Got a lovely surprise this morning:) A video of a large banner of Fuhaar getting printed. I am amazed to see the quality of the work and the colours are showing beautifully!
Video Courtesy: @Pritesh Tank
Thanks Pavneet, for your wonderful words!
Delighted to receive this video from lovely Rajeswari, owner of #thefareastartstudio
Who will be exhibiting at Fuhaar this time. Here's what she has to say..
This is a personal invitation to my Diwali event. The arts & crafts of India, the richness and intricacy of it all, the culture and heritage with a spiritual base, has always inspired me, Fuhaar was born out of this urge to share the love of India with the whole world!
Here's a video of lovely Masha telling what Fuhaar means to her:)
Pls send in yours ASAP!